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55 marauder full voidstar pvp vidyo


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hello im new in pvp if you can point out my bad plays i will be appreciate.Thanks for watching


You said this in your YouTube video description, so OK, here goes: prepare to be eviscerated by text.


Where to start... rotation / priorities are all wrong.


Opening rotation should be: Berserk > Force Charge > Battering Assault > Massacre (to proc stuff if it didn't already proc) > Vicious Throw / Gore > Force Scream (Blast when you get it later) > Massacre > Filler until your Gore is up again (massacre, Battering Assault, Assault if needed, you want close to full rage at all times) > Gore / Ravage > Force Scream > Filler until Gore is up, then go into Vicious Throw / Gore > Force Scream again. The cycle repeats.


So basically, in Carnage we have two different "combos". First combo is Vicious Throw / Gore > Devastating Blast (Force Scream). Second combo is Gore / Ravage > Blast (scream). Making sure that you have ample Rage to be able to utilize your Gore windows effectively is half the battle.


In this video I basically saw you using Vicious Throw and Force Scream.. when they procced. Sometimes with Gore, sometimes not. This is wrong. You can use UNPROCCED Vicious Throw due to someone being below 30% health at any time and that is never a problem (in fact, unprocced Vicious Throw should be your #1 filler ability), but you almost always want to save procced Vicious Throw for your Gore Window.


At 1:21 you Obfuscate a Vanguard (already a very poor choice for Obfuscate considering that the only thing that they might miss on is Rail Shot) at 11% health.


At about 4:20 you use Gore when the closest opponent is about 60 yards away. Right before that you used Ravage with no Gore.


At 5:40 you build your 30th stack of Fury. You hold it - not using it for either Berserk or Bloodthirst, until the 8 minute mark. At 7:51 you come within 1 second of actually losing the 30 stack while stunned (that you held for the full duration while sitting in the spawner), but you manage to keep it up, through sheer dumb luck. There were multiple gore windows you could have used it for. It is almost never a good idea to "hold" a berserk. Even for the absolute most pro marauders / sents, it's always debatable. For someone at your level, you should never hold it. Use it as soon as it comes up. This was just clear negligence though. 2 minutes and 40 seconds of holding a 30 stack of fury for no reason.


At about 5:50 you use a Gore and don't have enough Rage to utilize any abilities with it. you are also holding a Berserk for a long time.


At 8:10 you use Vicious throw a split second before Gore and then use Force Scream. Good job, this is optimal!


At 9:15 you jump in with no Rage and immediately Gore. You always want to Battering Assault > Massacre > then go into Gore / Ravage > Scream or Vicious Throw / Gore > Scream.


At 9:21 you use Vicious Throw (procced) without a Gore, when Gore is actually up.


9:58 lolnope. Good try though. I've done that too. It doesn't always work out, but when it does, it's glorious.


At 10:15 you run across the bridge to go attack the enemy team (you vs half of their team). Crossing the bridge while on Defense in Voidstar is never a good idea. Your job is to defend the doors. If you kill someone that close to their spawn area, they will just immediately respawn and kill you anyway. You're only doing them a favor. You also run a high risk of getting booted off and then having to sit in the spawner for a while.


At 11:53 you build another 30 stack of Fury. You hold it until 12:40, and I'm quite certain that the only reason you realized that you should use it is because you got stunned right before that, and it was the only ability that was "lit up" on your action bars.


12:10 - more Vicious Throw / ability usage without Gore when Gore is up. You could have Berserk > Vicious Throw / Gore > Screamed > Massacred all within the Gore window for massive damage.


13:09 - ^See above.


13:11 - Ravage without Gore. Gore was up. Scream would not have been off cooldown in time due to you using it out of the gore window / too late earlier, but at the very least your Ravage could have been used.


13:39 - The moment of truth! OK! This is it! You have Gore off cooldown. Force Scream AND Vicious Throw are procced and ready to go! Your opponent has their back to you and is ignoring you. Let's do this - oh. You use Gore with Battering Assault (the second worse ability to use during a Gore window), which is not only bad because it does low damage, but also because you were already at 7+ Rage, which is a total waste. To your credit, you did follow it up with a Vicious Throw.


13:55 - Gore with unprocced Force Scream and a Procced Vicious Throw. Well.. it was almost good! Massacre first next time before the Gore to ensure that Scream is procced.


14:07 - Force Scream without Gore. They came off cooldown together, and your Ravage was off cooldown. This would be the part where you Gore / Ravage > Force Scream.


I'm sure there were more rotational / priority ability mistakes that I missed, but I'm not watching it a second time.


I didn't see a single interrupt used by you. Granted, most of the enemy team was non caster, but you had several opportunities to interrupt the commando that was casting various things (Gravity Round, Unload, etc). Your interrupt is not only for heals!


Some general things - I saw some back pedaling. Not a ton, but it shouldn't happen ever. Strafe away always.


Constructive Criticism & Tips


This is what I want you to work on:


-USE BERSERK! USE IT! USE. IT. UP. It's better to use it outside of a Gore window than holding it for god knows how long. Delaying it more than 1 or 2 GCDs and you're just losing DPS.


-You have TWO Gore Window combos. Rotate between them. Always. The ONLY time your Gore window ability usage should not be perfect is when you are stunned right after using Gore. Your Gore windows are: Vicious Throw > Devastating Blast OR Ravage > Devastating Blast. IF you have a berserk up, you can fit Vicious Throw > Devastating Blast > and Massacre all into one Gore window. Work on having perfect Gore windows! Spend some time on the dummy perfecting this.


I should really be charging for this.

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thank you for your advices and your time i really appreciate it and will try to improve those things you mentioned but i didnt understand what did you mean by this

"I saw some back pedaling. Not a ton, but it shouldn't happen ever. Strafe away always.":confused:

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thank you for your advices and your time i really appreciate it and will try to improve those things you mentioned but i didnt understand what did you mean by this

"I saw some back pedaling. Not a ton, but it shouldn't happen ever. Strafe away always.":confused:


The "S" key on your keyboard. Pretend it doesn't exist. When you use the S key to go backwards, you move at a greatly reduced speed. There wasn't a ton of this, but I did see a little bit. Strafing is when you either use a button to walk sideways or you hold down the right mouse button and press A / D to move sideways. Stafing to position is always preferred.

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The "S" key on your keyboard. Pretend it doesn't exist. When you use the S key to go backwards, you move at a greatly reduced speed. There wasn't a ton of this, but I did see a little bit. Strafing is when you either use a button to walk sideways or you hold down the right mouse button and press A / D to move sideways. Stafing to position is always preferred.


ah okay thanks didnt know

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