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Did Dooku actually know that Sidious was Palpatine?

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I just think its kinda weird, if Dooku knew that Sidious was the supreme chancelor, why would he fight him, what incentive would there be for Dooku to try to conquer the Republic if his master is already leading it?




As a longer story, the war gave Palps his emergency powers.

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I get why the plan benefited Palps, but how did it benefit Dooku?


Well he was his apprentice. I believe the plan was that they turn Anakin to the DS, and then everything goes as it did. Which would've put Dooku in a high place of power in the Empire after Order 66.

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I just think its kinda weird, if Dooku knew that Sidious was the supreme chancelor, why would he fight him, what incentive would there be for Dooku to try to conquer the Republic if his master is already leading it?


The entire war was to give Palpatine more power so by the time of Order 66 he will have everything he needs to reform the Republic into the Empire. The entire war went as he planned and he told Dooku what to do, there's no chance the separatists could have ever won.


In TCW there is a story arc where Palpatine gains control of the banks by having Dooku invade first and then the Republic intervenes. Sidious even talks to Dooku about how the Supreme Chancellor will now have the banks under his control.


Separatists and Wars = Tool for Palpatine to accumulate power.

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Well he was his apprentice. I believe the plan was that they turn Anakin to the DS, and then everything goes as it did. Which would've put Dooku in a high place of power in the Empire after Order 66.


Uhm, rule of the two ?

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Uhm, rule of the two ?


Palpatine didn't seem to mind bending that a bit. He could have just had Vader be his official apprentice then have Dooku with a role similar to Tarkin or just be another Inquisitor. There's inquisitors in Rebels where they're not really Sith they're similar, he also had plans to have an army of dark Jedi at his disposal in TCW when he wanted to kidnap the force sensitive children.

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Uhm, rule of the two ?


Actually if you read the Book of Sith, Palps actually doesn't even care about the Rule of Two. He is only interesting in the Rule of One.


As Darth Bane instituted the Rule of Two, so I will begin the Rule of One. The Sith will now be sustained by one- one to hold the power and others, talented in the Force, to execute my will as dark side agents.

So under that system (which he does actually implement) you'll have the Royal Guard, Shadow Guards, Emperor's Hand, Inquisitorius, and various dark side adepts working for him along with Vader.


Had Dooku's death not be important to Sidious's plan, he'd have likely ended up rivaling Vader and playing power games until one of them managed to kill the other. Meanwhile the Emperor would sit and enjoy his pets fighting for sport.

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Uhm, rule of the two ?

"But—forgive me, Master. But Kenobi having fallen to my blade, are you certain Skywalker will ever accept my orders? You must admit that his biography offers little confidence that he is capable of obedience at all."

"Skywalker's power brings with it more than mere obedience. It brings creativity, and luck; we need never concern ourselves with the sort of instruction that Grievous, for example, requires. Even the blind fools on the Jedi Council see clearly enough to understand this; even they no longer try to tell him how, they merely tell him what. And he finds a way. He always has."

Dooku nodded. For the first time since Sidious had revealed the true subtlety of this masterpiece, Dooku allowed himself to relax enough to imagine the outcome.

With his heroic capture of Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker will become the ultimate hero: the greatest hero in the history of he Republic, perhaps of the Jedi Order itself. The loss of his beloved partner will add just exactly the correct spice of tragedy to give melancholy weight to his every word, when he gives his HoloNet interviews denouncing the Senate's corruption as impeding the war effort, when he delicately—oh, so delicately, not to mention reluctantly—insinuates that corruption in the Jedi Order prolonged the war as well.

When he announces the creation of a new order of Force-using warriors.

He will be the perfect commanding general for the Sith Army.

Dooku could only shake his head in awe. And to think that only days earlier, the Jedi had seemed so close to uncovering, even destroying, all he and his Master had worked for. But he should never have feared. His Master never lost. He would never lose. He was the definition of unbeatable.

How can one defeat an enemy one thinks is a friend?

And now, with a single brilliant stroke, his Master would turn the Jedi Order back upon itself like an Ethrani ourobouros devouring its own tail.

This was the day. The hour.

The death of Obi-Wan Kenobi would be the death of the Republic.

Today would see the birth of the Empire.

"Tyranus? Are you well?"

"Am I..." Dooku realized that his eyes had misted. "Yes, my Master. I am beyond well. Today, the climax—the grand finale the culmination of all your decades of work... I find myself somewhat overcome."

"Compose yourself, Tyranus. Kenobi and Skywalker are nearly at the door. Play your part, my apprentice, and the galaxy is ours."

Dooku straightened and for the first time looked his Master in the eyes.

Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith, sat in the General's Chair, shackled to it at the wrist and ankle.

Dooku bowed to him. "Thank you, Chancellor."

Palpatine of Naboo, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, replied, "Withdraw. They are here."


Well that was what Dooku thought the plan was. But as others have pointed out Sidious didn't really care about the Rule of Two.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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What's confusing is why would Dooku tell Obi wan that a sith has a position in the Senate?


He always wanted Obi-Wan to join him, up until the last moment before their duel aboard the Invisible Hand.


"May I suggest, Master, that we give Kenobi one last chance? The support of a Jedi of his integrity would be invaluable in establishing the political legitimacy of our Empire."

"Ah, yes. Kenobi." His Master's voice went silken. "You have long been interested in Kenobi, haven't you?"

"Of course. His Master was my Padawan; in a sense, he's practically my grandson—"

"He is too old. Too indoctrinated. Irretrievably poisoned by Jedi fables. We established that on Geonosis, did we not? In his mind, he serves the Force itself; reality is nothing in the face of such conviction."

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