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Help finding a story


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YEARS ago, I think before TOR was even out, or maybe in Beta stages at least. I remember reading some Mandalorian fanfic. I think it was on this forum (but don't hold me to it) It took at least a few hours to read through, centering around a female Mandalorian. From when she earned her armor as a young'in, until when she recovered her clan's Basilisks.


I'd love to re-read it, but despite a few hours of searching, I've got no idea where it is. Does this ring any bells? Does anyone know what I'm talking about and have a link to, or some info about this AWESOME story arc?




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I think you might be referring to SilverShadows, she did one that was of a smuggler and then the next one she did was about a bounty hunter. Her bounty hunter story was a thread on it's own, but I can't remember the title.


Maybe it's on the index page? I think there is a section with Author's and their stories, maybe it's there? :)

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Nothing huh? Any thoughts or guesses for a different website to look at?


Does it ring a mental bell, even if you don't know where to find it?


Am I crazy and making the whole thing up?


It could have been deleted if it was just before launch. A lot of things on the forums were deleted just prior to launch. I know I had to copy some of the roleplays our guild had started here before they deleted it so we could have it.

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It could have been silvershadows, but, while the mandalorian did engage in some bounty hunting, she wasn't just a bounty hunter. Story wasn't TOR class based at all. Maybe partially inspired by KOTOR, but definately not a "class" story. Just star wars universe type of thing......
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Although that's only part of the original. Going to have to root out the rest of it.


It may not all exist. The post date for the thread linked starts almost two weeks before launch; much of the beta forums were wiped on that day (Dec. 21st, 2011). Alternatively, the poster may not have gotten around to writing it all. The only way to check is to look up their post history.

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