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Guild Alliance/Meger


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Hello, I am the GM of a Small Republic side guild that i started a week ago. I am looking for Other small guild to come and either Merge with my guild. We are an Rp-PvP guild we dont follow the Master/Padawan system however we are more focused on combat. If anyone that leads a small guild would be interested in a Merger please contact me ingame. if you do decide to merge with you as the Gm will be given an Officer position in the guild.


Server: Begeren Colony

Character Name: Sha'reif

Class: Jedi Sentinel

Guild Name: The Sixth Decree.


Our Rp follows the events after the sacking of coruscant the remaining Jedi/troopers/Smugglers and other cilivians banded together to Form a Decree to be Proactive to the cause.we favored combat after the Decree was made. we embodied it deeply. to Follow it to be proactive against our enemies, completing the mission at any cost, portecting our own. The Jedi respect us because we are light side but they dont agree wih us... the sith dont like us they hate our standards. Which after the events of Master Surro we embodided a new line and added it to our decree and we became known as The Sixth Decree.

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