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Returning Watchman Player from 1.x and early 2.x


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I'm super excited to be downloading the game again, always believed it had the best PVP in an MMO, but the whole system seems to have changed quite dramatically.


I remember the watchman as a class with a very high skill cap, that rewarded quick thinking and mobiity. Not that any class is easy to play at a good level, but it just seemed like you were always on your toes often stealing victory from the jaws of defeat, able to handle so many scenarios if you could only just channel your inner Korean star craft player. :p


I don't outwardly see anything that might make this any different, and I see a number of abilities that are watchman specific with no cooldown, making the class even more dynamic and more difficult/rewarding.


How does this all play out in the game?


Are there any other classes I should consider main'ing that are fun?


And a quick one for anyone that plays from OZ, is the class much harder to play with US pings? Last time I really played we have an OZ server.

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I'm super excited to be downloading the game again, always believed it had the best PVP in an MMO, but the whole system seems to have changed quite dramatically.

The three big change that you've missed are that ranked comms are gone and everything now costs warzone comms (the prices have also been reduced), season rewards are now bought with special season specific comms, and if IIRC when on full resolve you now get slowed instead of rooted (or something like that). I don't follow PvP so I don't know that much about the new rewards system.


I don't outwardly see anything that might make this any different, and I see a number of abilities that are watchman specific with no cooldown, making the class even more dynamic and more difficult/rewarding.


How does this all play out in the game?


The biggest change Watchman went through was the removal was the proc that reset Cauterize's 15s cooldown. Since the pre-3.x rotation was based around getting Cauterize resets EA basically took the legs out from under Watchman in what the Watchman community has widely theorized as an effort to homogenize the DoT spec class to a unified model because it was apparently too difficult for them balance to each class' nuanced model.


EA has made some small improvements to the class, but it still nothing like 2.x Watchman. It is but a shadow of its former self. To many it feels clunky, uninspired, and less fun than before.


Are there any other classes I should consider main'ing that are fun?


The only person that can answer that is you. Different people have different tastes. However, if ops is something you get enjoyment out of then you might want to consider a ranged class as current set of ops, Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice, heavily favour ranged with Commandos being chief among them due to Hold the Line.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I'm super excited to be downloading the game again, always believed it had the best PVP in an MMO, but the whole system seems to have changed quite dramatically.


I remember the watchman as a class with a very high skill cap, that rewarded quick thinking and mobiity. Not that any class is easy to play at a good level, but it just seemed like you were always on your toes often stealing victory from the jaws of defeat, able to handle so many scenarios if you could only just channel your inner Korean star craft player. :p


I don't outwardly see anything that might make this any different, and I see a number of abilities that are watchman specific with no cooldown, making the class even more dynamic and more difficult/rewarding.


How does this all play out in the game?


Are there any other classes I should consider main'ing that are fun?


And a quick one for anyone that plays from OZ, is the class much harder to play with US pings? Last time I really played we have an OZ server.



I'm very sad to say the Watchman spec you loved is gone and devs dont seem to be eager to give it us back. The new Watchman is clunky, has pathetic self heals and instead of strong single target damage, it is built around AoE dotspreading. Ofc it is still viable, but need a higher skill cap and less rewarding.

About classes: if I understand well and you are a PvP player, you need to know that right now Sages, Vanguards and Shadows are FOTM, they basically faceroll any other class. Current strength is like: Sage, VG, Shadow >>>>> Scoundrel > Gunslinger~Guardian~Sentinel >>> Commando. This list shows the viability of classes in solo ranked, in regs and group ranked all classes can be viable, except commandos (and hard time for sents there too). I just wanted to show the current situation, but I really advise that you play a class you enjoy. I still main a Watchman sent (primarily pve, but pvp a lot too), but I also love Deception sin (=Infiltration Shadow), Advanced Prototype PT (=Tactics VG), not because they are FOTM (btw for sins, Hatred is the real FOTM, not Deception) but because they are fun to play. We have 12xp for subs now, so you have your chance to try as many as you wish.


P.S.: if you like support roles then order for tanks is: Vanguard>Shadow>Guardian, for healers: Sage>>>Scoundrel>>>>>Commando

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Many thanks to you both for the replies.


Hmm. I'm happy they have streamlined the commendation, good stuff.


Sad about changes to watchmen :(


I just jumped in and after a bit of stuffing around to set-up, i can see how it's a fair bit harder to get those dots running, and for less effect, MUCH less effect - it's interesting because now it seems like there is more sustain associated with the general skills (heals from saber, extended guarded/camo, resolut, etc).


Focus gen seems similar to before, perhaps a touch less.


And I lost my Riposte!!!!!! Man, that really bites. I used that so much.

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