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Sentinel or Guardian for Concentration


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I have both a fully nin-maxed Sentinel and Guardian (with mixed Dark Reaver) that I have been playing Concentration with over the last two days. I'm wondering who you guys think preforms better in this spec - Sentinel or Guardian. I've been noticing more damage output with my sentinel (7% alacrity, 88.50% crit multiplier, 19% crit chance 1675ish force bonus damage) vs my Guardian (0% alacrity, 92% crit multiplier, 19% crit chance, 1797.5 force bonus damage).


Guardian DCDs are OP = live longer

Sentinel CDs = more team utility + dot cleanse.


What do you guys think?

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Guardian DCDs are OP = live longer

Sentinel CDs = more team utility + dot cleanse.


What do you guys think?


You pretty much answered your own question. Maras do a bit more damage than Juggs (even more so when the Jugg is tank geared) ( evenly geared/level), Juggs have better survivability.


Additionally, other poster is correct with regard to not being able to cleanse dots. Thats a throw back to pre 3.0 and applied to bosses as well.


Concentraition (Fury) isn't very popular. This may be a hold over from mara rage spec pre 3.0, as rage became Fury in 3.0. Juggs were better in rage spec than maras. I'd say 75% of Maras (or you pub bastards - Sentinels =p) are Anni (watchman), 20% Carnage (Combat), and 5% Fury (Concentraition) or there abouts at any rate, least on the IMP side. I dont care for it because its just do damn clunky and slow.


I agree, the main emphasis seems to be on Anni (Watch man) which kinda sucks for the other 2 specs. But I guess its simply because more people play that spec than the others.


Play what you enjoy the most. It's not like the differences are so extreme that any spec (or class Mara/ Jugg) is incapable of clearing something the others can. That's all about the player's level of skill, knowledge of how the class works and preforms best and not giving up on playing what you love. The more you use something, the better you'll get at it. Takes some work and practice. Play what you feel. Good luck.


~ Grim


"The Darkside is more powerful. I don't care what Yoda says."

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I appreciate both of your replies; good information! I was under the impression I could cleanse sage/sorc dots if I spec into the utility in PVP. I'll keep my eyes on it when I try it later.
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