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Begeren Colony Imperial Guilds


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With many players leaving BC, and stuck in a low community with short peak times. Many larger guilds dieing out, or straight out leaving, and smaller guilds not being around long enough to strive to power. With all this happening, you see many (imperial) guilds about, but never really hear about them. I am making this because of all my efforts, I have no idea what guilds there are that are still active and have more than two members on at peak times. I wish to learn of (imperial) guilds out there on BC that are still active. Lets learn of active guilds that are out there, just for something to do, weather its guilds getting together for RP, PVP, or Raids.


If you wish to contact me for any reason, my characters name is: Nemrthit

To anyone replying with their guild here or through in game mail, I would like you to meet some requirments:

I'd like for there to be around 100 members, just because if you have that many, you are doing something right, and it needs to be active, as I have said, you need more than 2 members on at peak time.



I know this sucks, xD, but I really wanted to know the different imperial guilds out there seeing as all those big ones you here about a lot are pretty much gone. I really couldn't think of a better way to do this, so bye :D

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I have a better Idea than asking for guilds with 100 members, for that could be a guild with 5 people and 20 alts each. How about you attend the Imperial Guild Masters Summit. the info needed to join in is at this link. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8295305#post8295305

There you will find the active guilds on imperial faction and get to know what we intend to do to make Begeren Colony prosper.





~Dezz'revas~The Revas Colonial Alliance(Republic)

~Dessel'revas~The Fallen of Revas(Imperial)

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