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Unacceptable behavior in a open rp?


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So here i was this morning on fleet, looking for some casual rp at the Cantina. I do this from time to time to see if i can 1. Have a fun rp 2. Make a new friend or two. So im chatting with another smuggler, just making small talk, and we get another random person walk up, who begins trying to pick a fight. Nothing was said or directed at this person, they were just being belligerent. My rp partner tried to ignore them, but me being me, i rolled with it and tried to defuse the situation, and this person emote that they spit on me...


Once again we had done nothing and i rped through it, but did something that effected the other character "god moded" is what i was told i had done, after being spit on through a mask, but at this point im over it, but the fact that i felt grieved or bullied by this person annoyed me.


One of the people that was around messaged me about "god moding" and I asked "what about the guy being a a-hole?" They responded "He's not. He's a really nice person... his character was just drunk..."


Bare with me my rant is nearly over... So does your character is drunk give a person to randomly harrass other people? Im fairly thick skinned, a military wife who has seen and been a part of some craziness, both in rl and in games, but this morning....

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Sounds like the guy was trolling, to be honest.


Generally, if someone is RPing their character as a dick, that's A-ok. However, when they start being a dick OUT of character, then that's when you ignore them oocly with an actual /ignore instead of just avoiding them in RP.


Still, if you don't want to RP with someone, you don't have to, even if they are just RPing.

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The problem is that there are no real repercussions for acting like that in game. In real life if you were at the airport bar and acting like that, you'd be dealt with, and fairly swiftly. But in game, there simply aren't any moderators online to monitor chat, which is sad, but apparently not in the budget...


Not much you can do other than to /ignore the player and hope he gets bored. :(

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You're RPing in a bar.

You ran into a person RPing as being drunk and belligerent.

There's no real problem here other than his open RP ran into your closed circle.


I disagree. First of all the OP didn't "run into" a person RPing being drunk and belligerent. They were engaged in their own RP when they were approached. Second, so if the third party wants to join in but is going to be an belligerent, then that person has to be willing to accept RP consequences for their actions. If I encounter a RP group I'd like to partake in and am playing my toon in a sketchy or shady manner a simple /t ooc asking or advising the other person removes much of the ill will. Just because you're playing a "drunk" (which imo is the lowest form of RP) doesn't give you the right to act like an ****** without repercussions.

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