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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Heats/Round 2A: Team Aurbere vs Team Jarons


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Here a layout of Lars Moisture farm http://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/fc/ITW_Lars_Homestead.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20071123205739&format=webp


Knowledge of the Terrain


Cade Skywalker was forced to take shelter in Lars Moisture farm while trapped in a sandstorm.He can use this knowledge to lead Revan into chokepoints and confined spaces where Revan will have difficulty using some of his more devastating powers and be forced to engage in lightsaber combat.While Revan is a more than a proficient

Duelist if he is not able to use his Force abilities and this becomes a Saber Duel, Cade will last way longer in a lightsaber Duel then against Revan Force abilities.


IG-88 can use his Broadband antenna to remotely hack a terminal and download the Schematics to the Farm.After he downloaded the layout he can use his new knowledge of the Terrain to lay traps for Malgus and Revan.Once they activate the traps he and when they go to defend this will give his teammates the opportunity to capitalize on the opening in their defenses.



Use of Terrain


With this being a Desert environment IG-88 could plant explosive in the ground and cover them in sand or in small Droids like mice droids or Moisture farming equipment.While the other two Force users are dealing with Revan and are finishing off Malgus.For example IG-88 can set up traps like placing a container of Trifaraleen gas in a mouse droids and wait for someone to get close and release it.Or if Starkiller and Cade falls back lets say to the garage and Revan and Malgus will have to follow them.The duo will be forced to go down in a elevator or jump down the shaft,IG-88 could release Trion Gas in the elevator or inside the shaft so when they come down they will be exposed to the invisible gas which is quite lethal.


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Yes we all suck at formating but we all can't be master of formating like your and Selenial.


I meant her too. It took her 2:05 to format and you 2:01, so you are 3.3% less sucky :p


PS: Sel please don't hit me.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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I meant her too. It took her 2:05 to format and you 2:01, so you are 3.2% less sucky :p


PS: Sel please don't hit me.

Well this one was short I still have another argument to post and responses to Aubere arguments.


I doubt she will hit you.Your her favorite.

Edited by Jarons
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I meant her too. It took her 2:05 to format and you 2:01, so you are 3.3% less sucky :p


PS: Sel please don't hit me.


Right that's it, Silenceo won I take it back :p


To be fair, I had to format someone else's, on a phone, while building IKEA furniture.... I think I did good :jawa_redface:

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I doubt she will hit you.Your her favorite.

Not anymore it looks like.

Right that's it, Silenceo won I take it back :p

To be fair, I had to format someone else's, on a phone, while building IKEA furniture.... I think I did good :jawa_redface:

Based on inconclusive information I withdraw my previous statement.

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Well this one was short I still have another argument to post and responses to Aubere arguments.


I doubt she will hit you.Your her favorite.


Well, I'll wait for the rest of your posts before I make my responses.

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Well I'll would like to first apologize for the wait but am finally back and ready to go.



It was my intention for this tournament to be my return to the forums and debating in general. After a steady decline, I have refined my methods and broadened my knowledge. To quote:


As this is my grand return, I intend for it to be grand. As such, lengthy post incoming.


I will begin by responding to your post, Jarons. Let's begin.


To start, I will say that I fully disagree with your chosen match-ups. While I congratulate you on believing that it is a set of matches you can win, it is unlikely that these matches will occur. Additionally, as I will endeavor to show here, it is not a set of matches that you can win. Allow me to elaborate…


While I would agree with you this matchup probably won't happen right from the start of the battle but with how the flow of battles like this usually work this matchup would probably happen as a brief engagements.I wanted to post how my team would fair against other members of the opposing team and what they could do to hold off or defeat their Opponents if those matchup were to happen.While i'm sure we can agree these are interesting matchups,the more than likely matchup would be IG-88 Vs HK-47,Starkiller Vs Malgus,Cade Vs Revan.


Now to respond to your counters


IG-88 vs Darth Malgus




Your thesis paints an interesting picture. However, I completely disagree with your assessment. It is far more likely that Malgus will destroy IG-88 with his Force powers as soon as possible, which he has a penchant for doing. Now to address the rest of your thoughts here.


While I know IG can not defeat Malgus he will still last longer then HK .Which I will mention when I get to HK Vs Starkiller.You mentioned Malgus will used his Force powers as to crush IG-88 as soon as he can I agree with you he will try it but he will be too busy dealing with some of IG-88 more dangerous weaponry such as his Pulse cannon.A weapon Malgus might not be able to deflect fully with his lightsaber thanks to the speed of the rounds and possible splash effect of the plasma shot.Its very likely that one direct shot could kill Malgus 2-4 most definitely.







Your argument is based around the idea that because IG-88 can move at blurring speed to humans, he can outpace Malgus. However, not only is ‘moving as a blur’ a generic speed accolade, but Malgus has a similar speed accolade as well, moving so fast a non Force user could barely follow him:




Additionally, he has moved fast enough to kill six soldiers before they could even react as



Malgus has a plethora of additional speed feats, but these should suffice to suggest that Malgus is easily comparable if not superior to IG-88 in terms of speed. His other feats would be used to show his outright superiority in this regard, of course. Moving on…



You statement here is wrong my argument actual is that since he can move at blurring speeds where non Force sensitive can barely see him.I believe IG can keep up with Malgus or at least follow closely behind him and the other Force users on his team without being a liability.I never mentioned he could outpaced Malgus, can you please elaborate on how you draw that conclusion?For a Force user its a generic accolade but for a non Force user it's quite impressive and I would be shocked if Malgus didn't have a similar or superior feats and Accolades.



I would respond to your strength argument, but I really don’t see Malgus grabbing IG and trying to beat him with his bare hands. So I’ll move on to the durability arguments.




Regarding IG-88’s ability to sustain blunt force damage, Malgus has him utterly outclassed in this regard. During the Battle of Alderaan, Malgus suffered

. Not only did he survive, but he went on to kill two powerful Jedi before receiving medical attention (Quotes to come in a later post). Additionally, the ability to tank blaster bolts is not indicative of one’s ability to tank lightsaber blades. Many metals can withstand impacts from blaster bolts, but are easily cut to pieces by lightsabers. Considering that many an IG droid have been cut down by lightsabers, it is, in my opinion, safe to say that IG-88 would not simply brush it off.


While I wasn't comparing or stating that IG-88 is more durable than Malgus so I see no reason to respond to that statement at this time.I will admit I used the wrong choice of words when I said IG-88 can tank Saber strikes which I know he probably can't. What I should have said he more then likely will be able to survive glancing blows from Malgus lightsaber but I doubt they will get that close to each otherwise -88 will not engage in Melee combat and you yourself claimed Malgus will try to use his Force abilities from Range to destroy IG-88.Which I disagree with Malgus usually Engage in lightsaber combat first then use his Force powers in a fight. That would give IG-88 enough time to fire a few rounds of his Pulse cannon and other weaponry.


I will address Malgus vs IG-88 further in your Starkiller vs HK-47 argument. Speaking of which:



Starkiller vs HK-47





What I find most disappointing is the intense lack of respect for HK-47 here. I’ll address it from the top.




Proof of prep time? HK-47 outright says not to prepare for engagements with Force users:


—HK-47 to the Jedi Exile


Aubere am disappointed your own quotes countered your claim.Over planning and preparing for something is completely different.The definition of over planning is

["noun:the act or instance of planning excessively"
While the definition of preparing is
"transitive verb:to make ready, usually for a specific purpose; make suitable; fit; adapt; train"
do you see the difference HK-47 would never do something so ridiculous as to not prepare for a jedi or at least without knowing at least the basic information and preparing a loadout to take out the Jedi.like I was saying you can prepare for an operation without over planning it.What HK said is correct over thinking and bring things to a fight you do not need will only get you killed in the end.If you believe HK-47 a assassin did not prepare to face his target before trying to kill them with all past experience and knowledge of the field says otherwise then I believe your Greatly inflating HK abilities and you might need to rethink your argument here.Back on topic to here's another one of you quotes that contradicts your claim above.




HK-47 is a veteran Jedi Killer with a plethora of weaponry and equipment that can allow him to defend himself for a time. Observe:


—The Exile and HK-47


Unless HK has 100 pockets he picks and choose what to use against Jedi as he said "weapon selection is critical " so here your proof of HK prepared to face a Jedi or Sith.

Also for HK-47 to have any of those weapons or gadgets that would be against Rule 4 which states All combatants are equipped with their standard arms and armament. So he will have none of this facing off against Starkiller all he will have is his sniper rifle and Blaster Rifle which he will need a lot more to defeat Starkiller.


Also most of the things HK-47 listed off as things you should use to defeat a Jedi or Sith IG-88 has at his disposal and are his standard equipment.So I can see a charging Malgus falling Victim to some of these attacks.



Countered above, but I’ll repost here:




HK has killed many Jedi and Sith. Adapting to the changing battle is something the droid is more than capable of doing.


Regardless, I am detecting a very unfortunate double standard here. You went to great lengths to show IG-88’s ability to contend with Malgus, yet outright disregard HK-47’s reputation as a Jedi Killer and suggest that the droid would be stomped in 10 seconds flat. In fact, IG-88 has never fought a Force user to my knowledge and the one time it encountered Force powers, it was completely unaware of what it was dealing with:

While am not ignoring all of HK-47 years of experience but as I mentioned above HK-47 has access to none of that "plethora of weaponry and equipment" during this duel so all the weapons he would used are virtually non existent in this battle.



To suggest that IG-88 would be able to adapt to powers it has never encountered before while also saying that the veteran Jedi and Sith killer could not (despite all evidence to the contrary) is a faulty argument that falls flat and is simply a double standard on your part.



I never said HK-47 won't be able to adapt to Starkiller during the battle what I said is that he won't be able to.Starkiller won't give him a millisecond to do anything other then try to defend himself which he will have trouble during against Starkiller.


Am sorry that you feel that their is a double standard here but even you admitted that IG-88 is the superior droid and Starkiller is a stronger than just about any Force user HK-47 ever faced.Also HK-47 is not on my team so why would I defend him being able to contend with a member of my team?As I mentioned HK-47 is renowned Jedi killer but here he is outclassed by IG-88 and Starkiller.As you stated IG-88 never faced a Force user but to assume that he couldn't adept like HK-47 is a ridiculous assumption that has no evidence to back it up.



Additionally, Malgus himself has a penchant for destroying opponents with his Force powers quickly without the need to engage them in martial combat. Numerous accounts can be found in the Sacking of the Jedi Temple alone:








This is but three moments where Malgus simply destroyed an opponent with his Force powers instead of engaging them in lightsaber combat. In this case, he easily destroyed several Jedi. Since IG-88 is both not a Jedi and is a ranged fighter, Malgus would have no issue with taking the droid out at range quickly and effectively.


Previously, you mentioned that IG-88’s speed would allow him to escape Force attacks. His inexperience with the Force certainly suggests otherwise. Additionally, since when has speed allowed one to escape a Force Grip or Crush?


If you are going to assume that Starkiller can destroy a renowned Jedi Killer in seconds, then you should accept that the same would happen to the relatively inexperienced IG-88 as well.


Considering that the crux of your argument seems to be based around a domino effect, the failing of IG-88 against Malgus and HK’s abilities suggests that it is not something that can work.


Additionally, while I see the merits in your Starkiller vs Malgus argument, I completely disagree with it. While I intend to use a second post to cast aside the illusions surrounding Starkiller, there are some points I must contend with:



In each of your examples he had already been in combat and instead of engaging in lightsaber combat he used his Force abilities. So I believe he will do the same here he will engage in Melee combat first instead of using his Force powers right out the gate.Once IG-88 gets a few shots off and depending on the weapon he used he will slow down if not stop Malgus for long enough for Starkiller to take out HK-47.Malgus will probably use his Force abilities to grip and Crushed IG after that but before he has a chance to do that Starkiller would be on him.


While I agree the same will happen to IG I still believe that he will last longer then HK-47 as I mentioned above he will not have all the weapons and equipment he usually picks up to deal with Jedi or the time he will needs to adapt and defeat Starkiller.


Now to your point about the domino effect I believe you misinterpretation of my argument and the belief that HK-47 will have weapons that he cannot have access to do to the Rules.Would lead you to the belief that your team will last longer than mines.So again I believe that HK-47 won't last nearly as long as IG-88 will against Malgus. While I agree that HK is good but he is not good enough or have what he needs to defeat Starkiller.


Starkiller vs Malgus







Let’s hope you back it up…




Indeed, this is Galen Marek. So why are you using quotes for Galen’s power? Quotes regarding Starkiller’s power are far more relevant, especially since these accolades do very little for you. Now, regarding your apparent lack of knowledge on Malgus’ accolades, I think having feats that have never been duplicated and being one of the greatest warriors in the Sith Empire as a mere apprentice suggests that those accolades you’ve posted so far are not ‘miles’ better than Malgus’:


--Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side


--The Old Republic Encyclopedia


The reason I am using Galen Marek accolades instead of Starkillers at this time is to show that his pre primed incarnation is above Malgus.Starkillers would be a nail in the coffin.Another reason for using Galen Marek is to show a scale of the three individuals. For example if we would put the 3 on a scale Malgus would be a 4 while Galen a 7 and Starkiller a 10. My original plan was to post Starkiller accolades and feats at a later time but I believe at this time Galen Marek's will suffice.I disagree with you in your belief that Malgus has better Accolades or even Accolades that put him on the same level as Starkiller.While I'll agree with you he is powerful and one of the strongest warriors of his time but he is not strong enough to defeat Starkiller.


Side note:I will admit I don't know a lot about Malgus if you can Send me some information I'll appreciate it.


Considering that many of the finest warriors in the Empire (namely Darth Marr and Darth Decimus among others) could rout anything from battalions of troops to entire armies, the latter accolade is not something to turn one’s nose up at.


Starkiller has better accolades, obviously. So why not post those? Why use Galen's accolades when your suggestion that Starkiller > Galen is unsupported in your post?


would agree that that's an impressive accolades to be put on the Level of Decimus and Marr,who I agree are quite powerful but Starkiller has done the same thing against one of the strongest military in the mythos.While I feel I mentioned this enough but he has destroyed Legions as Galen Marek. Galen Marek's clones possess their genetic host's fighting skills, including incredible abilities with the Force.


-- The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated And Expanded

It's even said by Rohm Kota that he has grown stronger in the Force.(While I remember the quote I can't seem to find it at this time so I'll post it later)

Also he did this without fully embracing the Dark side which both Marr and Decimus had to do to become as powerful as they were.Which I believe is more impressive feat which is being able to destroy Legions of stormtroopers without having to fully embrace the Dark side.Starkiller with his own raw power had destroyed Legion's,multiple AT-ST, AT-AT,a frigate and help guide a Star destroyer into a Planet.What has those 3 done that are comparable?



False. The respirator is not required for him to breathe. It facilitates breathing, but Malgus can and has removed the respirator before:




Notably, Malgus’ respirator was knocked aside in combat with Ven Zallow, but that didn’t seem to affect him much at all:






This I will address in another post, which I intend to use to cast aside illusions about Starkiller’s Force powers.





Cade VS Revan

I will respond to this later.

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Well I'll would like to first apologize for the wait but am finally back and ready to go.





Cade VS Revan

I will respond to this later.


Alrighty then.


BTW, you can cut off my responses using the

thingy. Just put all of my stuff in quote brackets and that'll make it easier to respond to your points.
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