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Do you think we'll get any more race references then before?


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TOR basically divided all references to one's race into "Alien" and "Human," with the exception of a handful of Chiss specific content for Imperial Agents and a a tiny number of Sith Pureblood references.


What are the odds the upcoming game notices any other species, even if it's just an offhand reference?

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I would hope that there are more of these; there is an additional one to what you mention - in the Belsavis storyline, your character does have a conversation option during the part where you are talking about the rakata you are fighting with the Imp military on Belsavis, and you refer to them as "that's my species, all right" if you are of the Rakata species.


And I know there's definitely special stuff for Chiss, my Chiss agent had that occur on DK at the very beginning when she is asked to cover up the assassination of a Chiss diplomat during the planet storyline <not the agent storyline itself>. She also had some unique dialogue opportunities in the agent storyline on Hoth.


On the other hand, I've seen my Inquisitor referred to as human by some of the dialogue further on in the story - and he's a Sith pureblood!!



In short, I'd like to see more species <and I use that term rather than Race for a reason> specific dialogue.

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