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Yavin Wall Hooks illustrate why offsets need to be massively increased


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Almost all of the Medium/Large wall hooks on Yavin are so far off the ground it's very difficult to mount a wall GTN terminal and then place it into any kind of position that looks remotely reasonable. The bigger the hook the more useless the 10 point offsets become, because they don't even scale up with hooks. Move something as far as you can that sits in a Starship Hook and you won't even notice.


Please increase the offsets, and make the offset range scale up on larger hooks.

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Almost all of the Medium/Large wall hooks on Yavin are so far off the ground it's very difficult to mount a wall GTN terminal and then place it into any kind of position that looks remotely reasonable.


The pair of large hooks on the SW wall in the room with the balcony is so far away from the wall that everything you put there hovers in mid air. I placed my GTN terminal there, and put a desk computer on the floor, now the GTN terminal looks as if it's part of a larger computer system.






But yes:

Please increase the offsets, and make the offset range scale up on larger hooks.

This would allow for so many nice decoration ideas. Take the bounty holding cell for example. If you want a prisoner in it, you need to put it on a large hook in the middle of the room and put the prisoner on the center small hook. With more flexibility in decoration positioning, we could either move both closer to the wall, or place the cell on a medium hook and the prisoner on an adjacent small hook and then move him into the cell.


And maybe allow us movement on the third axis, so we complain neither about misplaced hooks, nor about a fix that ruins a use we found for those hooks

Edited by Mubrak
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wall hooks on Y4 are a joke really, especially the ones that are really high up on the inside walls. You get loads of them but nothing that fits on there that makes any sense.


It 's also clear we need more basic items for floors and walls. Carpets are hard to get and why do we only get specific banners. I would love to get cloth to hang from the walls in various colours like the banners but without any symbols on it. I really like red in my DK stronghold but I don't need every red banner to have an imperial symbol on it for example. And the republic banners are very bland so why not have some blue ones that give off a bit more colour and warmth like the luxury carpets. Why not more colours than red and blue of those anyway? Why not green and off-white and other colours to give more variation.


Because the current stronghold also shows that there is not enough variation in all of that and the patterns start repeating themselves in each of my strongholds. The current packs are not very good when it comes to such decorations as it is and instead of 4 or 8 it's getting to the point where you need 20 or 30 of something and at 500k each or more and maybe getting one from a hypercrate it's getting rather expensive.


I dunno currently Y4 is taking the fun out of decorating strongholds for me. I even emptied out all my other strongholds to try to give myself every option for Y4 and it still wouldn't work. Now I can't be bothered to rebuild the others anymore cause the fun is gone.

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