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Companion Conversation


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I'm wondering if my companion can offer some personal story and lore conversation similar to other BioWare game more specifically similar to Dragon Age. I really loved listening to Leliana and Wynne telling me all about them and what they know about the world.


What we have in the game are short conversations only triggered by companion quests. Why not expand this and allow each member to have their own set galactic knowledge base system embedded into their brains that I can extract by interacting with them? I'm sure that Vette has a lot of things to say given that she won't shut up during her captivity in Korriban.


It would also make it nicer if my crew walks around my starship instead of rooted in one place year after year. I believe that it's time for them to start talking and walking around. It's never healthy staying quiet and not moving from one place for almost 4 years now.


I hope BioWare is listening.

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Well, they already do the info sharing (as long as you're not on a speeder). When you pass by the Endar Spire's wreckage on Taris for example, most of them will have something to say about it.


And there are a bunch of other place in game that have "conversation triggers".

It's not as detailed as on DA, but it's already there to some extend.


As for the ship, I'd love to see a ME-like approach where they have little "events" in different parts of the ship. Or at least they change up locations a bit, like walking into the ship and finding two of them sitting around playing Pazaak at some point. (Even if there's no dialogue. Being an MMO I understand it's likely never going to be as detailed as Mass Effect.)

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Sometimes the triggered conversation is not enough because it never happen anymore lately. Besides there are places that can never trigger a companion memory because some of those places are inaccessible or no longer exists and sometimes such memory can only be triggered by small talks.
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