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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A list in this website of credits salers


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But perhaps I should explain what I am asking is a list of if any supported in gaining currency Sellers what I mean by supported is it individuals that are allowed by by aware to advertise that they sell credits to players in the game because there is so much credit seller spam it is impossible to tell who was legitimate that is to say if anyone is legitimate in my experience I have run across seven different websites so far and I keep getting 10 letters a day


And sometimes more so if it isn't all possible could there please be some kind of a way to distinguish legitimate salespeople from the frauds on the web site?



Up and how I think for work is when you get a website reported to you for money and game the mail that a player has marked as for Rosner spam and you listed on the web site as well as have a separate list for legitimate web sites that do offer this service legitimately and do not violate terms of service because it is impossible to tell the difference for any player and up

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There is no such thing as a legitimate credit seller. It's forbidden to sell credits for RL money. Unlike some games, Bioware does not sell credits for cash, nor do they sell game time in a manner that would allow it to be used as virtual currency along those lines (i.e. they don't have anything like PLEX in EVE Online).


The closest thing to what you're looking for would be the ability to buy cartel market items (like hypercrates), and list them for credits on the GTN--but you'll have to wait for them to unbind (one day plus 18 hours I believe), and then wait for them to sell. Again, unlike other games, we can't place buy orders on GTN--which means you can't sell to a buy order for instant credits; you have to list and wait for a buyer to come along.


So, as far as anyone offering to sell credits goes, they're all spammers and deserve to die in a fire, preferably horribly. It looks like you'll have to earn your credits the old-fashioned way, by earning them.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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there is no such thing as a legitimate credit seller. It's forbidden to sell credits for rl money. Unlike some games, bioware does not sell credits for cash, nor do they sell game time in a manner that would allow it to be used as virtual currency along those lines (i.e. They don't have anything like plex in eve online).


The closest thing to what you're looking for would be the ability to buy cartel market items (like hypercrates), and list them for credits on the gtn--but you'll have to wait for them to unbind (one day plus 18 hours i believe), and then wait for them to sell. Again, unlike other games, we can't place buy orders on gtn--which means you can't sell to a buy order for instant credits; you have to list and wait for a buyer to come along.


So, as far as anyone offering to sell credits goes, they're all spammers and deserve to die in a fire, preferably horribly. It looks like you'll have to earn your credits the old-fashioned way, by earning them.


thanks very much for the info / i reallly wasnt lookin to buy creds i just posted here cuz a player told bw supported some salers / if it was true i was only asking for a way to tell the good from bad / now that i know salers are all bad / all im looking for now from bw is stoping saler spammer forever sick of spam mail


thanks for you insite and info u have been a great hope thank you:d

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