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So, are (Lorewise) the Empire and Republic going away?


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That's not strictly true. The Legends continuity (formerly, the EU) can do whatever it wants, so long as it doesn't contravene what is still canon. Whatever Bioware does with TOR, the Republic can never truly fall, and the Jedi cannot go extinct (as they essentially do after Palpatine takes power), or it violates the statement from Ep. II where Palpatine says the Republic has existed for a thousand years, as well as the statement from Ep. IV where Obi-Wan says "for a thousand generations" (which is between 20,000-30,000 years total) there have been Jedi acting as guardians of peace in the galaxy.


Obi-wan was already being pretty loose with the facts. OOC/IRL this is because Lucas had no idea what the backstory to A New Hope was. In-universe...yeah, the Jedi have a whole lot of stuff they prefer not to talk about. They fail a lot, almost get wiped out several times, ultimately created the evil twin order that has killed Force knows how many people... :p


No doubt that Obi-wan is counting the years as generously as possible for continuity. And the Jedi can be hit very hard (Sacking of Coruscant) without being ended as an Order.


The Republic certainly is brought to its knees, however; you'll note that the Prequel Trilogy Republic uses the same symbol that the Empire in TOR does. If anything, I expect that by the time Bioware shuts off the servers for TOR, the Empire and Republic will have merged. We may even in some way see it in KOTFE.


I could see that. The Sith Empire is teetering already in terms of legitimacy (mass Council fratricide, Korriban sacked, the Emperor gone mad) but does have a lot of citizens, lots of military technology, and a lot of territory. Certain elements of that could survive and be absorbed.


The Sith themselves are doomed as a society but it's never been set in stone how and when that happened.

Edited by Canareth
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