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Do jedi, sith, dark jedi, grey jedi, witches feel if someone has the force?


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Well you might thing this is a stupid question as we heard a lot you are strong in the force but the how come Palpatine was not detected as a force sensitive by the jedi council. Or how come JC's girl companion was not detected as one. Or Mara Jade ore Kyle Katharn or Jaden Korr or the force sensitive companion of the Imperial Agent, or Atton Rand or that girl who was raised by mandalorians until their defeat or Leia Organa who I am sure was in the presence of the emperor and Vader. Or the half echani girl that helped the exile or Bao Dur? Edited by adormitul
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Well you might thing this is a stupid question as we heard a lot you are strong in the force but the how come Palpatine was not detected as a force sensitive by the jedi council. Or how come JC's girl companion was not detected as one. Or Mara Jade ore Kyle Katharn or Jaden Korr or the force sensitive companion of the Imperial Agent, or Atton Rand or that girl who was raised by mandalorians until their defeat or Leia Organa who I am sure was in the presence of the emperor and Vader. Or the half echani girl that helped the exile or Bao Dur?


Palpatine knew how to hide his power. Which is a trick quite a few Jedi and Sith can do.

With Nadia I think she was actively kept away from Jedi, or they paid some neutral Force user to teach her how to hide her power. It's been ages since I've played a sage, so I'm fuzzy on her story, but her dad had enough power and money to make it happen.


Raina Temple, the Agent's companion is also Force sensitive, and had been avoiding Sith as much as she could.


From the RPGs:




Edited by Callaron
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As with a lot of things in Star Wars there's not a single definitive answer. Details of the technology, the Force, alien culture, alien biology, galactic politics, galactic history, and many other "universe" aspects are poorly defined in the movies because those details weren't relevant to Anakin and Luke running around and having adventures. When they flew spaceships what mattered was that they had cool looking spaceships, the spaceships could fly, and that Anakin and Luke could fly them better than anyone else. The engine manufacturer, Newtons of thrust, and underlying physics didn't matter to the story, and therefore were undefined.


So when additional stuff is needed to fill in new SW related content, the general rule has been, "make it up as you go along, try not to contradict any existing content, and keep a Star Wars feel and spirit to whatever you make up."


What we really know, is that you can do a blood test for midi-chloridians, that Vader, Palpatine, Yoda, and Obi Wan (possibly a few others I'm forgetting) have at various times felt that someone was, "strong in the force," and that Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Palpatine have all been able to hide from each other and other force users for decades at a time.


In the expanded universe a bunch of rationales have be proposed to explain this sort of thing.


You can learn to hide your "force signature" from other force users.

The more powerful the force user is, the longer the detection range for other force users.

The more you use the force, the more detectable you are, and the less you use it the less dectectable you are.

Local astronomical conditions can interfere with force detection.

Historical light side or dark side events can obscure detection of current force use and force users.

Light side and dark side users can sort of "cancel out" each other's signatures, resulting in no detectable signature.

Force users from very different traditions than the Jedi/Sith one use the force differently enough that they don't have signatures that the Jedi/Sith can detect, and the Jedi/Sith self concealment techniques may not work against them.


There are probably also others that I'm forgetting.


The general consensus seems to be that if a person is using a lot of force on a regular basis, then that's pretty detectable by other force users unless extreme care is taken to disguise it. Other than that, it seems to be mostly based on whether the writers want the force users they're writing about to detect each other or not. Whatever makes the story work, which is about as true to the methodology of the movies as you can get.


So no absolute rules, other than that the story should be very cool and very Star Warsy.

Edited by Ramalina
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Hiding your force abilities in the old republic took place at times for various reasons:


politics <nobility that hid offsprings abilty repub side for various reasons - Nadia storyline>

weakness <empire> If you were force sensitive, you had to be sent to Korriban under Imperial law. If you were weak, that was a death sentence <see Cave 52 quest on Imperial Balmorra>. These force sensitives were hidden somehow, and smuggled off-world by Republic forces.


In most cases, fully trained Sith did not bother to hide their force sensitivity - your character talks to those you have never met before and they instantly recognize you as a Sith - regardless of species.


When this essentially changes is due to the Bane story, where rule of Sith folks go "underground", with Bane, who is covered in obelisk armor, doesn't go about in towns, etc, using his apprentice Zannah for these sorts of missions. They perfect the arts of shielding themselves for survivability -- and then later on the shoe is on the other foot, and post-order 66 surviving Jedi have to do the same thing.


According to some of the EU novelizations, there does exist technology which detect the presence of midichorians as well.


While in most cases a Sith, or Jedi can feel if someone has the force, this is not always the case --somehow, Palpatine was able to hide his own abilities even before becoming apprentice to Plag, who himself was an expert in hiding himself in the "mundane".

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my read on it is generally unless someone's using the force you can't know for sure. some people are gonna give some obvious signs of force sensitivty that's a pretty good hint (almost prenatural reaction speed etc) you'd need to test to know for 100% sure. the best example of this is Anakin. Qui-gon KNEW something was up with him, but he couldn't be SURE without a test
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Mara Jade was known to be force sensitive it was why she was Palpatines shadow hand he used the force to communicate to her and give her orders.

Atton and most of kotor 2 companions seemed to have been either found out as force sensative and simply wernt trained.

  • Atton was trained to hunt Jedi by Revans forces
  • Handmaiden was bound to serve it may be that ment strong or not she wasn't allowed to train
  • Dicaple Was a padawan but no master was available to train him.
  • Mira and bao dur are the unknowns as to why they were not trained it may be because they were found but were to old as it seems that rule exsisted as vrook didnt like the idea of training Revan cause he was an adult (of course it could also have been because he was once evil but who knows)

Edited by Kaisernick
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Mira was still a small kid when the mandalorians where defeated but nobody seems to have noticed. Now what about Leia Organa why nobody noticed for force sensitivity?


ah yes i forgot that she was, well it may be the same reason that dicaple wasn't trained end of war so little Jedi left.

Now Liea she is a massive unknown as to why no one noticed you would also think Vader and her had some sort of force bond most relations do.

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The most common explanation is that a force user needs to be actively paying attention in order to detect a force user, and that isn't for sure as well.


For example, in the older EU, Luke devised a test for force detection that required him to basically enter their mind and perform a sort of psychic "knee jerk" test. It would cause that force user to emit an automatic telekinetic shove back, the more powerful the user, the more powerful the push.


He also discovered a sort of force scanner that could be used by normal people to detect force users (this being before the prequels).


Simply put, easier said than done.


That being said, when a force user is very strong, or actively using the force, or weird luck plays into it, force users can detect each other from a larger distance. for example, in SW rebels

when Ezra and Kanan come near each other, they clearly detect each other, though neither appears to recognize what the funny feeling means and later, when the crew return to Lothal from the rebel fleet, they both detect Vader all the way from orbit.


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