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This needs to be a new cartel GSF ship


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From today's great KOTFE trailer:




Looks like a great candidate for a Clarion/Imperium clone. I think almost every Imperial pilot would buy it.


EDIT: In fact, looking closely at it, it looks like a symmetrical cousin of the Gladiator/Enforcer (the Cartel clone of the Starguard/Rycer)!

Edited by Nemarus
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Yes please.


Personally, I hate asymmetry when it comes to starships, can't stand it. The TZ ship models have always bugged me for their stubby side wing so I have never bothered to purchase them. But if the Devs stuck this model in the game as a fighter, I would be more than happy to shill out the cartel coins for it. It's similar to the TZ but bigger, beefier, more heavily armed and symmetrical; everything I could want in a cartel strike fighter.


(I'd also be more than happy to shill out the coins for a banana boat)



and of course it goes without saying that I would be really happy if they just developed and released the fifth ship type and stuck that in game.


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Ya I looked at it & thought "that's the Gladiator with two wings" :)


I said it a few months ago & I'll say it again, if nothing else, Bioware should at least throw us a bone by giving us new skins for ships to buy with cartel coins. It's not game-breaking and it's a sliver of something GSF. They make new skins for armour & decorations every other week, why not some ship skins??


Do I still want the other improvements like improved fighters, new maps & game modes? Hellz yah!! But in the meantime give us some new starfighter looks. You can pop out 3 different Revan suits & 2 different Malaks and make a hundred different looking chairs but we're stuck with 2 skins for each fighter?

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