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Datacrons Are For Legacies


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Ironically, I suck at Super Mario or a good deal of platformers...


I suck at super mario, platformers and jumping puzzles. I don't even know why I keep playing games that seem to feature them to some degree O_O. stubbornness? something else? I do admit , it could be worse. it could be WoW's jumping puzzles. SWTOR jump physics are iffy but not nearly as iffy as those in WoW. still. timing those jumps can be very challenging for a lot of us and since missing a jump means starting completely over vast majority of the time? yeah....


it did help a lot being able to rant to my guildies when I was catching up on all the datacrons I missed. but it didn't make actual jumping any less of a... ugg. I practically had a goddamn panic attacks when doing Tat datacrons. because missing that jump meant not only having to start over, but also having to spend another hour waiting and traveling back... and hoping I don't miss that jump again I didn't miss it the first time, but my hands were shaking which is so freaking stupid since its a video game, not.. jumping out of actual airplane with a para-shoot. but tell that to my stupid body, that decided to react the same exact way to both. aaaaanyways.


getting datacron master once should be more than enough to unlock legacy datacrons. IMO.

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Since many are in different places for the other faction this actually makes perfect sense, hopefully the Datacron Master achievement is what they are looking at to activate the- whatever it is they are planning.


Also, you could really use lessons on the edit function here on the forums.

No thanks. Spamming is more efficient
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Why not?


If they remove the stat bonuses from the datacrons and just make them equivalent to lore objects, would that be a problem? If so, why?


It would trivialize all the work people have done to get them. Who gives a **** about the achievement? Most only care about the stat boost.

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Huh.. I love getting datacrons, I get all of them on all my characters (still a work in progress, have 46 characters atm and always making new ones) and this would be of no use to me, but I understand I am a minority in that regard and it would not harm me if it would be made easier for others. I know my partner (that got the achievement with my help, but having to fight through a lot of frustration ^^) will never do a full datacron run again, and would appreciate this.


That said, I hope it will not be automatic. I know I can just walk up to them at any time anyway (and I frequently do so anyway, either to help people or just because I'm close by), but I would find it massively disappointing if the process of actually receiving the bonus from the datacron would be limited to the amount of servers I've not yet unlocked them on.


Not advocating an expense of any kind, but at least an action that needs to be taken in order to unlock them.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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Huh.. I love getting datacrons, I get all of them on all my characters (still a work in progress, have 46 characters atm and always making new ones) and this would be of no use to me, but I understand I am a minority in that regard and it would not harm me if it would be made easier for others. I know my partner (that got the achievement with my help, but having to fight through a lot of frustration ^^) will never do a full datacron run again, and would appreciate this.


That said, I hope it will not be automatic. I know I can just walk up to them at any time anyway (and I frequently do so anyway, either to help people or just because I'm close by), but I would find it massively disappointing if the process of actually receiving the bonus from the datacron would be limited to the amount of servers I've not yet unlocked them on.


Not advocating an expense of any kind, but at least an action that needs to be taken in order to unlock them.

Minority? It's been highly requested for YEARS.


Minority is an understatement. For every person like you, there's 90 people that want this.

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It would trivialize all the work people have done to get them. Who gives a **** about the achievement? Most only care about the stat boost.

The only reason I did them on my main was stat boost. Now I understand the stat boost really doesn't mean anything now. However, after all the work I did getting them all in the first place. I would be extremely disappointed if they remove the boost. I have done many of them on alts, but the really stupid difficult long ones I haven't bothered. Boost was nice at launch, but now it really doesn't make a difference. I have my main that has all the datacrons and a recent 12xp alt. Both are sawbones, both are mainly in 192 set bonus gear with a few pieces of 198 gear. I can't see where my main is any better than the alt. She does have a little more HP, but not enough for anyone to really notice.


I haven't seen anyone spamming fleet LF dps for HM ToS, please link datacron achievements. :p


That said. I really can't wait for Legacy datacron. It will prevent me from even thinking about doing them on one of the alts I use in operations.

Edited by mikebevo
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Honestly news like these are incredibly promising and encouraging. What drives me nuts is that those that usually disagree with things like this always do so without offering any objective feedback. It's always subjective. It's always "I wouldn't want this". "I'll be disappointed".


Double XP - Minorities: I don't want this. I wanna keep grinding levels and learn the stories on all characters


12xp - See above


Legacy Wide Datacrons - "I did all that work for nothing"


OPS brought to level - "why just bring new ops"


Legacy Wide Anything - "I like getting everything on each toon even if it takes countless hours"


None of you can ever provide objective reasons why you believe improvements like these are not valid and/or welcome. It's always "I feel this" and "I feel that"


Newsflash....the game is made for a general audience. A general population. As special as you think you are, the MAJORITY always matters most.

Edited by royhenderson
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The only reason I did them on my main was stat boost. Now I understand the stat boost really doesn't mean anything now. However, after all the work I did getting them all in the first place. I would be extremely disappointed if they remove the boost. I have done many of them on alts, but the really stupid difficult long ones I haven't bothered. Boost was nice at launch, but now it really doesn't make a difference. I have my main that has all the datacrons and a recent 12xp alt. Both are sawbones, both are mainly in 192 set bonus gear with a few pieces of 198 gear. I can't see where my main is any better than the alt. She does have a little more HP, but not enough for anyone to really notice.


I haven't seen anyone spamming fleet LF dps for HM ToS, please link datacron achievements. :p


That said. I really can't wait for Legacy datacron. It will prevent me from even thinking about doing them on one of the alts I use in operations.


Well, they have stated that instead of the normal main stat like strength, aim, etc. We will have a single mastery skill that is the same for all classes.


This means on the one hand that there is a lot less variation in gear needed at the gear vendors, but it also means that datacrons may become a lot more powerful since everything that gives, strength, aim, cunning and willpower would all contribute to this mastery skill. When they become powerful like that, they will become a requirement for sure for HM. Then of course it would be necessary to make datacrons legacy wide or it will create a big *****torm in an otherwise alt-friendly game.


So I'm thinking this is the reason why it's getting priority suddenly.

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It would trivialize all the work people have done to get them. Who gives a **** about the achievement? Most only care about the stat boost.


I would think (and expect) the stats would be removed from all the datacrons and attached to the achievement instead. IE: You would get the STAT boost to mainstat instead AFTER you have the achievement. (Makes the most sense and likely quickest way to resolve the issue).


Keep in mind we got new ones on Rishi recently and the one before that was +10 END on Makeb. Considering we still have not seen a new "Matrix Relic" option I would think they would have reworked this at some point in time.

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Minority? It's been highly requested for YEARS.


Minority is an understatement. For every person like you, there's 90 people that want this.


That person was saying that they were in the minority of people who don't want the feature.


"this would be of no use to me, but I understand I am a minority"

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It would trivialize all the work people have done to get them. Who gives a **** about the achievement? Most only care about the stat boost.


people who have the achievement care about the achievement. since you don't need to have gotten all of them to have stat boost.


and people who have "done the work" had use of all those stats boosts all this time. so change doesn't trivialize that any more than level cap increases and gear resets trivialize "the work" people did to get old set, or for that matter - expansions eventually becoming included in subscription (KoTFE does that too, you know). you got to use and enjoy them all this time, while other people will have to wait.

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people who have the achievement care about the achievement. since you don't need to have gotten all of them to have stat boost.


and people who have "done the work" had use of all those stats boosts all this time. so change doesn't trivialize that any more than level cap increases and gear resets trivialize "the work" people did to get old set, or for that matter - expansions eventually becoming included in subscription (KoTFE does that too, you know). you got to use and enjoy them all this time, while other people will have to wait.


^^ Word. :)

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Well, they have stated that instead of the normal main stat like strength, aim, etc. We will have a single mastery skill that is the same for all classes.


This means on the one hand that there is a lot less variation in gear needed at the gear vendors, but it also means that datacrons may become a lot more powerful since everything that gives, strength, aim, cunning and willpower would all contribute to this mastery skill. When they become powerful like that, they will become a requirement for sure for HM. Then of course it would be necessary to make datacrons legacy wide or it will create a big *****torm in an otherwise alt-friendly game.


So I'm thinking this is the reason why it's getting priority suddenly.


And, since I have them all, I'm totally okay with that.

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It is the part about BW caving in to people whining, or directly lying, about something being hard that I have the main problem with.


Getting datacrons is not hard. At best, some are annoying (Grophets on Rishi). But majority of them do not require any complex jumping, like people tend to claim, most being just walking up to them without being a blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient


why do you have this deep need to micromanage other peoples recreation time? have you sought professional help with this? the difficulty has no bearing on it. your need to tell others how they should play does.

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Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.




Finally after 113 pages from....




or the other countless sub threads on the same subject that were posted to the suggestion box


We get something from feedback...


Maybe...just maybe....this hopefully works out!!!!!!!!


But...it would be nice if the devs posted....in the suggestion box area.... once in a while to let people know that they are actually working on something


It would let people know that putting suggestions in the suggestion box of the forums that they might actually be looked at...

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Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.




Any chance you can fix this while your at it....Its onlt been a year now and is game breaking for returning players, Class quests, Story Quests, Locations, Datacrons, the list goes on and on.



Edited by Nippon
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  • 1 month later...
Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.




I think this is a great idea! Doubt it will be on launch.


The question i have though; does this pertain to the currently implemented datacrons? Or will they be adding new datacrons in the expansion that are only found in the new expansion that are legacy wide?


I dont want to mis-interpret the information at hand.

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