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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Heats/Round 2A: Team Aurbere vs Team Jarons


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I received one also... assuming they are the same will you be posting it?


Hmm, I guess?


I'll do it just for the sake of you not having to both Arbiter and post for a combatant, cut down on the confusion I suppose.

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Ok here's the post on behalf of Jarons. Completely unchanged, didn't even edit the part where he refers to the fabled "Shark Ti" :p




Hello everyone this would be my first debate on the swtor forums so I'll try my best against my my competitor.Aubere who is a exceptional debater so I am looking forward to a very exciting match up.

First I'll be listing who the members of my Team would more then likely target first.Since am not in control of them I can only hypothesis their opponents.Follow by a brief rundown of what they bring to the table.


  • IG-88 vs Darth Malgus
  • starkiller vs HK-47
  • Cade vs Revan



IG-88 vs Darth Malgus



IG-88 vs Darth Malgus: IG-88 is the most accomplished and deadliest assassin droid in the Mythos.With IG-88 vast array of weaponry and incredible Speed he will be able to Hold off Malgus for some time.Notice I said hold of Malgus, IG-88 does not need to kill Darth Malgus he just need to last 10-20 Seconds for Starkiller to Destroy HK-47 and run over to Join him on the fight.After that It will be a 2V1 against Malgus and Malgus won't be able to cope with both Opponents.




  • Flamethrower
  • Pulse cannon
  • DAS-430 electromagnetic projectile launcher
  • Repeating blaster
  • Sonic stunner
  • Paralysis cord
  • Poison gas
  • Trilon gas
  • Thermal detonators
  • Needle dart gun
  • Butcher vibroblade
  • Concussion grenade
  • Throwing flechefrom
  • Trifaraleen gas
  • Wide-dispersal radiation grenades
  • Computer input port
  • Broadband antenna
  • Blaster reflective palms
  • Heat and motion sensors
  • Highly advanced trackers
  • Acid-proof servo wires
  • Armor nearly impenetrable from external attack
  • Cutting laser in finger on right arm reflective palm that can deflect blaster shots.


IG-88 is a walking Armory and can use any mixture of these weapons to slow down Malgus.If not temporarily stop him. For example IG-88 can use his Pulse cannon to puncture Malgus Suit and with a well placed shot could destroy his Respirator.With his Respirator destroy IG can use his different poisonous Gases Neurotoxins to slow him down and weaken him for his fight agansit Starkiller.




IG-88 can move at amazing speed that he appears as a blur to his targets.Other than Jedi or Sith only IG been reported to move just as Fast.So IG-88 will be able to Match or at least keep up with the other Force user on his team without being a hindrance by slowing down Starkiller and Cade who are to extremely fast individuals.IG-88 can also use his blurring speed to dodge Malgus strikes and even break free from some of his Force attacks.


Here is some showing of his speed and fast processing power .


As the first technician-Target Number One- lunged for the emergency alarm, IG-88 moved with blurring speed to the component lab table.[/Quote]


-Taken from I think, therefore I am.


IG-88 Can move at blurring speeds.Some HK won't possible be able to compete with.


He snatched up a disconnected droid arm. With its metal fingers, it made the perfect projectile weapon. He scanned the surface of the metal limb, calculated a flight path and expected deviation due to air resistance, then hurled it like a spear.


- Taken from I think, therefore I am.


IG-88 decided to accelerate his clock speed, to watch the events unfolding at the rate humans operated.


-Taken from I think, therefore I am.


IG-88 can change how fast he perceives the world.


IG-88 will be able to use his Incredible speed to stay away from Malgus While Pelleting him with Blaster Fire from Far away.




IG-88 has very Impressive Strength feats that if Malgus Grabs him or gets a hold of him he can use his Incredible strength to break free.


They marched toward the armored doors that sealed the Holowan Laboratories' inner-complex. Rather than taking many minutes to repair the computer systems sufficiently to delve into the passwords and break through the cyberlocks, the five powerful assassin droids worked together to literally rip the nine-metric-ton door away from the wall. They tossed it aside, where it pulverized the remaining data-storage systems.


-Taken from I think, therefore I am.


Here the 4 IG-88 droids and a IG-72 rips apart a 9 metric ton door.


Charging forward, pumping his legs like pistons, IG-88 used the table as a battering ram to crush four technicians at a time. They ran about without a place to go, locked within the security-sealed door. Though nearly a full minute had passed, no one had yet managed to sound the security alarm.


- Taken from I think, Therefore I am.


Here IG-88 picks up and rips a durasteel table from thick bolts and uses it as a battering ram.


The disconnected droid arm plunged into the back of the turning technician, tore through his spinal column, and followed through his sternum. The lifeless metal hand protruded through splintered bone in front of his chest, holding the technicians quivering heart in rigid metal fingers.


- Taken from I think, therefore I am.


IG threw the a droid arm straight through a body, going right through bone and the arm pulling out a heart through the other side of the person.


- Taken from I think, therefore I am


Durability/Reaction time


IG-88 is extremely hard to kill and even damaged.He will be able to dodge and even tank a few of Malgus Lightsaber strikes before showing signs of Serious damage.He has multiple showings of him tanking Blaster Fire and explosives.


He strode down the dark corridor, knowing that even now the target would be rallying his defenses, setting up ambushes along the way. But IG-88 knew the path he must take. Blueprints of the stronghold as well as locations of weapons emplacements and comple-ments of mercenary guards had been on Grlubb's datadisk.


From a fortified cul-de-sac, five guards began firing at him with blaster rifles. Their bolts spanged off IG-88's duraplated armor. No simple energy weapon could damage him unless the beam struck exactly the right spot-only a few of IG-88's original designers knew such vulnerabilities, and most of those designers had been slaughtered at the Holowan Laboratories' massacre.


-I think, Therefore I am


He tanking multiple blaster shots with no damage, only specific hits could damage him and only a few of the original designers knew the locations of those spots.


IG-88 crashed through the rest of the wall, then scanned for three seconds, analyzing the containment systems and cataloging the inventory of deadly toxins. Finished, he calculated the best way to release them all.


-I think, Therefore I am


He crashed through a wall and showed no signs of physical damaged.


Chief Technician Loruss -Target Number Two- yanked a high-powered laser rifle from her station. Being one of his primary designers, she knew exactly where to fire at IG-88, and he was momentarily concerned. She must have kept the weapon at hand just in case one of her creations went renegade. This showed surprising forethought.


Loruss pointed the rifle and fired without hesitation-but a human’s aiming capabilities were not as sophisticated as IG-88′s.


As the bolt roared toward him, IG-88 assessed his body parts, chose the smooth reflective portion on the palm of his left hand, and raised it in a flash, calculating the precise angle of incidence. The burning laser bolt struck the mirrorized hand and sprang back toward Loruss. The beam struck her in the center of her bald forehead, and her skull popped in an explosion of wet black-and-red smoke. She tumbled.


He blocked/deflected blaster bolts.Only Jedi have shown the ability to do this before.



Starkiller VS HK-47



HK-47 is a Jedi/Sith killer but whenever he faced one he had Prep time and knowledge of his Opponents.Here he has no prep no knowledge of his Opponents or their capabilities and 2 previous masters to pay attention to.This combine with Starkillers lightening and intense Saber combat abilities he will be able to stomp HK-47 in less then 10 seconds.I believe this to be the case since he will be on his back foot the entire time and not be able to adept to Starkiller skills before he is destroyed.



StarKiller and IG-88 Vs Darth Malgus



After starkiller is done with HK-47 he will quickly turn his attention to Malgus as he would remind him of his former master Vader.With Starkillers Raw power and IG-88 Vast weaponry and skills.I see them working together to quickly take down Malgus.IG-88 will force Malgus to defend himself from his Blaster fire and Grenades or be gunned down.While he is deflecting the Blaster fire starkiller will quickly overpowering him with his powerful force abilities and intense Saber strikes will lead to Malgus defeats.


Starkiller has many accolades that puts him miles ahead of Malgus.


Shaak TI states that Galen's power is prodigious:


“Your strength is prodigious,” she admitted, “but that is your doing"


-- The Force Unleashed


Galen's power increased more than once throughout the novel:


All thought ceased; his connection to the Force became deeper than it ever had been before.


-- The Force Unleashed


“I’m not wearing out,” he said. “The moorings were tough, but I feel stronger than ever now. It gets easier, I think, the harder you try. The Force is stronger than anything we can imagine. We’re the ones who limit it, not the other way around.”


-- The Force Unleashed


As a child, Galen Marek was stated to be far more powerful than his father:


“I sense someone far more powerful than you nearby. Your Master … Where is he?”


-- The Force Unleashed


Bail Organa is impressed by Galen's feats and states that he had never seen anyone like him since the Clone Wars:


In the end she did as she had done with Kota: tell the truth, but not the whole truth. “Your guess is as good as mine, I’m afraid,” she said. “He keeps himself to himself. This may sound strange to you, but I don’t even know his real name.”


“That does sound a little unusual, but I’ve heard of stranger arrangements.” He assayed half a smile, then let it drop. “The feats he accomplished back there showed outstanding strength. I haven’t seen anyone like him since the Clone Wars—and that’s not necessarily a good thing. Such power, unchecked, can be dangerous. The dark side feeds on a taste for power. It can be deadly for those caught in the way—as a young learner discovered today, very nearly at the cost of her life.”


-- The Force Unleashed


Vader's apprentice was both strong in the Force and incredibly aggressive. As a teenager, the apprentice was already more powerful than many Jedi Knights had been during the Clone Wars, and it was only Darth Vader's incredible power and skill that allowed him to defeat the boy in combat.


-- The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide


This was Galen Marek his clone was far stronger.He defeated highly regarded Jedi masters before his Prime and Vader considered him to be stronger than many Jedi Knights of the PT Era as a teen.


Darth Malgus armor is similar to Darth Vader iconic armor but without the Insulation for greater protection against Force lightning. He is also forced to use a Respirator to breath.


Starkiller has very powerful force lightning and Telekinesis abilities that he learned to sync with his lightsaber strikes.Combine with his Raw power and mastery of the Force Darth Malgus won't stand chance.


Force lightning


But the same was true in reverse. And when Vader forced Starkiller onto his back foot and raised his lightsaber to strike him down, Starkiller fired a lightning blast into the side of Vader's armor that was so concentrated, even the new insulation couldn't absorb it.


-- The Force Unleashed 2


Starkillers lightning is so powerful that Vader Insulation in his suit couldn't protect him.


He took a deep breath, reaching deeper into the Force than he had before. He had never journeyed to the center of a planet, where the molten metal raged and burned under pressure hard enough to make diamond out of dust, but he imagined something much like that.


This time, he wanted to do more than just enrage the Gorog. He could feel the web of veins thudding a panicky bear beneath the skin.


He concentrated on that beat, on the rapid pulsing of life that would be extinguished when it reached the bottom of the sinkhole. Why wait that long, when Kota's life was at stake as well?


For a moment, he faltered. He had never killed anything this big before.


But it was just one life, and it stood between him and his goal. He had no choice.


Instead of a wild crackle of lightning, he discharged a single pure bolt into the metal anchor, stabbing deep through the creature's chest into its heart.


Its back arched. A strange, fluting cry emerged from its mouth. Starkiller rode out the spasm, maintaining the electric shock for as long as he was able. Muscular waves rolled back and forth, twisting him from side to side. It felt like a groundquake-a fleshquake on a planet-sized monster.


The pulsing coming through the soles of his boots ran wild, faltered, ceased.


He sagged as the mountain of flesh finally grew still. The fight was over, but darkness enfolded them as they entered the mouth of the sinkhole and went into freefall.


-- The Force Unleashed 2


Starkiller used his force lightning to take down a Gorog.A beast so powerful it took out a Rancor with a single strike.


A rancor bearing a Felucian rider thundered through the forest, crushing delicate life-forms beneath its clawed feet and sniffing for his scent. The apprentice jumped from mushroom cap to mushroom cap until he was in a position above the rider’s head, then he leapt down with lightsaber swinging. The rider’s organic headdress covered everything from the neck up, as with all the warriors. He had some Force resistance, but he couldn’t withstand Darth Vader’s apprentice for long. Once the rider was dispatched, he brought down the rancor with a stream of Sith lightning that made its eyes shine like the headlights of a city speeder. It died with a roar that echoed through the jungle.


-- The Force Unleashed


This is more impressive since it happened while being weakened by a light side Nexus.


The apprentice spun and opened his eyes a split second before they collided. Raising his free hand, he sent a powerful bolt of lightning into the buckling armor shells. The energy raced along wires and cables deep into the cargo bays and ammunition stores, tripping safeties and triggering detonators. Energy begat energy.


-- The Force Unleashed


Starkiller was able to destroy 2 AT-ST with his powerful force lightning




He caught the general in a choke hold and maintained his grip even though it turned partially back on him. He had been ready for this; his lungs were full. The general, however, clutched at his throat with one hand while barely managing to parry with the other. The apprentice let the fire in his lungs fuel his lust for triumph. Even as darkness crowded around the edges of his vision, he sent objects hurtling at Kota’s legs and face, battling him on all fronts.


Finally a fragment of smoking debris struck the general’s knees from behind. With a cry of frustration, the flailing Jedi went down, his face purple and eyes bulging. The apprentice relented slightly, letting them both have a little air, but before Kota could scramble to his feet he was on him, pressing down on their locked lightsabers, which sizzled just millimeters from their faces.


-- The Force Unleashed


Starkiller was able to force choke Rahm Kota and simultaneously hurling objects at him.


Soon the foyer was full of the twitching, smoking bodies of the Temple’s hapless guardians. He began to tire, not from exertion but from the tedium of knocking down droid after droid, to no apparent end. There might have been thousands of them.


Deactivating his lightsaber, he took a deep breath. With one mighty exhalation of power, he blasted all of them—those in pieces and those approaching with needle-tipped fingers and vibrosaws upraised—out of the foyer doors. Then he blasted the rubbish piles after them. He kept pushing until a dark cloud soared out over Raxus Prime’s hideous landscape—an artificial hurricane full of droid golems.


When the foyer was clear, the apprentice straightened. He was no longer pushing with the Force, but the floor beneath him shook nonetheless. A heavy booming sound came from deeper in the Temple, and was getting louder. He had certainly attracted someone’s attention now.


-- The Force Unleashed


Starkiller destroyed Hundreds of Junk droid with his Force Replus abilities.


The apprentice reached out and caught the Jedi Aleena in a tight Force grip. Paratus’s artificial arms crumbled, unable to resist his power. Lifting the diminutive alien into the air, the apprentice swung his captive from side to side, smashing him into the window frames and roof until rubble rained down on them both. He deflected the worst of it from himself and saved the damage for Paratus. Soon the aging Jedi was too weak to fight, but still the apprentice continued battering him. He remembered what had happened with Rahm Kota at the very last. Wherever that strange hallucination had come from, he would not permit a repeat.


Finally, the Jedi Master’s strength was spent. The apprentice let him drop to the ground, where he was pinned by an avalanche of junk falling through the ceiling. Clearly dying, he lay face up and closed his eyes.


-- The Force Unleashed


Starkiller was able to manhandle Paratus with the force.


Starkiller has fought and defeated far more powerful Opponents then Malgus.Such as Shark TI and Vader.


While I am not saying Malgus Is pushover and did not fight powerful Opponents but what I am saying is he will not be able to stop the onslaught brought on by Starkillers powerful force abilities.



Cade Skywalker Vs Revan



With everyone already having a Dance Partner.Only person for Cade and Revan to fight is each other.Cade could defeat Revan alone but Cade does not need to win this battle alone. Cade needs to hold off Revan long enough for Starkiller and IG-88 to defeat Malgus and together defeat Revan.Before the 3v1 battle occurs I believe that Cade and his team will fall back before attacking Revan. Cade will more than likely Heal any wounds he and Starkiller might have acquired during their battles.Once they're all back to fighting shape they will push on Revan.


Cade has many Accolades putting him close to a Revan level force user.With his skills he will be able to hold off Revan until his Cavalry arrives.


“Cade, the Force is too powerful in you to just walk away! Healing me like you did was not something you were taught, you did that by instinct alone!”


―Star Wars: Legacy 6: Broken (Wolf Sazen)


“Yes, and yet you have brought me knowledge greater than your failure, there is a Skywalker. And he is powerful in the Force... he is very powerful indeed.


―Star Wars: Legacy 7: Broken (Darth Krayt)


“You’re a Skywalker, the Force runs strong in your family.”


―Star Wars: Legacy 11: Ghosts (Mara Jade Skywalker)


“You cannot deny your power in the Force!”


―Star Wars: Legacy 11: Ghosts (Darth Vader)


“Of all my learners, you always had the greatest potential.”


―Star Wars: Legacy 11: Ghosts (K'Kruhk)


“Darth Talon brought word of another healer – one whose name provokes both admiration and dread. I had thought, hoped, that this bloodline was dead.”


―Star Wars: Legacy 14: Claws of the Dragon (Darth Wyyrlok III)


"You have great raw power."


―Star Wars: Legacy 17: Claws of the Dragon (Darth Krayt)


“This one. He is strong enough. Let go and you can be free…”


―Star Wars: Legacy 29: Vector (Karness Muur)


Cade Skywalker has the rare ability of Force Healing to heal his partner and himself if injured during the battle or kill one of his Opponents with it.To do this Cade can use his impressive skill in the rare art of Dark Transfer. Together with his skills in Shatterpoint he can combine these two abilities to achieve Force Healing or kill via their weak points.




Shatterpoints were a complex Force phenomenon, perceivable only by an unknown innate talent or immense focus and concentration on the part of the Force-user. Shatterpoints were akin to fault lines; similar to different pathways of actions. Adept Force-users were able to perceive these faults through the Force, and influence them.


Dark Transfer


Dark transfer was an extremely rare Force power that allowed the user to bring others back to life from the brink of death;it could initially only be accessed through the dark side.The only person confirmed to have ever learned this skill on their own was Cade Skywalker.


Cade Skywalker's healing powers were greater than anyone Luke Skywalker has ever known (which includes galactic entities such as Abeloth). Darth Krayt believed he could use his power to heal him from his Yuuzhan Vong disease, for it can be used as an alternative Detoxify Poison.


Shatterpoint showings


"I got this crazy healing ability. I can see the weak points in you like little broken red lines! I can see where you got wounded recently. Someone smack you during a sparring session? Bet it was Nihl. I could heal that hurt. Pour the Force into the place where the red lines intersect. Or—and here's a new idea—Maybe I could explode that point. Kill you. Interesting idea. Should we try?"


―Star Wars: Legacy 16: Claws of the Dragon (Cade Skywalker)


You think your stinkn' talisman's so karking perfect, Muur? Well, it ain't. I can see every flaw. All I have to do is pour the Force into the cracks..."


―Star Wars: Legacy 50: Extremes (Cade Skywalker)


Force healing Accolades


“I don’t understand you. You have a talent to heal others that is unlike I’ve ever known."


―Star Wars: Legacy 3: Broken (Luke Skywalker)


"After losing his father, Kol Skywalker, Cade uses an extraordinary healing power that taps into the dark side of the Force to save his dying Master, Wolf Sazen."


―Star Wars: Legacy Campaign Guide


"At one point he captures Cade Skywalker, an heir to the Skywalker bloodline gifted with incredible healing powers, in the hopes that one day he will be able to harness those same powers to prolong his life."


―Star Wars: Legacy Campaign Guide


"Krayt senses the Force healing power of Cade Skywalker. He dispatches his Hand, Darth Talon, to find Cade and bring him to the Sith Temple on Coruscant. The power of the Skywalker bloodline may be the answer to Krayt's disease."


―Star Wars Miniatures Strategy Showcase: The Hunt for Cade Skywalker


“I have heard of your healing abilities. I understand you can bring the injured back from the dead. You can even purge yourself of a lethal dose of Ixetal Cilona.”


―Star Wars: Legacy 15: Claws of the Dragon (Darth Wyyrlok III)


He can bring people back from the dead or Kill them.






Cade Skywalker uses Shatterpoint to kill, and then revive, Darth Talon:


"I got this crazy healing ability. I can see the weak points in you like little broken red lines! I can see where you got wounded recently. Someone smack you during a sparring session? Bet it was Nihl. I could heal that hurt. Pour the Force into the place where the red lines intersect. Or—and here's a new idea—Maybe I could explode that point. Kill you. Interesting idea. Should we try?"


―Star Wars: Legacy 16: Claws of the Dragon (Cade Skywalker)


Cade Skywalker has very impressive Combat feats and Accolades.He has defeated the Strongest Sith of his Era.Like Darth Krayt and both of his hands Darth Nihil and Darth Talon.


Combat abilities


Cade Skywalker has fought and defeated some of the strongest Force users of his Era.From One Sith to Imperial Knights who are said to be stronger than the Average Jedi.


Cade Skywalker, while early in training, easily defeats both of Darth Krayts hands Darth Talon and Darth Nihl simultaneously:


"Skywalker became enraged, grabbed his father's lightsaber from its enclosure and stabbed Darth Talon in the stomach. He then fought Darth Nihl, severed his arm, knocked him unconscious and pelted him with Force lightning."


―The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Cade Skywalker easily defeats Isen, the butcher of Dac




Cade Skywalker quickly dominates Darth Talon in combat


"When Talon witnessed Cade's new mastery of the Force, she retreated to warn Krayt, leading Cade directly to his goal."


―Star Wars: Legacy: War 6




Cade Skywalker easily one-shots Sint Yoru:


"Only difference between us then, Pateesa, is skill."


―Star Wars: Legacy 40: Tatooine




Cade Skywalker holds his own against Luke Skywalker's spirit:


“A confrontation with the ghost of Luke Skywalker.”


―Star Wars: Legacy 40: Tatooine






Darth Stryfe was known as a brutal warrior who attacked his enemies with intense, raw power."


―The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Cade was a able to defeat Darth Stryfe a powerful Sith who defeated his Master Wolf Sazen with his Incredible raw power.


Cade Skywalker, who has not used a lightsaber in years, holds his own against Darth Nihl.The one who killed his father and much stronger then Cade at the time.






"On Vendaxa, Cade Skywalker used his powers to drop a huge section of a ruined starship on Talon, who called for backup in the form of Darth Nihl."


―The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia




Cade was able to Dominate Darth Talon with his Impressive Telekinesis abilities.






Cade also have impressive Force push abilities he has put several Force user on their backs with this ability.








Force Speed


Cade used his force speed abilities to get an edge on multiple Opponents and even turn the tides of battles.


Here he dodges blaster fire from multiple directions with incredible Athleticism while chasing Issen the Butcher of Dacc.




Cade Skywalker can match the speed of Revan if not move faster then him.He can move his lightsaber at blurring speeds where skilled Duelist have trouble keeping up.Cade will use incredible speed to keep Revan from using his Force powers and even keep him on the defense.


Cade Skywalker VS Revan


Cade Skywalker has many abilities he can use against Revan to hold him off until backup arrives.He can use shatterpoint to find weaknesses in Revan forms and abilities. Then press those weaknesses with his powerful Force push and lightening abilities.He can quickly follow up with his blurring lightsaber strikes to out Malgus on the back foot.Revan will probably counter but with Cade shatterpoint he will be able to see the worst of it and adjust accordingly.They can to tell you this is exchange until Cade reinforcements arrives and they can finish off Revan.


Cade Skywalker, IG-88,Starkiller VS Revan


This battle will end in a 3v1 battle.


With Starkiller Cade and IG-88 all engaging Revan.My team will probably fall back to a more favorable location where all 3 can use their abilities to the fullish extent and Cade heal any wounds he and Starkiller received.After Revan follows them my team will begin the engagement with Starkiller charging in first with his synced lightsaber/lightning combation and forcing Revan on the back fought.Followed by Cade attacking seconds after with a Force push and quick Revan will probably be using Jar'kai with Malgus lightsaber as his second.While he is trying to hold off Cade and Starkiller He will be left exposed to IG-88 Blasters,Pulse Cannon or his sonic Stunner to either kill or KO Revan.



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You should use Shaak Ti gifs Aurbere, they give you +100 internet points. Unless it involves her death, canon or not, then it's -100.



PS: Why my team gets all the funny names? Mace Wendy and Shark Ti :confused:


I feel like there's one in particular he needs to use, that's actually relevant here.

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