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Would you please fix character log in bug already


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since last patch this has been happening more and more then ever before


I log out in my stronghold and when I log in you move my character to last planet he was on.

Or the planets orbital station to be more exact

which then means I have to leave orbital station (reload time)

and then travel back to stronghold (2nd reload time)

all because you cant travel from oribital station to stronghold for some god forsaken reason.


ENOUGH already


Let us log out and log back into our strongholds already!

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That seems to happen if your character's data doesn't save properly on logout.

When you logout in your stronghold but then the game "forgets" where you were last when you log in, it goes into a sort of failsafe mode and puts you on the last planet (or fleet) that it knows you were on, and by default, this is in either an orbital station or hangar.


You can kinda see the same thing happen when you travel back to a planet from your stronghold after logging out.

If you go from some random place on a planet to your stronghold, and then back to the planet, it'll put you back where you were.

But if you go to your stronghold, log out, and then return to the planet when you log in, it doesn't remember where you were before so it dumps you out at the default spawn point in the station or hangar.


I would suggest one of 2 things to lessen the instances of this happening:

1) Hang around in your stronghold for a couple of minutes before logout. Give the server time to record your location.

2) Interact with something there like a mailbox or cargo hold. Anything you can do to force the server to sync your location data properly.


Also, be sure to exit the game properly through the menu, don't just alt-F4 out.

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