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Would the new Skylake 6700K be better than 5820K for SWTOR?


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I know both are kinda overkill (or at least they should be), but I was wondering which would be better for SWTOR. Gonna be building a new computer anyway and can't decide between the two. (Note that I'm not looking for overall PC building advice a la, "you should get neither, you should save money and get X"...I'm specifically asking about these two and how they'd probably compare for SWTOR)


Thanks! :)

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I would highly recommend against the Skylake. Here is a reddit discussion about it with a link to the benchmarks. A tl;dr from one of the posters in that thread


"In conclusion: Reduced gaming performance vs. Haswell, increased platform cost vs. Haswell, inferior overclocking vs. Haswell, stagnant clockspeeds, a new dead end socket, and it trips over the corpse of Broadwell while entering the channel.


This is a bad launch. Keep your Haswells. Hell, keep your Ivy Bridges. You gain nothing by jumping to Skylame."

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Gonna be building a new computer anyway and can't decide between the two.


I'm specifically asking about these two and how they'd probably compare for SWTOR)

Take a look at the CPU comparison here: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/1320?vs=1543


The 6700K has better single-thread performance, worse multi-threaded performance. In SWTOR, it'll probably be "better". But not "better" to the point where you'd actually notice a difference.


If you're planning on overclocking, both should make it to around the ~4.5Ghz mark (unless you get lucky or unlucky), and it could very well be a wash.




Look at secondary aspects that are important to you. Skylake is a little more "future proofed", but the 5820K will do better if you're encoding movies/etc. If SWTOR is the literally the only concern, and particularly if you're overclocking, it really doesn't matter a whole lot and I'd be inclined to just buy based on total system cost.

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My son plays SWTOR on a basic Sandy Bridge based Dell machine with a Core i5 CPU and a GTX 960 and the game plays just fine.


The computer has a clean install of Windows 8.1 and we have a good net connection. I have come to suspect that a lot of people complaining of performance issues on high end machines really have poor net connections, I've found this game is quite playable on even a Core i7-920 machine with an AMD 5850 card on a 1080p monitor.


Note, the game doesn't need bandwidth, saying you have a 50 meg net connection means nothing, the game doesn't even use 1 meg. What you need is a low ping time, low jitter, and few hops to the server with no congestion along the way.

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I'd say that it would be a toss up overall - you wouldn't see any real performance difference between an i5-4690, i5-6600K, i7-6700K, or any Haswell-E.

In particular, the difference between an 6700K and a 5820K would be minimal. This assumes a single high-end graphics card. You might be better off with the 5820K if you plan to use multiple graphics cards.

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