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Stage 2 Achievement on Makeb


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Does anyone know a route for getting this achievement without getting knocked off of the "provided" speeder in the Republic stage 2 "Door to Door" for Makeb? I looked it up, and I don't see any youtube videos, only Dulfy's guide which lists the achievement.


I keep getting knocked off the speeder <doesn't happen with my Own speeder, only the one I'm trying to "steal", or else I time out if I'm trying to look for a route around the NPC mobs. :-(:confused:

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Kill the mobs between the republic scout and the speeder you're stealing. They respond too quickly for you to make 2-3 trips, but they should still be dead in time for you to get one (possibly two) speeder out. May have to stand around after delivering a speeder or two to actually wait for them to respawn so's you can kill them and go in for the second/third speeders.
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