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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Heats/Round 2C: Team Beniboybling vs Team LadyKulvax


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Taking into account the fact that nothing is certain, and the initial brawl could lead to several different outcomes, I’m going to cover two main ones that Dooku will push for. Bearing in mind that even if Dooku doesn't achieve the desired results, their opponents attempts to exploit Savage as a weak link (prompting Maul to assist) makes it inevitable.


Scenario 1


Dooku vs the Exile & Leneer


First off let’s re-establish Dooku as a master group combatant.


On two occasions he has capably faced off against Anakin & Kenobi at once, two of the greatest duellists in Jedi Order and exceptionally coordinated as a team:





Again as a reminder, Kenobi and Anakin achieved perfect synergy with one another:


Blade-to-blade, they were identical. After thousands of hours in lightsaber sparring, they knew each other better than brothers, more intimately than lovers; they were complementary halves of a single warrior.


--Taken from Revenge of the Sith novelisation


And, despite being blinded and weakened poison, and his opponents invisible, he was still able to fend off Ventress and two of the Nightsister clan’s best fighters:



Noting that Makashi is weak against multiple opponents, instead Dooku is an expert in keeping his adversaries off-balanced so he is able to face them one at a time, which he'll employ here. And in this case Dooku is not drugged, nor is he facing off against adversaries with Anakin & Kenobi’s skill and synergy. Instead his opponents are inferior duellists, which, having never fought alongside each other, possess no effective means of synchronising their offense.


Something else to consider is that Leneer wields Ataru, something we can infer from her penchant for speed and acrobatics in her duel against Malgus:

But she was the quicker, and a flip sent her over his head and fifty meters away, deeper into the mountain of ruins where her Master had died. She landed in a crouch atop one of the broken columns sticking out of the rubble…


…Aryn stabbed low and Malgus slapped her blade out wide, reversed his motion, and unleashed a backhand swing at her abdomen. She leapt over it, pulling her legs in tight, and loosed a two-handed overhead strike as she came back down…


…She took the hilt of Master Zallow's lightsaber in her off hand, crouched, and bounced into a leapt toward him. He watched her come and at the apex of the leap's arc, he thrust his left hand at her, roaring, and veins of Force lightning squirmed toward her…


…The moment she landed, Malgus was upon her, his blade slashing, stabbing, spinning. He tried to use his superior strength to force her off the stone, off balance, but she answered his strength his speed, sidestepping his blows, leaping over them, parrying, unleashing her own flurries. The hum of their weapons through the air, the sizzle of crossed blades, merged into a single song of speed and power.


--Taken from The Old Republic: Deceived

Ataru being a form that Dooku specialises in dismantling:

Kenobi's Master had been Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku's own Padawan; Dooku had fenced Qui-Gon thousands of times, and he knew every weakness of the Ataru form, with its ridiculous acrobatics.


--Taken from Revenge of the Sith novelisation

Every weakness folks. Noting that Qui-Gon, whom we can presume Dooku was capable of out fencing, was a swordsmen of legendary skil, and easily superior to Leneer as an Ataru specialist:

Jinn was generally regarded as one of the best pure swordsmen the Order had ever seen.


--Taken from The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the most able swordsmen in the Jedi order. The Jedi Master he had trained under had considered him one of the best the Master had taught in his more than four hundred years in the order. Qui-Gon had fought in conflicts all across the galaxy in the span of his life and against odds so great that many others would not have stood a chance.


--Taken from The Phantom Menace novelisation

Leneer is not on his level, making it all the more easy for Dooku to dismantle her. And though it’s not really required, let’s give a brief reminder of Dooku’s skill.


Dooku was regarded among the best duellists in the entire Order, in an era of exceptional masters, many of which were regarded as among the best they had produced:

Dooku was said to be one of the Order's finest lightsaber masters, and he had earned a reputation as a skilled diplomat, as well.


--Taken from Darth Plagueis

And he is regarded as equal to that of Master Yoda and Windu:

Yoda had taken a keen interest in the young Dooku. He assisted in Dooku's combat training and as a result, the Padawan became especially proficient with a lightsaber. Only Masters Yoda and Mace Windu were considered to be on equal terms with him.


--Taken from Star Wars: Databank


The Count's blade was quick as a viper striking. Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: but here on Vjun, steeped in the dark side, his bladework was malice made visible—wickedness cut in red light.


--Taken from Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

As a testament to his skill, he has humbled duellists comparable to Leneer in skill, for example Ventress – a duellist who has defeated even Jedi Council members:




He also defeated Obi-Wan Kenobi with equal ease:



And although before his prime, Kenobi was already considered “exceptional” in his Padawan years and at this point, over a decade later, has since ascended to master level:

Obi-Wan is an exceptional lightsaber duelist and formidable opponent for Darth Maul.


--Taken from Episode 1 Visual Dictionary

Then there’s Sora Bulq, regarded as among the best lightsaber instructors in the Order’s history, yet was disarmed and dispatched by Dooku with consummate ease:




Then there’s Tholme himself capable of contending with Bulq and Vos, and well as dispatching Anzati and Morgukai warriors, yet still no match for Dooku:




As Dooku outclassed these adversaries, Leneer will be outclassed as well, not only that but Dooku's knowledge of Ataru will allow him to predict her every move and exploit her every weakness. It will be child’s play for him to anticipate her attacks, redirecting them into the Exile’s path, in turn hampering the Exile’s ability to bring her swordsmanship to bear. Surik's unfamiliartity with Leneer's strategy and style of fighting only making things worse.


Just as he did against Anakin & Kenobi, Dooku will engage them one at a time, throwing Leneer into the Exile’s path, and off-balancing her by out fencing her or staggering with a kick so he can deal with the Exile.


And with Leneer so thoroughly outclassed by Dooku she’s a dead girl walking, at any moment Dooku could capitalise on a weakness and cut her down, he’ll merely be keeping her around as a hindrance, a handicap. Who in turn in evading both Dooku, and Leneer’s redirected attacks, will leave herself exposed to getting cut.


Really though Dooku doesn’t need to win, just stall. Keep his opponents at bay long enough for the Brothers to dispatch Anakin and come to his aid, better yet using the distraction of his death to cut down the lesser of the pair.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Maul Brothers vs Skywalker


This really is a duel Anakin cannot win. He is a consummate duellist, but Maul alone is easily on his level of skill, he is after all one of the greatest duellists in Sith history:

One of the most skilled and deadly warriors in Sith history, Darth Sidious' apprentice took part in the first encounter between Jedi Knight and Sith warrior for more than 1,000 years in the battle for Naboo.


--Taken from Star Wars - Fact Files #01

As well as, unlike Anakin, a master of numerous martial art forms:

I took inspiration from the Jedi tradition of indoctrinating Force-sensitive infants when I selected one apprentice, whom I named Darth Maul. I took him from his home world, Iridonia, and raised him as I would construct the perfect weapon. I trained him in numerous exotic and forbidden martial arts, disciplined him constantly, and personally applied the Sith tattoos that were evidence of his complete dedication to the dark side.


--Taken from Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force

And though Savage is not as skilled, he remained proficient enough a duellist to face off against Plo Koon, who proved unable to defeat him, Koon himself among the greatest duellists and indeed Jedi in the Order, wielding the same Djem So style as Anakin. And with his brother alongside him, Anakin simply isn’t going to be in a position to overpower him through his superior saber skill, and his style lacks the precision necessary to exploit openings or outmanoeuvre him.


Nor is Anakin going to be able to overpower them with his strength. Maul physical prowess was extraordinary, without even drawing on the Force and before his prime has shattered spines with a blow, ripped out the heart from the torso of a Wampa, and torn off the skull of a varactyl. With the Force and at the height of his power Maul will not budge in the face of Anakin’s strength attacks, and the anger Anakin channels into his offense will only make Maul stronger:

When the last laser door lifted, I gave into my anger as I charged the dark warrior. I absolutely wanted to destroy him. He used my anger against me, actually fed off my fury, gaining strength as I exhausted my own.


--Taken from Jedi vs. Sith The Essential Guide to the Force

It’s worth noting that Darth Maul as of TCW readily used Dun Möch to taunt his opponents, encouraging them to give in to his anger. Something he does effectively against Kenobi, among the most unflappable of masters:



And also against Jedi Master Judd to good effect:




Anakin has readily demonstrated that he is quick to anger and easily led on, and though that anger can become a strength, in this situation it is not only going to fuel Maul but drain Skywalker, as well as lead him to become reckless and frustrated, increasing the likelihood of him overextending and exposing himself.


Savage isn’t going to succumb to Anakin’s power either. He possesses immense physical strength and we have quite accurate proof he was stronger than Anakin. For example before his ultimate prime Savage proved strong enough to disarm Dooku with a single blow and launch him across the room:




In comparison Anakin has only disarmed Dooku on one occasion, and though with obvious difficulty, Dooku has repeatedly weathered his attacks. And when enraged, Savage launched Anakin & Kenobi across several meters:




Then proceeded to drive them back simultaneously for almost a minute:





And while yes, Savage was enraged, realistically he always is, and in this instance Anakin is going to be missing a Kenobi, and in his place dealing with a Maul. On top of that Savage powers was constantly building:

“I can sense him, Grievous.


That creature, Savage Opress, is growing stronger and stronger as each day passes…”


--Count Dooku speaking with Grievous

Anakin is fighting against two opponents who individually are stronger than him, with a style geared towards dominating one’s opponent through superior force, that isn’t going to end in his favour.


Take into account physical attacks as well, Maul is a master of Teräs Käsi and many other forms of martial combat, and with his mechanical legs in play can pack a serious punch, worse yet if Anakin is struck he won’t be given a chance to recover, Savage will move in and pummel him while his defences are down, creating a snowball effect in which Anakin ends up the floor with a lightsaber in his gut, or alternatively will find himself flung into the reactor core.


And where Anakin lacks that key advantage in strength, the Brothers have the clear advantage over Skywalker in regards to speed and agility. One the primary weaknesses of Djem So is its lack of mobility, as it favours strength over swiftness. Anakin is by no means slow, but his weakness in this regard is shown against Dooku:


Exhibit A: http://share.gifyoutube.com/v1ZV25.gif


Exhibit B: http://share.gifyoutube.com/yazV16.gif


Despite Anakin being more powerful in the Force than the count, he is still able to evade his attacks without drawing his weapon. Maul on the other hand, has demonstrated incredible speed that Anakin hasn't matched.


Against Komari Vosa for example, Dooku's former and powerful Jedi apprentice, Maul moved so fast he appeared nigh invisible, despite the fact he was wounded by a blaster shot to the shoulder, which slowed down his offense:

Your right arm is slowing you down. Even your weapon is betraying you.”


Maul kept coming, relying more and more on his left arm, saving the right for when he’d need it most…


…He swung out at her, the dark side streaming so powerfully from him now that it seemed to be pouring forth in great, explosive torrents. His blade was moving almost too fast to see…


…In his mind, the duel was all but over – his opponent was now dragging out the inevitable moment of defeat in a series of small humiliations. By turning to such diversionary tactics, Vosa had all but admitted that she was no match for the erratic staccato blows that he was delivering, seemingly from everywhere, all at once.


--Taken from Darth Maul: Lockdown

He’s moved so fast that he appears invisible to holocameras:

Then he sprang to a series of other sites that ultimately carried him to the wall of the principal building, moving with such speed the entire time that whatever holorecordings were being made wouldn't show him unless they were played in slow motion.


--Taken from Darth Maul: Saboteur

And believed he could take down four to five Tusken Raiders in a blink:

The Raiders shake their gaderffii and begin to surround me. There are just too many of them. I can take out four or five in the flicker of an eyelash, but that will just infuriate the rest. Frustration boils inside me. These interruptions deflect me from my mission.


--Taken from Episode I Journal: Darth Maul

Maul as of his more powerful TCW form should have at least comparable speed to Dooku, and therefore should too be able to of outmanoeuvre Anakin with speed.


Savage may not be as fast as Maul (though he is by no means slow) but he serves his purpose in putting pressure on Anakin, with him having to block and/or evade strikes from both Brothers his mobility it going to be all the more reduced and he is going to be less able to counter Maul’s rapid assault while also defending against Savage.


Altogether Anakin doesn’t have the skill, strength or speed to overwhelm the Brothers, against them both he is outmatched and will inevitably be overpowered, allowing them to assist Dooku it taking down the rest.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Not to mention Rayla's wrong regarding Malgus. While Leneer was enraged she stood a chance, while she wasn't she was entirely outclassed in the force...


When Aryn called on the Dark Side, not enraged, the difference is considerable.


Furthermore the second fight in no way or shape displsyed Malgus entirely outclassing Aryn, she nearly killed him at one point and lost when he managed to catch her with a full blast of Force Lightning.

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Beni you once again rely entirely on the fight going orecisely how you want it to go, but is not the reality.


Dooku in no way can take Meetra Surik and Aryn Leneer at the same time, they are far too skilled, fast and powerful. You severely underestimate them yet again, his lightning isn't working on either of them, his martial kicks are outclassed by precognition, reflexes and strong martial expertise. Let's not forget that Surik is a master hand-to-hand fighter and Leneer showed perfect capabilities to take advantage of attempted force kicks, such as befell Darth Malgus.


You can read all of this on page one, where my extensive feats list can be read.


If Dooku tries to take them by himself he will be overwhelmed by Force Powers and speed backed up with top tier precog and reflexes, he will die.


Darth Maul and Savage Oppress lost to Obi-Wan Kenobi in a combat, lest we forget, Anakin Skywalker is much stronger, faster, more skilled and more powerful than his master is, Anakin has stalemated Dooku in Dark Disciple and in Revenge of the Sith overwhelmed him. Again Savage's vulnerablility to Telekinesis can keep him out of the fight long term. If Darth Maul attempts to enrage Slywalker he would only meet his doom, Dooku was entirely incapable of even parrying Skywalker's attacks despite his most lavish use of Force reserves. Anakin need only dispatch Oppress with the Force as Skywalker performed against Dooku twice, then as you state be tempted into using the Dark Side, once Anakin goes all-out Darth Maul is not surviving the ensuing onslaught.


Now onto my own scenarios, I already described how Savage can't win a 1 vs 1 combat against his opponents here, now on to Darth Maul:


As stated above, if Darth Maul tempts the Dark Side from Skywalker or Skywalker simply gets angry enough, Maul can't match speed that Dooku can't even percieve, nor can he survive the strength that Dooku could not even parry with his deepest augmentation. Skywalker is the chosen one and when dipping into his deeper reserves of power is too much for any one short of Yoda and Sidious, as Mace even admits that Skywalker is the stronger.


Against Aryn Leneer, Darth Maul is facing someone whom has matched Darth Malgus in two combats, a feat that the best Jedi of the SWTOR era couldn't accomplish alone. Aryn is known for using the dark side and displaying extreme feats of speed, strength and stamina. She also has very powerful Force abilities, especially in terms of telekinesis and Force defenses. Whilst Maul is very strong, so was Darth Malgus whom could not overwhelm her with his own considerable rage enhanced strength despite his best efforts. This is a very close fight but I believe the arena complements her far better than it does Darth Maul.


Meetra Surik as a master of multiple lightsaber forms, including Juyo, is most prepared for Darth Maul's lightsaber form and his attempts at overwhelming strength, an advantage she may have however is her non-reliance on a single form in combat, as taught to her by Kreia, she switches forms constantly for the current situation. With her masterful Echani battle precognition and top of the line reflexes in combat, Maul is not taking her down via speed nor strength. Further more the Exile is expert at reading her opponent's strength and weakness in mid-combat and exploiting them, Maul is vulnerable to making mistakes due to his head-strong style and she is more than patient enough and cunning enough to bait him into traps. The Exile won't be able to outright beat him in a duel, but she can easily trap him and exploit advantages.


Note: Not once have I even considered Sever Force in this combat but I can most easily argue it's use here, especially upon the likes of Savage.

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I doubt that Leneer is going to be tapping into the dark side tbh. If she is really going to be force bonded with the Exile and Anakin, it simply won't happen. I also would suspect that their teamwork would begin to crumble should Anakin and the Exile see her use it. According to yourself, they are all very staunch in their beliefs, and could simply consider her another enemy.
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They are not going to as you say force bond, both Anakin and Aryn are known for using the Dark Side in short spurts, given the Exile's affiliations with other darker Force users I'd say that's quite the leap in logic.


However please refrain from anything but fact checking, not debating.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Beni you once again rely entirely on the fight going precisely how you want it to go, but is not the reality.
And you've yet to prove why your version of events is more likely.
Dooku in no way can take Meetra Surik and Aryn Leneer at the same time, they are far too skilled, fast and powerful. You severely underestimate them yet again, his lightning isn't working on either of them, his martial kicks are outclassed by precognition, reflexes and strong martial expertise. Let's not forget that Surik is a master hand-to-hand fighter and Leneer showed perfect capabilities to take advantage of attempted force kicks, such as befell Darth Malgus.
And the exact same could see said of Anakin and Kenobi, and yet he did so twice over. You underestimate the count's abilities, and you're failing to account for the heavy advantage he has over Leneer.


Anakin Skywalker has easily superior precognitive abilities, reflexes and martial expertise to the Exile and Leneer, and yet still he remained susceptible to Dooku's physical attacks. You need to account the speed at which Dooku can pull of these attacks, which for the record is superior to anything Malgus, a Djem So duellist heavily encumbered by durasteel armor, with a focus on strength over speed, has accomplished. An example:

Kenobi reached the top of the stairs and a single slash of his lightsaber dismantled both droids. Before their pieces could even hit the floor Dooku was in motion, landing a spinning side-stamp that folded Skywalker in half; he used his last burst of dark power to continue his spin into a blindingly fast wheel-kick that brought his heel against the point of Kenobi's chin with a crack like the report of a huge-bore slugthrower, knocking the Jedi Master back down the stairs. Sounded like he'd broken his neck. Wouldn't that be lovely?


--Taken from Revenge of the Sith

Assuming standard gravity that process would have taken no more than half a second. Split seconds. A time frame in which Dooku was not only able to advance on Skywalker, but fold him in half, itself a demonstration of the kind of power he can output. Noting that at this point Dooku is described as becoming exhausted from Anakin's onslaught:

Force exhaustion began to close down his perceptions, drawing his consciousness back down to his physical form, trapping him within his own skull until he could barely even feel the contours of the room around him; he dimly sensed stairs at his back, stairs that led up to the entrance balcony.


--Taken from Revenge of the Sith novelisation

So yes, this the low end of Dooku's abilities. As if at full power the Exile's martial arts abilities will make any difference.


Not that physical attacks are Dooku's only means of off-balancing his opponents, deflecting and redirecting their attacks with his lightsaber, readily predicting Leneer's every move, manipulating their own movements with a calculated offense and of course capitalising on their lack of coordination and synergy are all means at his disposal.

You can read all of this on page one, where my extensive feats list can be read.
Well let's hope Aurbere and our spectators take the time to do so. :jawa_wink:
If Dooku tries to take them by himself he will be overwhelmed by Force Powers and speed backed up with top tier precog and reflexes, he will die.
Overwhelmed by their Force powers? Both Leneer and the Exile are Jedi with a strong martial focus, they not the kind to abuse the Force like the Sith they are dealing with, nor will Dooku given them a chance.


Not as if any one of them have the strength to overwhelm him, if anything it is they who will be susceptible to his potent abilities and their cunning application. No, I'm afraid he'll will contend with this pair as well if not notably better than he did against Anakin and Kenobi - their infinite superiors as a coordinated fighting force.

Darth Maul and Savage Opress lost to Obi-Wan Kenobi in a combat, lest we forget, Anakin Skywalker is much stronger, faster, more skilled and more powerful than his master is, Anakin has stalemated Dooku in Dark Disciple and in Revenge of the Sith overwhelmed him.
Fallacious ABC logic. Your failing to take into account the circumstances of the fight, and the advantages it gave him.


First the element of surprise, which the novelisation makes clear was Kenobi's primary advantage:


Obi-Wan knew the Sith would expect him to take up a defensive stance in an effort to keep them at bay. But he also knew that tactic would give him no hope to prevail - he would be worn down until his guard slipped and then he would die, like Adi had.


Surprise was his best bet for survival - and perhaps his only chance.


"Surrender," Maul said quietly. "We are two, and you are no match for us both."


Obi-Wan ignited both Adi's lightsaber and his own.


"You are mistaken," he said - and then hurled himself at the two Sith, both sabers flashing in his hands.


The two Sith fell back, startled to find Obi-Wan taking the offensive and suprised by the ferocity of his attack.


--Taken from Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy

Secondly the cramped environment actually ended up too working to Kenobi's advantage:

The two Sith maneuvered to pin Obi-Wan against the wall - but there was so little room in the corridor that they got in each other's way. Savage charged to strike, leaving his left arm exposed for a split second. It was all the time Obi-Wan needed. He lunged and sliced the Zabrak's yellow-and-black arm off at the shoulder.


--Taken from Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy

Finally I'd draw attention to the fact that it was a precision attack that ended up as Savage's downfall, the ability to exploit tiny lapses in an opponents defense being a specialty of Soresu - a form Kenobi was an absolute master of.


And though this differs in TCW, it is still Kenobi's mastery of form that gives him the edge, this time of Ataru's physical strikes, and likely again his experience in targeting lapses, that allowed him to exploit Savage as a weak link.


These advantages were Kenobi's only saving face, "his best bet for survival - and perhaps his only chance." In any other situation, Kenobi would have died. Anakin has none of these advantages. Not the element of surprise, not the precision of Soresu, not the ferocity or martial expertise of Ataru, and not the enviromental advantage.


Again I point out that Anakin is a Djem So duelist, and again I point out the path to victory that style pursues, dominating and overpowering one's opponents through constant and overwhelming force. I have already adequately explained how such a strategy will prove ultimately ineffective against the Maul Brothers.

Again Savage's vulnerablility to Telekinesis can keep him out of the fight long term.
Which you have yet to prove, I can only assume it is because you cannot.
If Darth Maul attempts to enrage Skywalker he would only meet his doom, Dooku was entirely incapable of even parrying Skywalker's attacks despite his most lavish use of Force reserves. Anakin need only dispatch Oppress with the Force as Skywalker performed against Dooku twice, then as you state be tempted into using the Dark Side, once Anakin goes all-out Darth Maul is not surviving the ensuing onslaught.
I've already explained why Anakin's fury will only empower Maul and drain Skywalker - a fury for the record, that was Anakin's mandate - nor are you accounting for the the fact that Dooku was especially vulnerable to Anakin's power attacks. However Maul's taunting is more likely to off-balance Anakin if anything:

And even now, he was holding himself back; even now, as he landed at Dooku's flank and rained blows upon the Sith Lord's defenses, even as he drove Dooku backward step after step, Dooku could feel how Skywalker kept his fury banked behind walls of will: walls that were hardened by some uncontrollable dread.


Dread, Dooku surmised, of himself. Of what might happen if he should ever allow that furnace he used for a heart to go supercritical.


Dooku slipped aside from an overhand chop and sprang backward.


"I sense great fear in you. You are consumed by it. Hero With No Fear, indeed. You're a fraud, Skywalker. You are nothing but a posturing child."


He pointed his lightsaber at the young Jedi like an accusing finger. "Aren't you a little old to be afraid of the dark?"


Skywalker leapt for him again, and this time Dooku met the boy's charge easily. They stood nearly toe-to-toe, blades flashing faster than the eye could see, but Skywalker had lost his edge: a simple taunt was all that had been required to shift the focus of his attention from winning the fight to controlling his own emotions. The angrier he got, the more afraid he became, and the fear fed his anger in turn; like the proverbial Corellian multipede, now that he had started thinking about what he was doing, he could no longer walk.


Dooku allowed himself to relax; he felt that spirit of playfulness coming over him again as he and Skywalker spun 'round each other in their lethal dance. Whatever fun was to be had, he should enjoy while he could.


--Taken from Revenge of the Sith

If Maul taunts Anakin to give in to his fury and the dark side as he did against Master Judd, Anakin is more likely to react in the opposite way, attempting to control his emotions, fear of his fury off-balancing him.

Against Aryn Leneer, Darth Maul is facing someone whom has matched Darth Malgus in two combats, a feat that the best Jedi of the SWTOR era couldn't accomplish alone.
And lost. So what's your point? And how is FE Malgus relevant to his Deceived incarnation?
Aryn is known for using the dark side and displaying extreme feats of speed, strength and stamina.
Needless to say that Leneer's fury will only fuel Maul.
She also has very powerful Force abilities, especially in terms of telekinesis and Force defenses.
Granted, but nothing that Maul can't easily recover from.
Whilst Maul is very strong, so was Darth Malgus whom could not overwhelm her with his own considerable rage enhanced strength despite his best efforts.
Yet what Malgus didn't possess was Maul's skill, which will be Leneer's downfall, she's outclassed.
This is a very close fight but I believe the arena complements her far better than it does Darth Maul.
Does it now? Care to elaborate?
Further more the Exile is expert at reading her opponent's strength and weakness in mid-combat and exploiting them
False, this is an ability that is often erroneously attributed to the Exile, but in fact is one that Kreia possesses, not her. All you need to is pay attention to the DS Exile's engagements with the masters to see Kreia relaying information on their strengths and weaknesses through their Force bond. Case in point:



I'm afraid in this situation the Exile does not have Kreia around to babysit her.

Maul is vulnerable to making mistakes due to his head-strong style and she is more than patient enough and cunning enough to bait him into traps. The Exile won't be able to outright beat him in a duel, but she can easily trap him and exploit advantages.
Head strong? Vulnerable to making mistakes? At some point during this debate you'll need to start supporting your claims. Juyo may be an aggressive style, but that doesn't make him reckless. Maul has demonstrated nothing but calculating cunning in all his martial engagements, and he doesn't make mistakes:

...they challenged the Sith Lord quickly, and just as quickly I discovered that their best efforts were not good enough to achieve an early resolution. They settled into a pattern then, working as a team against their enemy, waiting for an opening. But the Sith Lord was too smart to give them one, and so the battle had gone on.


--Taken from The Phantom Menace Novelisation

And I'd remind you that it was Maul that baited Qui-Gon into a trap after carefully analyzing his style and developing the perfect way to beat him. The only mistake Maul has ever made is underestimating a lone and unarmed Padawan dangling above a bottomless pit, I really don't blame him.

Note: Not once have I even considered Sever Force in this combat but I can most easily argue it's use here, especially upon the likes of Savage.
That's probably because you've yet failed to find proof the Exile can sever any one of her adversaries.


But by all means keep trying.

Edited by Beniboybling
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A Dark Side nexus amped Darth Nyriss is certainly extremely powerful.


Yes, and still got one shotted by Revan. Revan caught amped Nyriss' lightning with ease, while Yoda had difficulty with Dooku's normal lightning. Anyway Nyriss' power lvl vs Dooku is not really relevant, so let's not get into it (Amped Nyriss vs weakened Meetra on the other hand could be).


Skywalker is the chosen one and when dipping into his deeper reserves of power is too much for any one short of Yoda and Sidious, as Mace even admits that Skywalker is the stronger.


Really? When? Not that I'm like Ant and think you would forge quotes, but still interested in it.


PS: Obi-Wan seemed to be alright with Anakin's strength...

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Yes, and still got one shotted by Revan. Revan caught amped Nyriss' lightning with ease, while Yoda had difficulty with Dooku's normal lightning. Anyway Nyriss' power lvl vs Dooku is not really relevant, so let's not get into it (Amped Nyriss vs weakened Meetra on the other hand could be).




Really? When? Not that I'm like Ant and think you would forge quotes, but still interested in it.


PS: Obi-Wan seemed to be alright with Anakin's strength...


Whilst I shouldn't even reply to this considering you aren't a debater in this friend:


She put all of her power in one large attack, Revan caught it and reflected it back at Nyriss whom failed tp raise an adequate Force Barrier


Mace states in the Revenge of the Sith npvel that Anakin may be the strongest Jedi for having killed Dooku, something Windu repeatedly failed to do.

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Had to edit the above as I posted too early, my completed response is now there.

Beni I'm still curious why you're allowing that argument to continue... You said your knowledge of Surik was adequate, don't let me down :jawa_mad:


Destroy it already tbh.

If Lady raises Force bonds as an argument, I will shut it down, but she has yet to do so. A smart move.
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Whilst I shouldn't even reply to this considering you aren't a debater in this friend:

So? Spectators can still make corrections.

She put all of her power in one large attack, Revan caught it and reflected it back at Nyriss whom failed tp raise an adequate Force Barrier

That's what I said.

Mace states in the Revenge of the Sith npvel that Anakin may be the strongest Jedi for having killed Dooku, something Windu repeatedly failed to do.

Alright, thanks.

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So the second and final scenario I foresee, which I think accounts for all possibilities. I'll also address how Leneer and the Exile really stack up against Maul, which I feel is applicable to a 1 v 1 engagement.


Scenario 2


Dooku vs Anakin & Leneer (or the Exile)


Though not the most preferable matchup if Dooku fails to distance himself from Anakin he’ll ensure he engages him in a 2 v 1. Leneer is the most likely candidate as besides Anakin only the Exile can realistically take on the Maul Brothers.


As said before we are dealing with two aggressive duellists whose styles are geared towards overwhelming their opponents through concentrated force. And bringing that force to bear is exactly what Dooku is going to deny them.


Both of them are going to rush in headlong as Dooku would expect them to, and having never fought with each other their attacks will not be synchronised or timed. Dooku has Leneer covered, as an expert in the weaknesses of her style he’ll easily be able to predict her moves. He doesn’t have this advantage against Anakin but he is familiar via experience with his styles and tendencies, in this way he will again play them off one another. The count redirecting their attacks into one another and using clever footwork and positioning to disrupt their balance and further off-set their timing – and frankly they are likely to get in each other’s way regardless.


Worse yet Anakin is intent on destroying Dooku, making him all the more prone to headlong charges and tunnel vision, and in 2 v 1 where Anakin needs to coordinate and hence be aware of his ally, it plays right into Dooku’s hands, rage will blind Anakin to all else, making him even less coordinated. And as both of them grow more and more frustrated, they’ll become more sloppy, clumsy, desperate, making it ever easier for Dooku to keep up the comedy.


If the Exile ends up in Leneer’s place things could prove more difficult - though he can employ similar tactics - it equally more difficult for Leneer against the Brothers. Again Dooku doesn’t need to win, just survive, and Leneer will merely be dispatched faster, meaning Dooku doesn’t have to last as long against a superior adversary.


Maul Brothers vs the Exile (or Leneer)


I don’t want to repeat what I said regarding Anakin ad verbatim so I’ll make this brief. Basically the Maul Brothers win for many of the same reason as Anakin.



  1. The Exile is a mulit-form master duellist, but Maul is among the best in Sith history whose mastery over Niman gives him comparable flexibility in combat. She has never and likely cannot outfence someone of his caliber.
  2. The Exile has demonstrated prodigal endurance and overall physical feats, but Maul’s physical abilities are just as impressive, she has no advantage here. He will not be overpowered in fields that he excels in.
  3. The Exile has potent TK ability, but not the kind she’ll be able to bring to bear when Maul has Savage for support, who will put immense pressure on the Exile to defend herself, and considerably limit any openings she can exploit. Maul's Force abilities are also comparably potent, and he is more likely to abuse them.


In regards to Savage’s role in all this, like with Anakin he merely adds more pressure. More strength for the Exile to deal with, more difficulty handling Maul’s speed and agility while fending off his brother, less opportunities to apply her offense duelling skill when pushed on the back foot, and more pressure applied to her defensive abilities, as well as providing more openings for Maul to exploit. Altogether the Exile is no better a class of duellist than Anakin, and no more powerful. She will be overpowered and defeated just as certainly and as quickly as Skywalker.


If Leneer is fighting in the Exile’s place it goes without saying she will lose and quickly, for really many of the same reasons they will beat Anakin. She is outclassed by Maul’s saber skill and with him breathing down her neck isn’t going to be in a position to out fence Savage any more than Anakin would be.


Which leaves her with the main tenets of her style, overwhelming strength, speed and agility. In terms of strength, she is outmatched. In terms of speed she is outmatched, and in terms of agility she is again outmatched. She has nothing on the Brothers and they have everything on her, alone Maul could take her, with Savage she’ll crumble.

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Had to edit the above as I posted too early, my completed response is now there.

If Lady raises Force bonds as an argument, I will shut it down, but she has yet to do so. A smart move.


It's not force bonds though....


Argh you're killing me with this no outside help shtick.

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OT but sel, how is your CV round going?


Haven't started yet, the others are a round behind us so we've got plenty of time. I'm probably going to write the opener today or tomorrow, at latest by the weekend. I have plenty of time to spare.


I'm just worried as to whether the tournament will actually continue, want to get that settled before I put the effort in.

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