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combat, watchman or concentration


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Watchman potentially has the highest sustained DPS on single target and pretty good sustained AoE DPS via dotspread, but it is very hard to play in 3.2.1.


Concentration is very bursty and has decent AoE and is quite easy to play.


Combat is your "good for everything spec", basically every encounter in HM can be played with it, except for those you wouldn't play with a Sent anyway. It has the best (spammable) AoE burst and thus is very nice for levelling. It also has good burst and is very good at target switching. It suffers fron downtime on its target as it has no Dots and is susceptible to being shut out at the wrong moments (meaning during Presicion, where most of its DPS comes from). Squeezing the last DPS out of it (like the poster above me can) is pretty damn hard, though...



Generally speaking the three specs are not as far apart as they used to be and not specifically designed for certain occasions they way they were pre 3.0.


-> TLDR: Might as well just do what the poster above me said ;-)

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Squeezing the last DPS out of [Combat] (like the poster above me can)


Well, I'm probably rather rusty, so let's be safe and say "used to could." :cool:


Since the changes to Precision, I've been strictly Focus/Concentration as Combat, to me, lost all of its fun-factor and engagement aspects. Personally, I'd say it's still the easiest of the three once you learn how to pool your resources for optimal Precision windows. Concentration's actually much the same in pooling for Cascade windows, but, for me, there's a greater engagement factor in how you go about setting that up, and in doing so optimally.


In the end, though, it really all does boil down to preference. 'Cause no matter how theoretically or practically superior Watchman is, for example, I don't enjoy it in the least and have never parsed well with it. Find your niche, and master it.

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Well, I'm probably rather rusty, so let's be safe and say "used to could." :cool:


Since the changes to Precision, I've been strictly Focus/Concentration as Combat, to me, lost all of its fun-factor and engagement aspects. Personally, I'd say it's still the easiest of the three once you learn how to pool your resources for optimal Precision windows. Concentration's actually much the same in pooling for Cascade windows, but, for me, there's a greater engagement factor in how you go about setting that up, and in doing so optimally.


In the end, though, it really all does boil down to preference. 'Cause no matter how theoretically or practically superior Watchman is, for example, I don't enjoy it in the least and have never parsed well with it. Find your niche, and master it.


You put that excellently. I have found the same with regard to Annihilation (or as you rotten, awful pubs call it, Watchman =p) While I started with Carnage (Combat), and still use it even years later, I gave it (and still do from time to time) [Annihilation] a good go. I never seem to parse as well with it as I can with Carnage. As of the latest patches 3.1/3.2, even old school diehards are noting it is not what it used to be. It never felt right to me, so slow and clunky, keeping track of the dots is a hassle and takes away vital raid awareness IMO. I'm sure those better versed in it would have an easier time at that, but, it just feels so slow and clunky and lackluster to me. But than, we come back to the point of preference. There's no real right or wrong when it comes to that, and none of the specs are raid breaking. Each excels in some small aspect of the raid experience somewhat more than another and less in some other.

Playing what one "feels" and give it your all, I think is probably the best advice one could give , as you said in your own words.


~ Grim


"The Darkside is more powerful. I don't care what Yoda says."

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