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how many keybindings!!!!!!!!!!


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Is this mainly necessary for PVP? I haven’t ever had to use keybindings in games before and would prefer to not start.


Nah, you need to use more abilities that fit on one bar even. And it's hard to move your hand around to be able to use one bar effectively. I've been clicking around so far and I'm sure I'm a fair amount less effective then I can be if I get one of those 12 button mouses and rebind some of the other keys and then learn to play with those.


I wouldn't say it's a requirement to do that but with how fast paced this game is and with the sheer amount of abilities...

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Is this mainly necessary for PVP? I haven’t ever had to use keybindings in games before and would prefer to not start.


heres the thing with keybind vs clicking


if you are using your mouse to click abilities, you cant use it to move, so you have to use your keyboard to move (turn, not necessarily run forward) which is significantly less effective than using a mouse to turn


in pvp ... yes, its an absolute necessity ... unless you want to get crushed on a constant basis


in pve ... i suppose its not ABSOLUTELY necessary, but youre really at a significant disadvantage when you arent literally holding still and dpsing


keybinds are just far more effective, you can move with your mouse, and attack with your keyboard, flip flop that and its far less effective


i highly suggest that anyone get used to keybinds instead of clicking

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I'm actually suprised the UI/Mod/Addon guru's haven't come up with some extra bars ect. Most other games I've played they have had at least a couple ready to go for launch. Then again I don't understand how they do what they do so maybe theres a reason.
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I'm actually suprised the UI/Mod/Addon guru's haven't come up with some extra bars ect. Most other games I've played they have had at least a couple ready to go for launch. Then again I don't understand how they do what they do so maybe theres a reason.


they arent allowed


BW has to give them permission essentially, which they havent given

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36 keybinds that I pretty much all use.


Toffle, skill based game is great the problem is when only one class require nearly as many hotkeys, I feel like a korean power gamer.


I havnt worked this much in a game since I played Gunz -_-


Korean power gamer.. I would say that is a far cry, but for fun sakes on Korean Power gaming (in Starcraft) here is a fun video on what it looks like.


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personally about 20+, but please, more marauders need to keybind. the amout of times of been running circles around other marauders watching them backpeddle and lol'ing to myself knowing that they are using this time to try and find their move to click, when all this time not doing any damage to be because of no auto attacks.... we are a global class, you need to be spamming your next skill as soon as possible otherwise your not min/maxing and are going to get destroyed by other marauders
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heres the thing with keybind vs clicking


if you are using your mouse to click abilities, you cant use it to move, so you have to use your keyboard to move (turn, not necessarily run forward) which is significantly less effective than using a mouse to turn


in pvp ... yes, its an absolute necessity ... unless you want to get crushed on a constant basis


in pve ... i suppose its not ABSOLUTELY necessary, but youre really at a significant disadvantage when you arent literally holding still and dpsing


keybinds are just far more effective, you can move with your mouse, and attack with your keyboard, flip flop that and its far less effective


i highly suggest that anyone get used to keybinds instead of clicking


Welll ****, I guess I'll have to start then. Hopefully it's pretty easy to retrain my gaming habits.

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I use the same setup for all my characters, gives me easy access to up to 48 hotkeys, without a Naga. Though i will get one eventually I think, I need a new mouse anyway.


So, E as move forward, D as move backward, S as strafe left and F ans strafe right.


You now have 12 keys, Q, W, A, R, T, G, 1-6 within easy reach of your left hand. Add alt, ctrl and shift, and you hae 48 combinations.


It will take time to learn them all, but stick with it, it works.

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Korean power gamer.. I would say that is a far cry, but for fun sakes on Korean Power gaming (in Starcraft) here is a fun video on what it looks like.



I watched that one time and said "Double-U Tee Eff" about 10 times.


Truly insane.

Edited by HeawiNobal
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