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Some type of Flashpoint/Warzone hybrid!


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I think if some form of hybrid were created to combine the social/story and PvE aspect of a flashpoint with the PvP aspect of warzones, players' interests in both of these would increase. My rough idea would be a FP that requires 2 groups of 4 to queue, and both teams compete to gain quest items or obtain objectives that would give them an edge in a climactic 4v4 at the end - with the victors receiving special rewards.


It could even go the opposite way: a new WZ with a conversation/small quest in the beginning, middle, or end that could influence the tides of battle in the WZ.


I know the focus now is going to be all on story, but honestly if you could quickly throw something like this together I think you'd get a great response.

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Sounds like something that would appeal to a very small niche. Most who prefer PVE will hate that it has PVP and most who prefer PVP will hate that it isn't just PVP. (I know I personally wouldn't find the PVP side of it too appealing.)


With that said though, this topic has me picturing this as maybe being modeled after the Colicoid War Game flashpoint. They'd have a new map for it that mirrors the original design to create a branch for each team to go down. Each team passes through three new trials designed fresh for this flashpoint but inspired by the original flashpoint's two types of trials (new one wouldn't do two of the same type of trial in a row, it would just move on to the next thing). And it's all a race. After each trial there's a checkpoint that each team must click on to register their completion of the trial. Each trial that your team completes faster than the other team will grant you some advantage when entering the arena at the end. Possible bonuses could include something like a special defensive buff to protect everyone on your team or having friendly turrets spawned in the arena to help your team fight.


Hmm... One other thing that comes to mind when thinking of this... It seems like they would probably want to include some sort of "underdog buff" for the slower team just so that it isn't completely one-sided in the arena fight. PVPers will whine so much if they feel like one side is only winning because of the bonuses they won from the PVE challenges.

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