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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Titles, spelling and grammar


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Actually I don't have much misinformation. Those games and movies, don't translate the ranks. I WATCH them in other languages myself. So you make yourself look foolish by assuming they are if you don't personally watch them. You are assuming.


You know what they say about assumptions right?


Searching through your previous comments on this board I'd say you almost never know what you're talking about and shouldn't be taken seriously in any way, so no I'm not assuming anything, although I would guess you are a straight up liar that just wants attention so you are welcome for mine that I have given.

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Searching through your previous comments on this board I'd say you almost never know what you're talking about and shouldn't be taken seriously in any way, so no I'm not assuming anything, although I would guess you are a straight up liar that just wants attention so you are welcome for mine that I have given.


Hardly a liar. Considering you go to this much effort you are going through one would assume you are the attention seeker. A normal reaction if you had that assumption of a liar is to shrug and move along and let the subject drop.


I would be curious as to what other posts you believe are lies in my past but frankly, I don't care and have to get back to debugging. You made my break amusing if nothing else so thank you for that.

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This goes beyond both reasonable debate, and the thread subject itself. Taking the time to track down someone else's previous posts (in other threads) in order to discredit them is probably the lamest thing you could do on these boards.



Additionally, this game does need to fix a lot of titles. SWTOR could also benefit from implementing gender appropriate titles... it's bad enough when you have to get through being called "Sir" as a female, just to one day become a "Lord."


I know you didn't expect many women to play this game when it was being developed, but when they do they get an overwhelming sexist experience.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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