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[R] <Rise and Fall> is recruiting to fill all roles.


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<Rise and Fall> is recruiting for our progression group for the Republic side. We are a dedicated group of people who love to have fun but also love to get harder content down. We have gotten hard content down with people who were very inexperienced and have had no knowledge of the content. We have just moved from PoT5 because of the population issues. We were just starting to do Hard mode progression when we realized we could not fill the ranks to continue forward. We are currently looking to fill any slot, the reason being is that the guild leader and I can fill any slot necessary to make a full group. We would prefer two tanks for progression through hard mode and two healers but there are two healers that are available. We have downed the first boss on Ravager HM and we started working on ToS but then realized we wanted to get a full dedicated group. We are a guild full of casual players, so no experience is necessary whatsoever, we will fill in the blanks with experience and knowledge. We would like to start our hard mode progression on Tuesday and roll through Thursday and have the weekends off for people to do their own personal stuff. We would like to start at around 6 pm pdt and roll for at least 2 hours. These times can vary or change since we are basically restarting a progression group. The only thing we require is that you have Teamspeak so that we can communicate for progression nights. No applications are necessary just simply send us a message and we can discuss further. If there are any further questions you can search for us by using the /who method, however you can send a message to Skyrhia or YsÀtis (0192 alt code) or in-game mail if you are interested.
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