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Rycus Kilran skips first phase (Maelstrom Prison FP)


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Sometime between January and May 2013, you broke the Rycus Kilran encounter, the last boss fight in Maelstrom Prison (Republic-side only).


Description of the mechanic:

Two times during the fight, Kilran teleports back, calls adds and hides behind his shield. You then have to kill the adds and walk towards Kilran (out of LoS by hiding behind pillars) and then attack him from behind to break his shield.


At the beginning of the fight, he has two "Fifth Fleet Bodyguard" NPCs that guard him, shielding him from any damage. Only when both bodyguards are dead and Kilran loses their guards will he teleport back for P2. Then, once he's down to 50% HP, he'll teleport to his final spot and P3 starts.



Original behaviour:

Current behaviour: http://www.twitch.tv/theeho/v/7764320


Bug report:

Since the bug, Kilran will now immediately jump into his P2 position even though both bodyguards are still up. With two add groups spawning at once, this can kill an unprepared or undergeared group; in fact I've seen wipes happening due to this bug in normal mode.

My guess is that at the beginning of the fight, the bodyguards have not yet applied the guard, therefore Kilran thinks they are already dead. Please add a timer to the P2 transition or apply the guard earlier so that Kilran will stay in P1 until the bodyguards are dead.


Note that this only affects the intial fight (after you finish the cutscene). If you wipe and run back to the boss, the door is already open and this bug will not occur.

Edited by Jerba
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