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Detail on Rishi


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I love the detail to the game, and the little things put in just to increase the "atmosphere".

So, I'm more of a "stop and smell the roses" sort of gamer, I like to look for details and get as much as I can out of the stories. Hence, even though usually by the time I get a character to Rishi, I'm already at 60th level, but I stopped by and looked at the trainers on that Island.


They were grouped together - the smuggler with the agent - having themselves a bit of a pistol duel, the inquisitor and the JC were pretty much studiously ignoring their respective counterparts, as were the BH and RT.

However, the JK and the SW were having a lightsaber duel. :) Now, this was great, although one detail I noticed - the JK was the one wielding the red lightsaber . <one would expect him to use blue>.


One additional thing - although EVERY time you train with the JK trainer, usually they say "we can spar any time".

Yet, I have yet to find a trainer with which one can actually spar.

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