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<The Heroes of The Republic> Aim Datacron Event (Republic Side)


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This Sunday, August 2nd, from 2pm-4pm EST, The Heroes of The Republic will be running a datacron pull event for all of the Aim datacrons for Republic characters. We will be forming groups on Fleet, and summoning groups to all locations in order. If this event proves to be a success, we will continue to run them over the next few weeks to get the other main stat datacrons.


We want to thank Torva Nex(who is running this same kind of event on the Empire side on Saturdays right now, check them out) for giving us the idea to try to run an event like this.


As we are a smaller guild, and to defer some of the cost of the guild ship summoning across the galaxy to get the datacrons, we will be asking for 10k credits to attend the run. We will start forming groups on Fleet, so pay attention to General chat on Sunday for instructions.


If you have any questions, feel free to comment here, or contact Eldor, Lorhin, or Aseryl in game, and we will try to answer any questions you have. Thanks for your time.


EDIT: One thing I forgot to add, in order to participate, you will need to have at least completed your class story on Coruscant.

Edited by hemingford
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