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Is there such thing as being just "Sith?"


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Yes - in the TOR: Blood of the Empire comics a Sith Master was imprisoned for treason before his apprentice, Teneb Kel, could complete his training. Kel continued to serve alongside the military as an infiltrator and assassin, but I'm pretty sure he was neither a Lord, nor an Apprentice during that time.


Note, there is a difference between holding the 'rank' of Lord and being referred to as "Lord [X]" or "my lord" by a non-Sith, "Lord" is also used as a general honorific for all Sith regardless of their 'rank', the same way a Jedi Knight might be called "master Jedi" by a layman.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I know the Sith rank goes Acolyte>Apprentice>Lord>Darth


But, can you still be a Sith without a master, yet not a Lord?

I think overseers are like this, but beyond that, I have my doubts. There might be orphaned apprentices who weren't yet promoted to Lord, but I don't think they have their own rank.

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I don’t think apprentice is a actual rank I remember Lords introducing themselves as Darth so and so apprentice and I think some Darths even are apprenticed to Council Lords.


I was under the impression that once you pass your trials you are sith with Lord being a recognition of skill with Darth as an office under a council lord.

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There are at least two loose tiers of Darth under each Council member. In the Sith Inquisitor line, it goes:


Lord Zash < Darth Skotia < Darth Thanaton < Thanaton's Superior on the Council.


And all Sith will be called Lord by most non-Sith, even the Acolytes. Remember what happens when you show any disrespect whatsoever to Sith in the Empire. Mere assault is a capital crime, while them assaulting you...isn't.

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From the "Sith Titles" Codex entry:


The Sith Order bestows a number of titles upon its followers, as befits their rank and power. These are the most common:


Acolyte: A Sith acolyte has not yet completed his or her trials in the Sith Academy, and may well die before becoming truly “Sith.”


Sith: An acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith–no more, no less. Any non-Sith, however, is expected to refer to a Sith as “my lord” out of respect.


Overseer: An instructor at the Sith Academy is called an overseer. Overseers are often Sith Lords, but that rank is not a requirement; they may simply be Sith with a talent for instruction.


Sith Lord: A Sith who advances in the order’s hierarchy will eventually be elevated to Sith Lord. His or her name is preceded by “Lord” in formal address. In the modern Empire, “Dark Lord” is synonymous with this term.


Darth: The strongest Sith Lords ascend to the position of Darth. Many take a new name at this point, symbolically embracing their transformation into something greater.


Emperor: There has been only one Sith Emperor since the Great Hyperspace War over 1,300 years ago. He is supreme.


So it seems that Apprentice is equal to plain "Sith", with acolyte not quite having earn the designation, at least formally. Which also means acolytes technically don't have to be referred to as 'my lord' to non-Sith, but I suppose most probably do out of fear or respect regardless.


During the war, I imagine there'd be plenty of Sith who lost their masters, but hadn't yet earned the right to take their place as a Lord, so they remained at the 'apprentice' level despite not technically being an 'apprentice', at least in the interim before they could find a new master. And given the large scale of operations for the Sith and the Empire, I imagine more than a few individuals who passed their trials at the Academy were pulled out, dubbed Sith, and then sent to fight on the frontlines even without having a Lord taking personal control of their apprenticeship. Someone's gotta stand around guarding all those military outposts and Sith manors. :p

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There is a side quest on Alderaan where you <empire side> encounter an apprentice who tells you he has the responsibility to find a new master after his own has been killed, I would imagine there would be many in a similar situation with full-blown war going on.
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