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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Utility Suggestions [PvP]

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We pretty much all know that, when it comes to all classes, Mercenary utilities are pretty lame. There aren't enough good choices to warrant actual choice-making and some utilities are just bad. I'd like to suggest some alterations to the current utilities to help make them more competitive, or at least open the discussion.


This is primarily aimed at PvP, but I'm going to do my very best to not step on PvE's toes (I have the dulfy raiding guide open to see what utilities PvE Mercenaries take - can't say I didn't try lol)


I'm going to try to format this as the combat team has been doing with their PTS changes - the change, and a little bit of reasoning. Obviously I'm just spitballing just to get some ideas going.



Gyroscopic Alignment Jets: You restore 5% health when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds. Survival is a bigger issue right now than heat management and there's already a heat management utility in Skillful (Improved Vents).



Suit FOE: When you activate Cure on yourself, a Foreign Object Excisor with 2 charges is applied. Each time you take periodic damage, the FOE removes that periodic damage effect. This removes 1 charge. This effect lasts 6 seconds. This is just a beefier version of Suit FOE built to be better at preventing DoT-spam pressure.


Pyro Shield: When activated, Energy Shield ignites in a blaze, scorching attackers for 606-607 elemental damage and slowing them by 60% for 4 seconds when they deal direct damage to you. This effect cannot occur more than once each second. Pyro Shield should actually help you deal with attackers. Currently, it's not enough.


Heat Damping: Jet Boost, Concussion Missile, Cure and Electro Dart vent 10 heat when used. Rather than a rather passive cost removal, I think it's more interesting if these abilities could be used as mini-Vent Heats.


Kolto Jets (Moved from Heroic): Jet Boost heals you and up to 8 other allies within range for 614-905. In addition, Vent Heat restores 15% health over its duration. Just a more appealing utility for healing. Also, this is in no way or shape a heroic utility in its original form.



Jet Rebounder: Jet Boost stuns targets for 1 second after knocking them back. In addition, taking damage reduces the active cooldown of Jet Boost by 1 second. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. I like it when my utilities actually, you know, improve abilities. 30%+ jet boost damage... really BioWare?


Infared Sensors (Moved from Mastery): Stealth Scan is now placed on the target player and moves along their movement. I saw this idea on the PTS a while back and fell in love with it.


Supercharged Reserves: Supercharged Gas no longer requires 10 charges to activate, but has a 30 second cooldown. I stole this from Marauder's new Predation talent (which I like a lot).

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