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Hayete's Sentinel/Marauder Utility Guide


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When it comes to end game raiding utilities provide you with an increased quality of life as you face certain mechanics, challenges, and demands placed before you during boss encounters. This guide will provide you with my opinions and experience in what to choose for certain boss encounters (Rav/ToS/CM) and guide you through my decision making process as to why i choose the different utility make ups that I do for each encounter. This is meant to be what it is, a guide; suggestions meant to help you on fights. This guide is in no way advocating these builds as the "best" or only possible way of stacking utilities for the encounters listed. This guide is meant to completely replace the previous Utility Guide.


As with all my guides and forum posts here please feel free to comment with your feedback and questions. As always I aim to keep my guides and posts informative and progressive. Feel free to talk shop and offer advice and opinions as that is the only way we learn. With that said please no trolling, negative "Sentinels/Marauders Suck" comments, etc. Doing so will be reported and we already have enough of those out and about. Lets keep this a positive post for those who enjoy the class and are looking to progress Thank you and enjoy!


Edited by Bahadori
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