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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Heats/Round 1A: Silenceo vs Cs_Zoltan


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“Who will be the winners? Who will be the corpses? Audience, place your bets!”

Team Silenceo vs Team Cs_Zoltan

Darth Vader, Inquisitor Jerec & Desann vs Mace Windu, Shaak Ti & Obi-Wan Kenobi


Welcome to Round 1A of the SWTOR Duelling Tournament Heats. For anyone new to the tournament, please look over the rules first before participating, and those who are familiar, you may which to remind yourselves of how it all works.


The battleground: The Jedi Temple Archives


Teams start 25 feet away from each other in the center of the Archive.


Rules of the Debate



  1. Victory by killing, KO’ing or otherwise incapacitating all of the opposing team.
  2. Combatants cannot hide or flee, though tactical retreats or attempts to lure the opponent are permitted.
  3. Combatant morals and personality traits apply, however they are all ready and willing to kill their opponents.
  4. All combatants are equipped with their standard arms and armament.
  5. Combatants do not possess any prior knowledge of their opponents beyond what they already know. But they are aware of the names of their combatants which are announced immediately before the fight.
  6. Any and all external Force nexuses or amplifiers are for the purposes of debate non-existent.
  7. No flaming, trolling or aggressive debating, keep it chill people.


So without further ado, let the battle begin!

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Scared the **** out of me for a second.


Not that Vaapad will help you, due to special circumstances. :jawa_evil:


To start off, going to quote a brief run down that I gave of Desann during the finale of the Kaggath.


To put it quite simply, both Jerec and Desann are being quite underrated in regards to their skills. Let us fix that.


"Thanks to you, the weakling Jedi who scorned me shall soon be erased from history, replaced by a new race of warriors; strong warriors, warriors who know that the Force is not a shield to protect the useless… but is, in reality, a weapon… to empower the worthy!"

―Desann to Kyle Katarn


Feats of Note


- Collapsing a metal bridge with a casual wave

- Completely mentally dominating Kyle Katarn with Illusions that appear extremely real

- BFR'd NJO LUKE SKYWALKER using telekinesis (BFR = Battle Field Removal)

- Collapsed a stone ceiling with a precise and quick saber throw

- Casually chokes Kyle Katarn as well as various other Jedi Knights

- Force Lightning successfully used against Jedi Knights, to lethal effect

- Led a force of Dark Jedi and Stormtroopers against the NJO, penetrating to its heart, to its Nexus


Things People Need to Remember


- Style of combat dominated most foes

-- Quick

-- Strong

-- Longer reach

-- Ferocity due to his mind set

-- Noted as incredibly difficult to block his strikes due to range, speed, and strength

- He is used to wearing armor unlike most force users of the time

- Exceedingly Brutal

- Despite his demeanor, Extremely Intelligent

-- Developed a way to transfer force energy from one being to another, granting them force affinity

-- Planned and executed successfully an assault on the NJO Temple (It failed not due to the plan, but due to striking too soon, with his Cultists not being as well trained as the Jedi Knights) *He did make it all the way to its heart after all*

-- Despite Rogue Squadron defending the Temple's air space, managed to get the majority of his troops to the surface

-- Deceived Katarn, making him believe Jann was dead

--- He used this to push Katarn to deciding to return to the Valley of Jedi to retake his power. He did this on purpose since the ship had a tracker placed on it, and then Desann siphoned the power.

-- Despite his short time as a student of Lukes he accomplished much, lots of potential

--- Only a brief period of training under Luke, yet surpassed the majority of his students

--- Immediately afterward he was capable of training others decently enough in the force (didn't have much time)


"Desann hailed from a world where the Force was a strange, unfamiliar thing. Thus, he was shunned by his own people and lived a life of loneliness and despair, until a trader found him and took him to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. " (wiki)


"He eventually killed Havet Storm, one of his fellow Jedi, for standing up to his bullying ways and claimed that he was "too weak to be a Jedi." " (wiki)


"Hethrir overcame his xenophobia to make Desann his second in command, and tasked Desann with training several of Hethrir's Empire Youths: Force-sensitive individuals who had shown devotion to the Empire Reborn and had been "purified" by the extradimensional being known as Waru. Desann took one of the Youths, Tavion Axmis, as his apprentice.


In addition to training those with talent, Desann experimented with imbuing Force-weak Human Empire Youths (chosen by Hethrir for reasons of racial dogma rather than pragmatism) with dark side powers, using Artusian crystals and Sith alchemical secrets." (wiki)


"Chistori had large snouts, with a hinged jaw and a mouthful of teeth, and small eyes. They were lithe but strong. [1] Like many reptilian species, they were cold-blooded, and like the Trandoshan, they had a durable hide made out of thick scales.[2]" (wiki)




- Desann is incredibly smart, strong, and skilled

- Despite his short training, he rose above the other Jedi at the Academy

- In a short time he trained a cult of dark siders

- Learned how to imbue others with force power (Only other record of this is from Marko Ragnos, and Vitiate, albeit his method is much closer to science and alchemy than pure strength or subversion/vessels)



Close Remark


- Do not underestimate him :jawa_evil:


As for Jerec and Vader, I will go into them shortly. However, I will say right now that of those present, Jerec most likely has spent the most time in the Archives which, idk if Librarys can have advantages... might prove useful.


Side Note: Removed part concerning PII armor.

Edited by Silenceo
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That would have legit been so funny.


Lol, we get so scared of everyone's teams that we start just rampaging around with arbitrary restrictions. No Vapaad, no amulets. Traya is no longer allowed to use TK, Durge is armed only with marshmallows and Kenobi has to fight with a water noodle.

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Lol, we get so scared of everyone's teams that we start just rampaging around with arbitrary restrictions. No Vapaad, no amulets. Traya is no longer allowed to use TK, Durge is armed only with marshmallows and Kenobi has to fight with a water noodle.


Don't forget, Jerec has to put on a SECOND blind fold. :cool:

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Lol, we get so scared of everyone's teams that we start just rampaging around with arbitrary restrictions. No Vapaad, no amulets. Traya is no longer allowed to use TK, Durge is armed only with marshmallows and Kenobi has to fight with a water noodle.


I legitimately lol'ed IRL. :D

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Alright, let's hit it up.


I'd like to start by saying that my team is not stupid and they will all fight whom they have the most chance against :D

That should look something like this:

  • Windu vs Vader
  • Shaak Ti vs Jerec
  • Kenobi vs Desann


I'm going to provide my reasonings why I think that each and every memeber of my team are able to beat their opponent.


Windu vs Vader


Windu has quite the accolades that should put him in Vader's tier both as a force user and as a duelist:

We have not seen Mace fight yet, and we know he's second only to Yoda.

He seems to be second most powerful jedi on the that council, next to Yoda.

Mace Windu is not only a senior member of the Jedi Council but one of the best lightsaber fighters in the Jedi Order.

Jedi Master Mace Windu is regarded as one of the greatest lightsaber-wielders of the Old Republic.

Mace Windu was a formidable warrior and generally considered one of the greatest swordsmen ever produced by the Jedi Order. He was a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat.

Even without Vaapad his speed is incredible, he's so fast he's appeares to be teleporting:



Windu's speed is invisible and he can hit 6 times before a blink of an eye:

Standing toe to toe, the top of Mace's head barely came to the level of Vastor's chin, and you could have tucked Mace's whole thick-muscled upper body inside Vastor's chest with room to spare. And even hurt, lurching drunkenly, Vaster still could whip his arms in blindingly fast raking slaps at Mace's head and wounded neck. But where Vastor's speed was blinding, Mace's was invisible. Not one of those slaps connected. Before Vastor could even focus his eyes, Mace had hit him six times: two thundering hooks to his short ribs, a knee slamming hard into the same thigh he'd hit before, an elbow snapping up to the point of his chin, and two devastating palm strikes to either hinge of his jaw.

These alone would not necessary net him a solid win vs a powerhouse like Vader, but he also has 2 tricks up his sleeve. And these are Shatterpoint and Vaapad.



Vaapad was described as more than a fighting style; it was a state of mind that led through the penumbra of the dark side, requiring the user to enjoy the fight, and relish the satisfaction of winning. The practitioner of Vaapad would accept the fury of their opponent, transforming them into one half of a superconducting loop, with the other half being the power of darkness inherent in the opponent.

The Vaapad form shares only one weakness with Juyo: the possibility of giving in to emotion. Vaapad effectively increased that possibility as the form relies the most on the darkness inside the user. This is why Mace Windu withholds the form from those deemed unable to handle it.

For reference, the Juyo weaknesses Vaapad lacks:

The aggressiveness of Juyo form brings about weaknesses of its own. The Juyo form relies on aggression to maintain effectiveness. If the opponent can put you on the defensive, you would do best to switch to a defensive form or risk defeat. Juyo is also vulnerable to Force attacks.



Shatterpoints were a complex Force phenomenon, perceivable only by an unknown innate talent or immense focus and concentration on the part of the Force-user. Shatterpoints were akin to fault lines; similar to different pathways of actions. Adept Force-users were able to perceive these faults through the Force, and influence them.

Windu is known to employ Shatterpoint in combat:

The fighting was effortless for him now; he let his body handle it without the intervention of his mind. While his blade spun and crackled, while his feet slid and his weight shifted and his shoulders turned in precise curves of their own direction, his mind slid along the circuit of dark power, tracing it back to its limitless source.

Feeling for its shatterpoint.

He found a knot of fault lines in the shadow's future; he chose the largest fracture and followed it back to the here and the now—

These combined are more than enough to defeat Vader, it's inevitable. The only question is how long Vader would last.


Shaak Ti vs Jerec


Yet again I'll start with accolades that puts Ti over Jerec as a force user and most definitely as a duelist.


Shaak Ti is a Master of Makashi and Ataru forms in addition to her legendary strength in the force.

Only the most skilled of the Order could stand against her!

You will need the full power of the dark side to defeat her. Do not disappoint me.

He could sense the Jedi Master nearby, burning brightly in the Force but hidden like a lantern behind a shutter.

Jedi Shaak Ti is a powerful Clone Wars general. She also trains new clone cadets. Shaak is renowned for her skill and intellect.

Shaak Ti's lightsabre movements were fluid and graceful, making the most of her enhanced spatial awareness. Few escaped her deadly swirling blade.

She is not only subtle and experienced, but very capable indeed. Seats on the Jedi Council aren't handed out as party favors.

Shaak Ti is the most cunning Jedi I've ever met. She's even taught me a few tricks.

Known far and wide as a cunning and serene Jedi.


Her speed and strength are astonishing. She was faster than Galen Marek, an accomplished powerhouse:

From there he jumped up again, angling away from her to avoid giving the Jedi the advantage of height, but she was there ahead of him, driving him back down with a series of blows so rapid he barely caught them all.

She could block the simultaneous blow of a dozen Magnaguards, and kick their head off clean:




Proven by the above Shaak Ti overcome 2 weaknesses of Ataru and Makashi. Combat vs multiple opponents and power duelists.


Her endurance and tutaminis is also excpetional. She survived being a close proximity shot to the chest, endured beating by Magnaguards' staff (which made Eath Koth fell to his knees and succumb) and could deflect lightsaber blows with the force. I'd like to point out that blaster shots have serious stopping power making a shot through the chest a much more serious injury than a lighstaber, for further info read Wolfninjajedi's thread.






Being the superior force user and outclassing Jerec with the blade her ferocious offense will leave little room for Jerec to bring his powers to bear.


Kenobi vs Desann


You guessed it, accolades again:


Obi-Wan is a great mentor; as wise as Master Yoda, and as powerful as Master Windu.

"That is so like you, Master Kenobi," the Korun Master had said, shaking his head. "I am called a great swordsman because I invented a lethal style; but who is greater, the creator of a killing form—or the master of the classic form?"

"I'm very flattered that you would consider me a master, but really—"

"Not a master. The master," Mace had said. "Be who you are, and Grievous will never defeat you."

- and this image, this plan, was so clear in Dooku's mind that he almost failed to notice that Kenobi met every one of his thrusts without so much as moving his feet, staying perfectly centered, perfectly balanced, blade never moving a millimeter more than necessary, deflecting without effort, riposting with flickering strikes and stabs swifter than the tongue of a Garollian ghost viper, and when Dooku felt Skywalker regain his feet and stride once more toward his back, he finally registered the source of that blinding defensive velocity Kenobi had used a moment ago, and only then, belatedly, did he understand that Kenobi's Ataro and Shii-Cho had been ploys, as well.


Kenobi had become a master of Soresu.

There is an understated elegance in Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber technique, one that is quite unlike the feel one might get from the other great swordsbeings of the Jedi Order. He lacks entirely the flash, the pure bold elan of an Anakin Skywalker; there is nowhere in him the penumbral ferocity of a Mace Windu or a Depa Billaba nor the stylish grace of a Shaak Ti or a Dooku, and he is nothing resembling the whirlwind of destruction that Yoda can become.


He is simplicity itself.

That is his power.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a legendary Jedi Guardian who attained the rank of master, and therefore naturally was an exceptionally skilled lightsaber duelist who in particular achieved absolute mastery over the Soresu style and was perhaps the greatest master of the style in current galactic history – or at least of his era according to Mace Windu. Kenobi’s mastery over lightsaber combat also extended to mastery over Ataru, Shien, Shii-Cho and Niman, the latter of which may have proved a gateway to his master over Jar’Kai – altogether making him a well-rounded and effective warrior who proved himself against many deadly adversaries such as Darth Maul, General Grievous and Darth Vader.

Kenobi was also a skilled unarmed combatant, taking on trained Mandalorian warriors such as Pre Vizsla and Jango Fett, providing a defense when without a lightsaber. He also incorporated elements of the martial art Tae-Jitsu into his lightsaber forms, making him capable of using physical kicks to off balance and weaken his opponents.

Kenobi possessed a tactical mind, claiming that “A fight is never a goal in itself. Sometimes it is simply a distraction from the true goal, and best countered with a larger distraction." And he would often apply such distractions in battle, or else luring enemies in a trap or location where he had an advantage.

I created Vaapad to answer my weakness: it channels my own darkness into a weapon of the light. Master Yoda's Ataru is also an answer to weakness: the limitations of reach and mobility imposed by his stature and his age. But for you? What weakness does Soresu answer?


Kenobi's speed and strength:

But Obi-Wan's arm had the Force to give it strength, and the general's arm only had the innate crystalline intermolecular structure of duranium alloy.


Grievous' forearm bent like a cheap spoon.

Anakin did a back flip onto the table to gain the high ground. But Obi-Wan had been expecting something like that, and did not follow. Instead, he threw himself into a long slide, bowling Anakin over.

"Very well, then," the Jedi said, and shot straight upward over Dooku's head so fast it seemed he'd vanished.

He dropped low and spun into another reverse ankle-sweep - the weakness of Djem So was its lack of mobility - that slapped Skywalker's boot sharply enough to throw the young Jedi off balance, giving Dooku the opportunity to leap away ---


Only to find himself again facing the wheel of blue lightning that was Kenobi's blade.


Force Valor and endurance:

Apparently, Obi-Wan's head was somewhat harder and the cruiser's interior walls.

His mastery of Force Valor, for instance, was beyond impressive. While his physical fortitude could be attributed to his own physical capabilities, it is very clear that his strength in Force Valor was what kept him going after taking brutal beatings from the likes of Durge.

He fought Asajj Ventress and a group of undead Gungans while also suffering from a deadly chemical that was quite literally melting him.

In another example of Force Valor, Obi-Wan suffered from weeks of torture at the hands of Asajj Ventress on Rattatak, where he was subjected to maggot infestations, verbal taunts, and all kinds of physical torture. At the same time his ability to use the Force was impeded by a Sith mask that disrupted his ability to concentrate. After being freed he was able to overpower two mercenaries and engage Ventress again, this time he more than held his own and even appeared to be winning before fleeing with Alpha.



Kenobi was a master of Tutaminis, using it to deflect many different kinds of attacks, including fire, projectiles, and barrages of blaster fire with his bare hands. Even though Force lightning was not in his ability to defend against, he was still a master of the ability.

For Lightning though he has his Soresu and his lightsaber:



He was a master of telekinesis, mastering it to its highest levels. His Force Pushes were exceptionally powerful. He could even match Darth Vader with his strength in this ability (Vader, it should be noted, was considered one of the most powerful Force users of the era and galactic history). This is beyond impressive. Further, he mastered Force Push to the point that he could use Force Repulse with ease. He has also used Force Crush on multiple occasions.


And here comes the Force barrier. The obvious weakness that everyone was thinking to exploit as soon as Beni locked in my team. Is it a weakness though? How many times was Obi-Wan manhandled by Force Grip? How many times was Obi-Wan KO'd by Force Push?


The answer is not many. He got Froce Choked by Ventress once, when she was in Rage, in that instance even Anakin fell victim to Ventress. So it proves nothing. Unless you mean to say Desann and co could BFR Anakin :rolleyes:

He also got Force Grabbed by Maul. While it was a hindrance it hardly affected Obi-Wan since he went ahead and won his duel against the brothers.

Lastly he got Pushed by Dooku twice, only the second resulted in a KO though:

He gathered the Force once more in a single indrawn breath that summoned power from throughout the universe; the slightest whipcrack of that power, negligent as a flick of his wrist, sent Kenobi flying backward to crash hard against the wall, but Dooku didn't have time to enjoy it.




That blue blade was everywhere, flashing and whirling faster and faster until Dooku saw the room through an electric haze and now Kenobi was back in the picture.

Dooku was in motion, landing a spinning side-stamp that folded Skywalker in half; he used his last burst of dark power to continue his spin into a blindingly fast wheel-kick that brought his heel against the point of Kenobi's chin with a crack like the report of a huge-bore slugthrower, knocking the Jedi Master back down the stairs. Sounded like he'd broken his neck.

Wouldn't that be lovely?

There was no sense in taking chances, however.

While Kenobi's bonelessly limp body was still tumbling toward the floor far below, Dooku sent a surge of energy through the Force. Kenobi's fall suddenly accelerated like a missile burning the last of its drives before impact. The Jedi Master struck the floor at a steep angle, skidded along it,and slammed into the wall so hard the hydrofoamed permacrete buckled and collapsed onto him.

Bad as Obi-Wan looked, Anakin had stood over the bodies of too many friends on too many battlefields to be panicked by a little blood. One touch to Obi-Wan's throat confirmed the strength of his pulse, and that touch also let Anakin's Force perception flow through the whole body of his friend. His breathing was strong and regular, and no bones were broken: this was a concussion, no more.


So yeah, Kenobi got KO'd by Dooku's combined luck (hydrofoamed permacrete), dueling skill (wheel-kick), and force power (push). And in the end Obi-Wan walked away with a concussion. So what you guys call weak barriers I call an impressive endurance feat :cool:

As we know everyone is susceptible to pushes, Sidious got pushed by Yoda, Vader got pushed by Ezra and Kanan. So in reality Obi-Wan's barriers are fine. Nothing extraordinary, but what you would expect from a Jedi Guardian master.

He was also able to deflect Anakin's force assaults:

They spun and whirled throughout its levels, up its stairs, and across its platforms; they battled out onto the collection panels over which the cascades of lava poured, and Obi-Wan, out on the edge of the collection panel, hunching under a curve of durasteel that splashed aside gouts of lava, deflecting Force blasts and countering strikes from this creature of rage that had been his best friend, suddenly comprehended an unexpectedly profound truth.


Lightsaber skills.

As pointed out above he mastered several lighsaber form. He relied most heavly on Soresu and Ataru. He was the best Soresu user in galactic history, which provides him with the advantage of moving meditation, which can prove useful in application of any one form to help him remain steadfast to his enemies attacks and able to intercept and deflect them at the opportune moment. His Ataru works in near perfect tandem with Soresu as not only would moving meditation assist in his recognition of the ‘flow’ of battle to help him evade and predict their enemies attacks, maintaining his own offense uninterrupted, but its energy efficient focus means he can conserve energy for such bouts. He also overcome all of Ataru's weaknesses directly or indirectly. His Soresu and moving meditation counters Ataru's lack of defense and it's energy heavy application. And as seen in his duel with Maul and Savage he also overcome Ataru's weakness fighting multiple opponents and fighting in confined spaces.


His skills with the lighsaber were such that even an old, out of practice Kenobi was a deadly threat to Darth Vader who dueled such powerhouses as Galen Marek and his Starkiller clone:

He did not wish them to interfere, but to even warn them of would take concentration that he could not afford at the moment. Should his attention falter, Obi-Wan could kill him in the blink of an eye.


Team synergy and strengths


It's kinda pointless to meantion, but here it is. My team has the best cohesion. Windu, Ti, and Kenobi knew each other for decades, fought wars together, and they are not backstabbing sith filth :p

Beyond that they are all accomplished warriors and tacticians. Shaak Ti's cunning is legendary. Obi-Wan's tactical genious likewise:

Obi-Wan Kenobi proved himself to be a great military strategist and a highly studious man, which resulted in his attaining the rank of High General along with Mace Windu during the Clone Wars. His strategic ability was also shown in his lightsaber combat. Applying the principles of Soresu and Sokan, he often took advantage of his superior defensive capabilities and position on the battlefield to win his battles with as little effort exhausted as possible. He used this particular strategy to tire his former Padawan out and sever his legs and left arm on Mustafar.

Building on their individual and team strength, as well as the enemy's weakness they will draw the fight tight.

Obi-Wan has incredible sense and a tactical mind that let's him read the battlefield. In top of that he's a master of Soresu and Shii-Cho, and he overcome Ataru's 2 glaring weakness of confined space and multiple opponenets so he will not be disturbed by fighting a tight duel.

Shaak Ti's natural abilities making her the best option for such tactics:

Shaak Ti fights at her best in group combat as she is biologically adapted for moving in dense crowds. She darts with ease through chaotic melees where others struggle amidst the complexity of movements.

As a Togruta, Shaak Ti is one of the best Jedi fighters in group combat. Her hollow head montrals sense space ultrasonically, sharpening her spatial awareness. Where others struggle with the complexity of movements, Shaak Ti darts with ease.

On top of that she also overcome Makashi and Ataru's weakness of multiple opponents (as well as power duelists so she doesn't have to be wary of Desann or Vader either).

Windu has already fought a legendary duel in confined space with Sidious, so with his Vaapad amped speed and his team synergy he won't be thwarted either.


In contrast to that Vader's mobility, Jerec's offensive powers and Desann's clumy, wide imitation of a lighsaber stroke will be a sever handicap.

Desann will be the first to fall. He's size will be his undoing. Shortly followed by the outclassed Jerec. In the end Vader will have no chance. Windu will have the upper hand throughout the duel thanks to Vaapad, Shatterpoint and the close quarter combat. With the help of Kenobi's unparalleled bladework and Ti's devastating offense he will succumb shorty.

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To quote 'Father'


It will take me a while, but going to start addressing your points.


And to quote "mother"

You disrespect Shaak Ti and I'm *********** disowning you.


I look forward to your response, great start Zoltan. You two may be worthy of me yet :jawa_evil:

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And to quote "mother"


You disrespect Shaak Ti and I'm *********** disowning you.


I look forward to your response, great start Zoltan. You two may be worthy of me yet :jawa_evil:


:( :( :(


I would never disrespect Ti, however, that does NOT mean that she will win in this scenario. I will be going into the group dynamics first since this team has quite a few variables that will boost each of them individually, as well as diminish the opposition.


Now, if only posts stopped popping up so I could focus. :p

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*Looks through post* I missed it. It looks the same as last I read it...

I added this quote to Kenobi's force defense:

They spun and whirled throughout its levels, up its stairs, and across its platforms; they battled out onto the collection panels over which the cascades of lava poured, and Obi-Wan, out on the edge of the collection panel, hunching under a curve of durasteel that splashed aside gouts of lava, deflecting Force blasts and countering strikes from this creature of rage that had been his best friend, suddenly comprehended an unexpectedly profound truth.


I look forward to your response, great start Zoltan. You two may be worthy of me yet :jawa_evil:

Thanks, I'll try to be a worthy apprentice :jawa_redface:

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While also abusing Sel's Shaak Ti respect thread ^^


Not to interfere in the debate at all, but I've been debating Shaak Ti on ComicVine in their tournament, if you're going to quote any debaters it might as well be a good one. Right Aurbere?

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Not to interfere in the debate at all, but I've been debating Shaak Ti on ComicVine in their tournament, if you're going to quote any debaters it might as well be a good one. Right Aurbere?


Yeah, why do you think Zoltan quoted me?

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Edit: Not Beni, though. Stick with my quotes.

Not to interfere in the debate at all, but I've been debating Shaak Ti on ComicVine in their tournament, if you're going to quote any debaters it might as well be a good one. Right Aurbere?

Yeah, why do you think Zoltan quoted me?

Things getting heated. Now we only need Beni to show up. :D


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