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More new planets there could be?


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I know, many people don't like taking the time to go through planets, complete quests and so on. Alderaan = boring.


But, like the planets in the Expansions and things, you didn't actually HAVE to complete them. Get them for free. No having to buy stuff. But when you can't find a warzone, maybe just fly to Geonosis and chil while killing buggies. or going to Mandalore( for my Bounty hunter pals out there ). or maybe Kashyyk or even Bespin, maybe add some more Hutt planets. I am pretty sure can't be the only one that likes jusst going through the planet, not doing missions, just seeing what it is and what it's like. I feel likestuff like Rishi is pretty awesome. But maybe not touched so much by the Galactic War. So if you have any ideas for cool planets please tell me. :rak_03:

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I think it's worth at the very least examining a list of the planets seen in movies without in game representation (I'm excluding worlds seen only in the order 66 montage)




Bespin (cloud city IIRC isn't built yet though)






of that last it's worth noting that Naboo is third only to Tatooine and Courscant for number of times seen within the films.

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I think it's worth at the very least examining a list of the planets seen in movies without in game representation (I'm excluding worlds seen only in the order 66 montage)




Bespin (cloud city IIRC isn't built yet though)






of that last it's worth noting that Naboo is third only to Tatooine and Courscant for number of times seen within the films.

Agree. I'd like to see all the planets from the movies in game.

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I think it's worth at the very least examining a list of the planets seen in movies without in game representation (I'm excluding worlds seen only in the order 66 montage)




Bespin (cloud city IIRC isn't built yet though)






of that last it's worth noting that Naboo is third only to Tatooine and Courscant for number of times seen within the films.


Naboo is barely settled in this timeframe; barely as in "still arriving and setting up pre-fab housing" insofar as non-Gungans are concerned.

Endor, despite a certain mercenary that runs about the place, is pretty much unknown (unlike Yavin IV's moon).


Kamino, I'd love. I'd like more of Manaan too.


But, I suspect we'll see new planets not in our current lorezone; I suspect we'll see Rishi Maze planets in the expac.

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Current planet counts:

City: 2. Coruscant, Coronet-part-of-Corellia

Swamps: 3. Hutta, Balmora, Quesh,

Ice: 3. Belsavis, Hoth, Illum,

Terran Normal: 5. Aldaraan, Makeb, Ord Mantell, Tython, Voss.

Storm: 1. Dromund Kaas

Desert: 1. Tatoonie

Arid: 1. Korriban

Jungle: 1. Taris,

Waterworld: 1/2. Manaan.


New, non-current-lore-space planetary themes I'd like to see:

I'd like an airless world/dome situation. Kinda similar in theme to Belsavis.

A mountain world... Makeb came close with the vistas and mountains, but... something you can slide between via a hangglider/speeder. Have "air tunnel currents" tunnels or somesuch between the mountains.

Big Sky world. Think Montana, WITH buffalo herds...


Worlds I don't want to see:

Ugh, done with swamp worlds. Same with Iceworlds.

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[quote=Worlds I don't want to see:

Ugh, done with swamp worlds. Same with Iceworlds.


agreed. I think Onderon would be really cool, as seen in the Clone Wars. Also, Salucemai (spelled wrong) would be cool, a hybrid savannah/jungle kind of thing. After all, it is mentioned a lot of the time, in SWTOR, TCW, and so on.

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Malachor V would be a good op/flashpoint location.


I always thought of Balmora as more of a savanna planet, myself.


That's... probable. I think the bugswamp (as I saw it first as a pub) might have negatively impacted my impression of Balmora.


agreed. I think Onderon would be really cool, as seen in the Clone Wars. Also, Salucemai (spelled wrong) would be cool, a hybrid savannah/jungle kind of thing. After all, it is mentioned a lot of the time, in SWTOR, TCW, and so on.


I would love to return to Onderon... although, there are a lot of parallels between the storylines of Yavin V, Ziost, and Alderaan there.

A planet out of the Hapes cluster might be fun... but I figure all the new planets are in the Maze. That is wide, wide open territory in there.

Edited by myrdinn
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