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[Sentinel] concentration build have not played sence 1.3 or 1.4


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hello :)

was here for a year when the game came out (quit at 1.3 or 1.4)

i recently purcased a new 60 Days sub and want to continue my Sentinel (mistaken it for a Guardian before) i am at level 19 at taris and find everything have changed and i was not that good before the change :) .


as i have chosen concentration is there any leveling build and what rotation to use out there i find mostly 2.10 builds when i search. (i dont need the "best" as i intend on solo from start to finish)


And question number 2. is it possible to be a "good guy" and still have do the companion quest with romance (i am at 1200 darkside at the moment)


Thx in advanced

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For your two utilities, I'd recommend Stoic and Jedi Enforcer. As far as rotation, not much you can do at that level. Not nearly enough of your key abilities for a real sequence. Just read the passives in your skill tree as you get them, and things should be pretty simple to figure out. Biggest challenge is maximizing your Power window, which occurs after a Focused Burst/Force Sweep at higher levels.


As far as your second question, as a Jedi, romantic attachment is still (foolishly) forbidden, so you're gonna have to eat more Dark Side points. Once your Light Side points reach 10k, any more LS gains will begin to remove DS points, so you can still reach Light V.

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