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Pure Classes


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Why do classes that can heal out dps pure classes that can only do damage. The classes that can only do damage should do the most damage of any other classes because we can only do damage. Why is this so hard to understand for classes that can do both this is how the game should be designed if you don't like this then play a dps class. This game is broken because you have hybird classes doing more damage then classes that can only do damage.


Why be a pure dps if you can not even do as much damage as a class that can heal tank and do damage. It is not only healers tanks don't do as much damage but they can still kill pure dps classes faster then we kill them because they take less damage and we can not mitigate there damage as well. Devs need to take there heads out of there asses buff pure dps classes and nerf classes that are over performing. Thats all I got to say.

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Well i'm sure going on a rant and cussing about it will get them to change their minds ;) Maybe a bit more tact and your voice would be better received by the Devs. I do agree with you though but i'm curious as to what Tank/Healer DPS classes you're talking about. Vanguards/Powertechs and Commandos/Mercenaries? Alot of their DPS benefit stems from their utilities and Hold the Line/Hydraulic Override in Ops. I dont find many other classes out DPSing Sentinels (experienced ones) in raid. Generally speaking even if they do out DPS the Sentinel it shouldnt be by hundreds of DPS (Underlurker being the exception). Scoundrels/Operatives? Their burst is just as good as Combat/Carnage granted they have a "tiny" bit of standoff, same with their DoT Spec vs Watchman/Annihilation. Sage/Sorcerers are ranged DPS and comparing those two does not even make sense especially if you are talking about 3.0 PvE ops as most fights are easier on the ranged classes as far as what mechanics you have to deal with. Guardian/Juggernaut DoT spec is right there in line with Watchman/Annihilation DPS output on the leaderboards. Shadow/Assassin DoT spec is in line with the Sentinel DoT spec where as their Burst spec fails in comparison to Combat/Carnage. So while I TOTALLY agree that pure DPS specs should be the highest DPS in a group when compared against other classes/specs and in skilled and capable hands we're right there with other classes in capability and performance. That's just my own experience and opinion though.



Since you're more than likely only ranting about PvP you need to understand how to properly play a Sentinel in PvP, most don't. 1 on 1 and with experience and skill you can take out almost any class/spec. Jumping into a group and trying to be the center of attention will definitely get you killed. Pick off the weak ones, save your teammate that is getting destroyed, protect your healers, etc. That is your job as Sentinel DPS in PvP :D

Edited by Bahadori
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