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Glass Damp Squib


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Why does it feel that a Mara (Carnage) is lacking in everything except the time dead PvEwise?


Force Leap - bounced 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the time, run back to target from more or less the start point


Every thing else seems to take 4 buttons to setup then another 12 to kill the mob, when a Sorc does this with just 2


What am I doing wrong???


I am not interested in Endgame rotations, just getting from 55 to 60 and being able to do the dailies in acceptable times, rather than having my butt kicked on Oricon by too many golds & the odd end mission 'boss'.

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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Why does it feel that a Mara (Carnage) is lacking in everything except the time dead PvEwise?


Force Leap - bounced 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the time, run back to target from more or less the start point


Every thing else seems to take 4 buttons to setup then another 12 to kill the mob, when a Sorc does this with just 2


What am I doing wrong???


I am not interested in Endgame rotations, just getting from 55 to 60 and being able to do the dailies in acceptable times, rather than having my butt kicked on Oricon by too many golds & the odd end mission 'boss'.


Sounds like you went wrong choosing marauder as advanced class.

Force Charge+Battering Assault+Berserk+Gore+Sweeping Slash spam is the strongest AoE in the game, better than sniper one (and tons better than sorc one...), so no problem there (and only Battering Assault as setup since Berserk and Gore are offGCD)

Edited by jauvtus
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I can easily bin this char. but that's not what I asked, I've already levelled everything but Mara, Jugg & Powertech, but I want to know why this advance class seems so weak & buggy, or if I'm missing something?


And yes Force (rebound) Charge, for me, is almost totally a wasted move, as almost always I end up back where it started or 75% of the way back!

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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