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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rename Rp Servers


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Not really.

RP servers tend to be just as competitive as non RP servers but:

1) The general population is more welcoming of those who choose to RP and

2) There tends to be a lesser percentage of idiots on the server when compared to non-RP servers.


Giving them a name like "Social/RP" implies that people just stand around talking to each other and never bother actually playing the game.

If you want to change the name, change it to what it actually is: PvE-RP A PvE ruleset with an RP friendly community.

Edited by Rankyn
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Not really.

RP servers tend to be just as competitive as non RP servers but:

1) The general population is more welcoming of those who choose to RP and

2) There tends to be a lesser percentage of idiots on the server when compared to non-RP servers.


Giving them a name like "Social/RP" implies that people just stand around talking to each other and never bother actually playing the game.

If you want to change the name, change it to what it actually is: PvE-RP A PvE ruleset with an RP friendly community.


LOL never played on a SWTOR RP server I take it


SWTOR RP Servers have a greater percentage of trolls then the normal PVE servers

Its because EA will not support the RP servers so every kid that thinks its fun to troll RPers rolls there


The normal "More Mature server" , "Less kids and trolling" standard you find in RP servers of other MMORPGs does NOT apply to SWTOR RP servers.


Quite the opposite in fact

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LOL never played on a SWTOR RP server I take it


SWTOR RP Servers have a greater percentage of trolls then the normal PVE servers

Its because EA will not support the RP servers so every kid that thinks its fun to troll RPers rolls there


The normal "More Mature server" , "Less kids and trolling" standard you find in RP servers of other MMORPGs does NOT apply to SWTOR RP servers.


Quite the opposite in fact


HI THERE, TEH player here, and a former RPer. I can tell you that yes the server does have a lot of trolls, but there aren't actually that many. Only a few. The trolls are just the ones who happen into the general chat more often because the mature players are most often in their own /say /guild or altogether not in chat. I would LOVE to see these percentages you speak of, as well as where you got them. I've also seen Harbinger pal, and that general chat was more toxic than anything of seen on TEH Dromund Kaas. (And if you can't tell Harbinger is a PVE server ;D ). There also the trolls who happen every now and then on fleet cantina RP, but again most RP guilds do it away from the fleet.

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Giving them a name like "Social/RP" implies that people just stand around talking to each other and never bother actually playing the game.

Standing around chatting in the game is playing the game, for them.


But yeah, no need to change the name of the tag. It doesn't really mean anything anyway as there are no special rules regarding naming or chat channels.

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LOL never played on a SWTOR RP server I take it


SWTOR RP Servers have a greater percentage of trolls then the normal PVE servers

Its because EA will not support the RP servers so every kid that thinks its fun to troll RPers rolls there


The normal "More Mature server" , "Less kids and trolling" standard you find in RP servers of other MMORPGs does NOT apply to SWTOR RP servers.


Quite the opposite in fact


This is very true, in pretty much every game. Its especially bad in "mega server" games (Star Trek Online et cetera) there are entire guilds/fleets dedicated to harassing/stalking RPers, since there is only "one server" the 500 douchebags that might be scattered throughout each server here breaking it down to 20 or 30 per server are all together in one)

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Not really.

RP servers tend to be just as competitive as non RP servers but:

1) The general population is more welcoming of those who choose to RP and

2) There tends to be a lesser percentage of idiots on the server when compared to non-RP servers.


Giving them a name like "Social/RP" implies that people just stand around talking to each other and never bother actually playing the game.

If you want to change the name, change it to what it actually is: PvE-RP A PvE ruleset with an RP friendly community.


SHHHHH!!!!! Don't let the idiots know where we're hiding!!

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