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Past choices that need additional story, continue in the expansion?


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My Lightside Sith exiled Baras rather than killing him. Could I someday be targeted by Baras again or perhaps run into him? Oh just wouldn't it be funny to make him work for me for once. My sith also met a very interesting Jedi once on Belsavis (I can't remember his name) He was trapped in a vault and destroyed some item I needed. But he was fun to work with and since I didn't kill him I'd like to meet him again someday.


My grey side smuggler decided she liked the very captivating Vaverone Zare more than Nariel Pridence how about getting Vaverone as a companion someday or maybe being assisted by her?


My often lightside agent decided to serve Darth Jadus but later had regrets. Will she someday deal with him?


I'm sure other people have suggestions but these are some stories I've wanted to see for awhile.

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