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SoF Looking to fill 2 Raid team spots.


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We are currently looking for 1 RDPS, 1 healer for a set Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:00 Progression raid team. A Gunslinger is prefered for the DPS spot, but a Commando that also knows how to and is willing to heal is a bonus. Sage DPS is more than welcome as well.

For the healing role any of the 3 healer classes will do, our other healer is flexible.


We are looking for folks ready for HM Progression. Gear is not a big issue, but it is helpful for you to have 192 token/set bonus gear. Attitude, personality, mindset and ability to be part of a team are the most important aspects that we are looking for.


If you are a RDPS or a healer looking for a group please visit http://www.soulsoffate.enjin.com and see if we are a good fit for your style of gaming.


Feel free to send me a PM here, reply to this thread, leave me (Drivan) a message through Enjin or send an in game email to Me on either Drivan, Nikolete or C'aboose

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We have filled the healer spot as of Saturday. We are still looking to fill the RDPS.


Our progression is 5 of 10 currently.

We are close on Torque and have been for a while. We took a break to do achievements and conquests when summer hit because our group is a bunch of "30 somethings" who like to take their families on vacation over the summer. Now that we are ready to get back at it I think we will move rather swiftly if we can get our vacancy filled.


Thank you for your interest, we appreciate it!

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With folks heading off to college and what not we are looking for a couple folks that can DPS for us.


If you are a DPS and looking for a progression group please check us out!

I have 2. good guardian deeps and good sage deeps. I was more interested in the heals spot since thats what im best at but got filled. I could try out for you and wear my cheerleader outfit. READY? OKAY!
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I have 2. good guardian deeps and good sage deeps. I was more interested in the heals spot since thats what im best at but got filled. I could try out for you and wear my cheerleader outfit. READY? OKAY!


Well, on the flip side I am currently healing but would like to DPS again. We could always try a swap. I'm flexible and willing to try anything if it means we can pick up good people and talented healers interested in joining our guild and raid teams!


Come check us out at http://www.soulsoffate.enjin.com, we can chat there and invite you into our TS to see what we can figure out.

Edited by RiVaN_
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We have 3 raid teams, one of which is fairly new and will be in need of a DPS in the near future since one of the team members is off to college in a few weeks.

We have a need for a DPS on another team in the coming weeks as well due to a member taking a break for the birth of their child.


We have a potential 3rd DPS or healer opening in yet another team due to a member's work schedule changing and forcing them to take a break for a while.

These spots are currently filled by Ranged DPS players, but we have some flexibility to be able to have other players swap to other roles if you prefer to heal or maybe even Tank.



Check out our Main recruitment thread here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=682487

and our guild website here http://www.soulsoffate.enjin.com/

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