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torvix overseer gold mine


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The Elite torvix overseer on black hole is giving way too many creds.

All other elites at the area give around 800 cred the torvix overseer is giving 1500 to 2700. And they're fast respawn adn thers 3 in a small area.


A player can make 6k in a minute there it's better than daily. You do not finish a daily each minute and a half and you need to go where the daily is too. On torvix overseer you only need to keep at same place killing. I think it isn't intended to be like that.

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It has been like that for a very long time.

I'll admit I've not done BH for a long time now, but whenever I used to run dailies I'd usually see one person moving between them and netting the credits.

Sure it's an easy way to make the credits, but to be honest there are far more fun ways. All my credits came from daily runs and I've got a lot of credits!

I don't understand why these mobs need to drop that many credits, but if you're in the area take one before the camper can get it - the amount of times I've had verbal abuse for "stealing his kill".


Also at least twice I found an unattended camped there. Never moved, just stood in the same location, the mob would spawn it would die from the same attack, it would be looted.

Unattended is of course against the TOS - so if you see that happening make sure you report it.

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The issue is not the credits but that they have a 100% chance to drop a random green item. This has been a great farming spot once players had enough gear to quickly kill the elites but now there are more profitable and lesser-known routes.

In any case, there are bigger things to worry about than this, I wouldn't even call it a bug.

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Ya its a bug, if you compare the credits it drop with other elite of same level on same planet you'll see how discrepant it is.


The other drop 700 credits and Overseers drops 1500 to 2700, the minimum is twice what the others drop, and you'll most of time get 2 and half times the normal drop. I am sure it isnt intended.


It's probly counting as a rare mob, a champ or something.

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