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Loosing our previous companions?


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Seems to be several posts on this. For the most part it sounds like we'll for sure lose companions where the voice actors have since passed away or... they aren't hiring the original voice actors for said companions again?


Personally, I'm both excited and very displeased about it. I don't want to lose a companion that I feel invested in just because they didn't hire the voice actor again. Random Example: If I got my gear, pack customization, and really enjoyed my story with Mako... I should be able to keep that companion even if she doesn't appear in the expansion. I don't think I'm alone on that.


The key to this being successful, I hope they know, is there being a proper amount of choice in it. If they arbitrarily toss companions people liked without a damn good reason why they aren't there for us now... people will get mad and some may even quit playing over it. Just how it goes.


That said, there are always companions I've personally wanted to get rid of because I never liked them. Skadge for me personally.


Hopefully they release more to address our concerns... but we'll see. One person's favorite companion is another person's most disliked is what it boils down to. Now I can understand if they put a cap on the number we can have now... but, again, we've got to wait for more clarification on some of these things.

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I hope my SI lose's Ashara Zavros she is extremely annoying, and its annoying you can't turn her to the dark side so they can go ahead and take and get rid of her as long as they replace Ashara with another female that can be romanced for males


Edit: actually Ashara won't be a loss for me at least I romanced and preferred Lana over Ashara and was hoping that Lana would be a party member and I wonder if Lana will be a party member secondly I wonder if my Sith Assassin will be able to continue his romance with Lana some more he has grown attached to Lana

Edited by loctys
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That was funny. I think you are probably the 1% of people I know that like Malavai Quinn. Me like the other 99% of people I know. Can't wait to torture that sucker. Hopefully as I mentioned before being able to heal him in between so I can enjoy his torture longer.
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