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a new vehicle to work as a jetpack just like rocket boots do


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there is an unlock through the legacy window called ''rocket boots'', this ability, (if upgraded all the way) gives you a short boost of 110% speed for 12 seconds and goes on cooldown for 30. if you are wearing no BH armor everytime you activate this skill the character starts flying with a flame coming from the bottom of their feet, but, if you are wearing bounty hunter armor (some bounty hunter gear and cartel gear that has some armorsets that show a jetpack on their back are not upgraded to work with this ability, which I think has to be corrected) it activates the jetpack on the back of the character instead of creating a flame from the bottom of their feet.

what I would like is a vehicule that would permanently activate this ability until the character is attacked or deactivates the ability on purpose (just like every other vehicule).

there is now a jetpack in game, but in my opinion is really big and only shows up in the character's back when activating the ability, with rocket boost instead, only the flames show up which looks much more epic.

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There is a jetpack mount in one of the cartel packs. Plus you can buy it on GTN. I don't think they'd revamp the rocket boost to make it a jetpack like feature, since it was based to look like rocket boots. Edited by tjmck
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  • 2 weeks later...
There is a jetpack mount in one of the cartel packs. Plus you can buy it on GTN. I don't think they'd revamp the rocket boost to make it a jetpack like feature, since it was based to look like rocket boots.


it wasn't made to look as rocket boots, otherwise it wouldn't show flames our of every bounty hunter's chestpiece's jetpack.

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I've always and will always support this idea. Call it the "Covert Mount' like the covert armor that is invisible and just let it use whatever your rocket boot animation would be (either the actual rocket boots or the chestpiece attached jetpack if you're wearing one) Also f you're a force using class it could be a "force speed" animation. Or just make them 3 seperate mounts and let people use them based on what character they're using. Edited by LordGwaereon
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"Rocket Boost"


I did mean to say boost just wasn't paying attention as I was rushing to reply before my smoke break was over at work (except in the parenthesis where I was referencing the specific animation). Anywho I was thinking more on the 3 seperate mounts idea and I like it over the OneMountDoesAll idea. "Rocket Boots" (<--- intentional this time) usable by anyone, uses standard rocket boost animation. "Jet Boost" uses the rocket boost's jetpack animation, only usable with chestpieces w/ built in jetpacks. "Force Prepulsion" uses an animation akin to how Iron Man flies/hovers (slightly leaned forward standard ninja running stance, arms held back with palms turned towards the ground. Instead of fire it would be streams/cones of air being pushed from your palms and feet like an airbender would use), only hovers you a few inches from the groun and is usable only by force classes.


Some of these ideas may be embedded in my mind from a discusion on this topic from awhile ago but I think this would be the best solution. Also if they do implement this I would hope it is as a stand alone cartel purchase and not just in packs, that way no one can complain about getting a mount they can't use without being forced to have an applicable class/armor piece. I feel at least a good chunk of people will get two if not all three eventually anyway but for those who dislike certain looks or classes they can have an applicable mount without having to try their luck selling the unusable one and buying the one they can use on the gtn, while still maintaining the viability of the mounts on the gtn as there will always be people who can/will play the gtn game.

Edited by LordGwaereon
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Honestly I like to see just a Legacy perk that removed the time limit and the cool down on rocket boost.


While a nice idea, it wouldn't work. Rocket boost would have to be reworked since one of its main features is you can use it anywhere, even areas where mounts aren't allowed.

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While a nice idea, it wouldn't work. Rocket boost would have to be reworked since one of its main features is you can use it anywhere, even areas where mounts aren't allowed.


I don't see why you would have to rework it. It has one huge down side over mount it ends as soon as you enter combat. If you aren't combat I really don't think it matters if you are traveling at mount speed in those areas.

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While a nice idea, it wouldn't work. Rocket boost would have to be reworked since one of its main features is you can use it anywhere, even areas where mounts aren't allowed.


the small difference about this perk is that you can use it in ''no vehicule areas'', doing this would cancel this action

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the small difference about this perk is that you can use it in ''no vehicule areas'', doing this would cancel this action

I don't think you would need to cancel it in no vehicle area since rocket boost goes away as soon as you hit combat. That limits advantage of being able to move fast.

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