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The marauder is my favorite class, and I've been having one as my main since I started playing the game back in 2012. I never was into PvP but since I'm on one of those servers and with the 3.3 patch coming up I went for it and managed to get a fully ranked set stacking all power/surge with strength augs. I thought cool, this is awesome, and it was untill I went 1v1 with some ranked players of different classes in open world PvP, that's when I noticed as to how much of an advantage they have over the marauder, each and every one of them. I consider myself to be a pretty decent player, I mean I even do HM ops with the guild regularly, but this is absolutely ridiculous. I was very disappointed in finding out that I am less than everyone else even by wearing the same gear and putting tons more effort in combat. Why is it so hard to make all classes equal and sort out their advantages and differences in a way where it can work for everyone ? The ranked marauder's victories are entirely situational and more a thing of chance than anything else, its a pity.


*edit* my spec is Fury

Edited by ChrisBlackstarr
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Hard to say, considering you gave no relevant data (your spec for starters), but most people have 0 problems with their marauders. Marauders are one of the few classes that can 1v1 every other AC in the game. So given that, this is likely a L2P issue
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You are Combat, right?

Stoic, Defensive Roll, and Fleetfooted are very good utilities, you can use the Rebuke utility or Adamant to generate extra Focus, I prefer the latter because it also decrease the CD on cc breaker, you can either take the 2 Crippling Slash utilities for a root or take Debilitate for MS root and go with Zealous Ward to heal yourself (making Saber Ward very powerful), in Masterful you can decide between Ardor and Camo upgrade, if you use Ardor you can use Zen for more damage and proccing 4-piece set bonus, but you can pop Transendence only every 30s, if you choose Camo upgrade you will get faster baseline speed and using your Centering for Transendence allows you to pop it more often than with Ardor, so you will be very fast andget more defense, never take Contemplation, not worth in pvp

Dueling tips:

Jugg: you have a fair chance, just use only melee white damage (no clashing blast or saber throws) during saber reflect and Awe him and Force Camo when he pops Enraged Defense

Sorc: will try to kite you while slowly eating away your health with dots (almost all sorcs are madness); use Transendence and he wont escape, the rootbreak on Transendence is very important to keep up, you cant let him LOS you because he will heal to full, when he puts bubble on himself, try to break it from range with Clashing blast, saber throws to not be CCd when it explodes, when he uses godbubble, use saber strikes for 12 Focus

Sin: if its hatred, tactics are similar as sorc madness, he will try to kite, use transendence, when he turns blue (Force Shroud) use only saber attacks, no clashing blast, when he stealth out, regenerate health immediately, you should be out of combat too (im talking about a duel), when he pops Deflection (big shield), dont try to cc him if you also see a white buff called Dark Stability on him; generally not easy to kill for you

Powertech: basically all PT are Advanced Prototype spec, they will kite you the best with supersonic speed basically the whole time, dpsing you from midrange, you can mitigate huge amount of his damage (burst included) with Saber Ward, since 95% of his dmg is tech damage, also with Zealous Ward you can survive his burst, then you need to use Transendence spam to keep up and destroy him, trying to root is pretty much pointless, they have weak defensives, they rely on kiting

Mercenary: if its Arsenal, your Pacify is your best friend, but generally speaking this is the only class which is clearly inferior to us, you should not have problems finishing them, stealth out with Kolto overload on them, other defensives are laughable

Operative: maybe the most annoying to kill, basically all are concealment, meaning you when he pols out of stealth you are already at 50% hp, they just trollroll away from you (absolutely immune to everything), useful hots, your best friend is roots from Criplling Slash and MS, since they cant trollroll with root, if they have Evasion on (green bubble) you can only use Clashing blast, they are immune to anything else, Pacify is important; never break their hardstun, break their cc, the flash grenade, because they use that to heal up

Sniper: if a sniper is skilled at the same level as you, or higher, he will always definitely defeat you, anyway if they are MM (you can see if they use Ambush and lots of Snipes), Pacify is your best friend, Transendence rootbreak is a gamebreaker, since they will root you to death, dont attack them with Evasion on (even clahing blast wont do much dmg because of a sniper passive), use stealth out offensively: they will probably have the utilities that make Penetrating. Blasts/Series of Shots slow you by 80% at the end and knock you back, using force camo to break the channel and prevent him from knocking back is very good, dot try to cc/stun him with Entrench on (very visible, a 2nd cover over him), when he rolls, run after him but use Transendence only if he roots you (if you have Ardor utility), or you can double rootbreak with Transendence, with Valorous Call (if you dont have the Ardor utility), dont break their flashbang cc (contrary to operative flashbang) since they will break it themselves



Generally speaking learn your class the best, but try to play all of them so you can see their weaknesses yourself.

I'm looking forward to other ideas.

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Hard to say, considering you gave no relevant data (your spec for starters), but most people have 0 problems with their marauders. Marauders are one of the few classes that can 1v1 every other AC in the game. So given that, this is likely a L2P issue


My bad I completely forgot about that, I am a Fury spec'd marauder. Upon reading jauvtus's post on dueling tips I realized it is for sure a L2P issue as PvP is new to me despite being on a such server, but I also think that most classes do have some sort of an advantage over the marauder/sent as there is too much of a dependecy on having a healer.

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You are Combat, right?

Stoic, Defensive Roll, and Fleetfooted are very good utilities, you can use the Rebuke utility or Adamant to generate extra Focus, I prefer the latter because it also decrease the CD on cc breaker, you can either take the 2 Crippling Slash utilities for a root or take Debilitate for MS root and go with Zealous Ward to heal yourself (making Saber Ward very powerful), in Masterful you can decide between Ardor and Camo upgrade, if you use Ardor you can use Zen for more damage and proccing 4-piece set bonus, but you can pop Transendence only every 30s, if you choose Camo upgrade you will get faster baseline speed and using your Centering for Transendence allows you to pop it more often than with Ardor, so you will be very fast andget more defense, never take Contemplation, not worth in pvp

Dueling tips:

Jugg: you have a fair chance, just use only melee white damage (no clashing blast or saber throws) during saber reflect and Awe him and Force Camo when he pops Enraged Defense

Sorc: will try to kite you while slowly eating away your health with dots (almost all sorcs are madness); use Transendence and he wont escape, the rootbreak on Transendence is very important to keep up, you cant let him LOS you because he will heal to full, when he puts bubble on himself, try to break it from range with Clashing blast, saber throws to not be CCd when it explodes, when he uses godbubble, use saber strikes for 12 Focus

Sin: if its hatred, tactics are similar as sorc madness, he will try to kite, use transendence, when he turns blue (Force Shroud) use only saber attacks, no clashing blast, when he stealth out, regenerate health immediately, you should be out of combat too (im talking about a duel), when he pops Deflection (big shield), dont try to cc him if you also see a white buff called Dark Stability on him; generally not easy to kill for you

Powertech: basically all PT are Advanced Prototype spec, they will kite you the best with supersonic speed basically the whole time, dpsing you from midrange, you can mitigate huge amount of his damage (burst included) with Saber Ward, since 95% of his dmg is tech damage, also with Zealous Ward you can survive his burst, then you need to use Transendence spam to keep up and destroy him, trying to root is pretty much pointless, they have weak defensives, they rely on kiting

Mercenary: if its Arsenal, your Pacify is your best friend, but generally speaking this is the only class which is clearly inferior to us, you should not have problems finishing them, stealth out with Kolto overload on them, other defensives are laughable

Operative: maybe the most annoying to kill, basically all are concealment, meaning you when he pols out of stealth you are already at 50% hp, they just trollroll away from you (absolutely immune to everything), useful hots, your best friend is roots from Criplling Slash and MS, since they cant trollroll with root, if they have Evasion on (green bubble) you can only use Clashing blast, they are immune to anything else, Pacify is important; never break their hardstun, break their cc, the flash grenade, because they use that to heal up

Sniper: if a sniper is skilled at the same level as you, or higher, he will always definitely defeat you, anyway if they are MM (you can see if they use Ambush and lots of Snipes), Pacify is your best friend, Transendence rootbreak is a gamebreaker, since they will root you to death, dont attack them with Evasion on (even clahing blast wont do much dmg because of a sniper passive), use stealth out offensively: they will probably have the utilities that make Penetrating. Blasts/Series of Shots slow you by 80% at the end and knock you back, using force camo to break the channel and prevent him from knocking back is very good, dot try to cc/stun him with Entrench on (very visible, a 2nd cover over him), when he rolls, run after him but use Transendence only if he roots you (if you have Ardor utility), or you can double rootbreak with Transendence, with Valorous Call (if you dont have the Ardor utility), dont break their flashbang cc (contrary to operative flashbang) since they will break it themselves



Generally speaking learn your class the best, but try to play all of them so you can see their weaknesses yourself.

I'm looking forward to other ideas.


Great post this helps me a lot, I wish I would have mentioned being a fury marauder in my OP. Not sure if you would edit it to fit my spec feels like it would be too much to ask but it is very helpful nonetheless, thanks. :cool:

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Great post this helps me a lot, I wish I would have mentioned being a fury marauder in my OP. Not sure if you would edit it to fit my spec feels like it would be too much to ask but it is very helpful nonetheless, thanks. :cool:


As Fury marauder few things change: you have much reliable burst (Raging Burst-Force Crush-Ravage-Furious Strike hits very very hard) and you also have 6s cc immunity after force Crush, use that window to approach a gunslinger or a sage, you can use Obliterate to avoid kiting more easily, also you can leap on gunslinger covers with it. For utilities Brazen, Cloak of Carnage and Cloak of Rage/the one that causes you to build 4 rage when ccd+shortens cc breaker cd are the best for Skillful, Relentless and Defensive Roll for Masterful, Brooding (since you need Berserk for Rage, bu if you use Frenzy for beginner, you can take Blood Ward for heals) and Unbound for Heroic. You wont have double Predation or any self heals, but you will be very mobile and cc immunity is your bread and butter. Fighting shadows: when their Resilience is up (they glow yellow), dont use Raging Burst, Smash, Force Crush, Force Scream, but you can use Furious Strike and every slash attack. For guardian saber reflect dont use the ones i mentioned for shadow+saber throws, only melee slash attacks. For scoundrel Dodge (green bubble), use Raging Burst, Force Crush, Force Scream. You dont have any roots in this build (except the leap roots) so its harder to stop scoundrels, but also you have much better burst and defensives. For gunslingers you still dont want to attack during Dodge, but when they roll, you can use Obliterate to follow as a Fury mara. Otherwise tactics are similar.

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