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In short, I am looking for a simple list of marauder and sentinel AoE abilities/attacks. Guides gives rotations, but my needs are a bit different.


I have a friend, a relatively new player, who loves these 2 AC's. I don't play them (warrior/knight just does not appeal to me), and do not know all of the individual skill names.


Here is the issue; she breaks CC constantly and asking her not to use AoE skills isn't helping. So, I'd like to know what they are called, so at least I can tell her exactly what not use when I've CC'd something. Yes, I tell her how to read tool tips and all, but as of yet it has not helped.


Thanks in advance for any help, I appreciate it. Guides give me some idea, but they focus more on rotations , etc., and leave me feeling that I really do not know exactly what I need.

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In short, I am looking for a simple list of marauder and sentinel AoE abilities/attacks. Guides gives rotations, but my needs are a bit different.


I have a friend, a relatively new player, who loves these 2 AC's. I don't play them (warrior/knight just does not appeal to me), and do not know all of the individual skill names.


Here is the issue; she breaks CC constantly and asking her not to use AoE skills isn't helping. So, I'd like to know what they are called, so at least I can tell her exactly what not use when I've CC'd something. Yes, I tell her how to read tool tips and all, but as of yet it has not helped.


Thanks in advance for any help, I appreciate it. Guides give me some idea, but they focus more on rotations , etc., and leave me feeling that I really do not know exactly what I need.


Dual Saber Throw hit's multiple targets so she may want to avoid using it around CC'd enemies for now until she gets the hang of using it. Force Sweep/Smash is a main AoE and Cyclone Slash is a secondary AoE ability. So tell her to stay clear of using those around CC'd enemies and she should be good to go :)

Edited by RayGonJinn
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