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How about an area pull?


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The name says it all. Guard/Juggs have single push, Sage/Sorcs have Wave, Shadow/Sin have Wave *and* single pull, why do we not have at least one of these? Every other force user has some sort of crowd control, we should have one too.


Imagine a placeable aoe pull that draws several targets 10-15 meters closer to you upon activation. Now all 3 specs have greater opportunities to take advantage of their otherwise measly ranged AoE abilities. It's a win/win with many ways to limit its usefulness should the move get out of hand.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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The name says it all. Guard/Juggs have single push, Sage/Sorcs have Wave, Shadow/Sin have Wave *and* single pull, why do we not have at least one of these? Every other force user has some sort of crowd control, we should have one too.


Imagine a placeable aoe pull that draws several targets 10-15 meters closer to you upon activation. Now all 3 specs have greater opportunities to take advantage of their otherwise measly ranged AoE abilities. It's a win/win with many ways to limit its usefulness should the move get out of hand.


GTAOE force pull? Yeah, doesnt sound incredibly OP :DD No thx

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If it was only a 5m diameter selection, not particularly. Just enough to get that pesky Sorc up close and personal with you


Doesnt fit our image, would be op, we shouldnt have many 30m abilities, TST/DST should be enough for that

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The name says it all. Guard/Juggs have single push, Sage/Sorcs have Wave, Shadow/Sin have Wave *and* single pull, why do we not have at least one of these? Every other force user has some sort of crowd control, we should have one too.


Imagine a placeable aoe pull that draws several targets 10-15 meters closer to you upon activation. Now all 3 specs have greater opportunities to take advantage of their otherwise measly ranged AoE abilities. It's a win/win with many ways to limit its usefulness should the move get out of hand.


While I agree that Marauder's should have some sort of obvious "combat force ability", (Force Grip us shared with Juggs, so can't site that), I do not think we should have one that another class already has. Each class should have it's own thing. I'm not real big on pilfering other classes class abilities (I'd be pissed if Juggs suddenly got an alacrity bonus when they used beserk), just because they are good. I would like to see something along similar lines though. I would suggest a force ability that allowed the Marauder to pick up something in the surroundings and be able to throw it at an enemy using the force (Like Darth Maul does in Phantom Menace), or something along those lines, something innately damaging (Not necessarily significantly so). But if you were aiming for something more directly along the lines push/pull/hover, perhaps something like a slam affect, you pick someone up with the force and than immediately slam them down on the floor. A damage effect or perhaps a stun effect of some sort. More just for flavor really, but some utility would be nice, God knows we could use a stun/root.


I like the general direction of your idea. Could be interesting. I always felt that Marauders were lacking in any obvious non-attack force ability.

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If it was only a 5m diameter selection, not particularly. Just enough to get that pesky Sorc up close and personal with you


You have a gap closer, and smash spec has two. That'll put that "pesky sorc," in your face

Edited by MASOLIZ
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