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Bug Report: Level 42 Smuggler - Story Mission issue


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I've created a trouble ticket and logged off/on the game. I've tried looking up issue in help center for tips. This didn't help.


I'm on story mission "The Heist of the Millennium" and have to go to secret republic shuttle pad. But I accidently left the instance on Nar Shadda red light district and it's red and will not let me back in even though the mission guide says I have to go in there?


Please help? This is serious game glitch. I've tried resetting the mission also. Can't believe I'm having so much trouble after playing the game as subscriber for past 2 years... This is 2nd character storyline glitch this week.. Yuck!!

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In the past I had a glitch like this and logging onto another character, then back onto the problem one fixed it.

Also, how does one accidentally leave an instance?


Thanks Mowermax... That did the trick. I'm back in the saddle with my smuggler storyline. Yes, I was an idiot and didn't pay attention after the boss fight and left the instance after glimpsing the find secret shuttle pad and assumed it was at spaceport or something... Oops.

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