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Is the Force "shared" amongst its users?


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Random thing I read somewhere once, I think it was mainly talking about the rule of two and it got me wondering if there's a finite amount of "force" and its shared among the users. Which is why the sith always seemed like they were more powerful. There was only two of them using all that dark side stuff. The lightside is divided among a billion jedi. Or not.
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Random thing I read somewhere once, I think it was mainly talking about the rule of two and it got me wondering if there's a finite amount of "force" and its shared among the users. Which is why the sith always seemed like they were more powerful. There was only two of them using all that dark side stuff. The lightside is divided among a billion jedi. Or not.


Sort of you see not even the universe is infinite so yeah but its still way more then needed and used.

Edited by adormitul
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The Force is theoretically limitless, it's people's ability to draw on it that's limited. Technically it would have some limit as it's an energy field generated by living beings so life itself would be its limit. But that's kind of like saying we sort of know about the limits of the observable universe- it's never really going to come up, see?


That doesn't have anything to do with the Sith though. The Rule of Two is meant to conserve power and contain it within one vessel (the Master) with the apprentice eventually taking that power and becoming the vessel themselves.


"To share power is to dilute it." This doesn't mean that literally having too many Sith means there's less Force to go around. It means the order itself is composed of many weaklings when it could be composed of only the strongest, as befit Sith philosophy. A Sith order with many members means some of those members will slip through the cracks and rise in status, despite being weak and inferior. Such inferior Sith being great in number may band together to take down a more powerful Sith and the order as a whole would be weaker. But if you only have two Sith, a Master and an apprentice, you ensure strength grows, not diminishes. This is the wisdom of Darth Bane.

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