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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Heats/Round 1B: ShadowMudkip vs StarSquirrel


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“Who will be the winners? Who will be the corpses? Audience, place your bets!”


Team ShadowMudkip vs Team StarSquirrel

Satele Shan, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon & Bastila Shan vs Jaina Solo, Corran Horn, Boba Fett & Durge


Welcome to Round 1B of the Heats. For anyone new to the tournament, please look over the rules first before participating, and those who are familiar, you may wish to remind yourselves of how it all works.


The battleground: Massassi Arena


Combatants start on the upper balconies, either side of the arena.


Rules of the Debate



  1. Victory by killing, KO’ing or otherwise incapacitating all of the opposing team.
  2. Combatants cannot hide or flee, though tactical retreats or attempts to lure the opponent are permitted.
  3. Combatant morals and personality traits apply, however they are all ready and willing to kill their opponents.
  4. All combatants are equipped with their standard arms and armament.
  5. Combatants do not possess any prior knowledge of their opponents beyond what they already know. But they are aware of the names of their combatants which are announced immediately before the fight.
  6. Any and all external Force nexuses or amplifiers are for the purposes of debate non-existent.
  7. No flaming, trolling or aggressive debating, keep it chill people.


So without further ado, let the battle begin!

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I don't want to keep everyone waiting. So here is a preliminary post on my team. Its nothing extensive, just giving the feel for what my time offers.

First I would like to start off with a brief description of each of my team members. Note that this is only a summary, and I will provide accolades and quotes after this.


Satele Shan, Grandmaster of the Old Republic- Alongside Plo Koon, Satele will be the major powerhouse of my team. No unworthy jedi can inherit the position of Grandmaster, only the most powerful among the order can even hope to attain it. Satele uses fast, agile movements to launch quick successive strikes against her opponents. In light of this, we can for sure say that Satele is highly proficient in Ataru. Additionally, she was taught by the esteemed battlemaster Kao Cen Darach, thus it is safe to assume she has experience with other forms as well. Satele is a direct descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan, two extremely powerful jedi. Satele is very skilled in Tutaminis, as seen in the Hope trailer, and can use that to power up her already powerful telekinetic abilities.


Bastila Shan, Knight of the Old Republic- Perhaps the underdog of my team, Bastila is perhaps the most powerful user of battle meditation among the entire jedi order. In addition, Bastila has some amazing accolades that involve her force powers, and combat skills.



Plo Koon, Jedi High Council Member- Plo Koon will be absolutely vital to my team. Darth Maul considered him to be one of the best Jedi warriors of the time, even though they never fought. Koon was a master of telekinesis. Koon was particularly in alter type force abilities. Konn was a master in hand-to-hand combat, and had long talon like nails to aid him in such a situation. Koon was a master of form V Shien/Djem So, and was also trained in the use of Ataru. Koon was also a Baran Do sage, giving him many abilities to use at his disposal. Koon has a black/white personality, leaving little room for discussion on ethics.



Kit Fisto, Jedi High Council Member- Considered one of the best duelists in the jedi order, Fisto was a legendary practitioner of form I Shii-Cho, he was also adept in form IV Ataru. Fisto mastered Shii-Cho to the level of it becoming wild and random, something that few opponents were prepared for. Fisto is also adept in force abilities like force speed, giving me another quick duelist. In a battle against multiple opponents, Fisto will serve me well.

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Now its time to see what Satele can really do. Respect the Satele! Note that this will be longer than the other 3, as I believe I need to prove Satele’s power the most.



Satele is a master of lightsaber combat, she is able to speedblitz numerous sith warriors, killing or incapacitating them all.



Satele Shan defeats Darth Malgus, legendary swordsman of the Sith Empire. She is able to match him in lightsaber combat, before ultimately resorting to Tutaminis and TK to defeat him.


"To this day, Jace Malcom's face is etched with scars earned in the Battle of Alderaan. Darth Malgus, however, suffered far worse injuries. The traumas he earned at the hands of Malcom and Satele Shan forced Malgus to wear a respirator mask if he hoped to survive."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia

Satele fought Darth Mehkis and Darth Baras, managing to defeat the first and stalemate the second, note that this is before her prime.



"The Dark Council member Darth Mehkis led Imperial forces in a crushing invasion against the Outer Rim planet of Rhen Var. The Empire annihilated the Republic to claim the planet, until a Republic counter-attack rallied by Jedi Knights Satele Shan and Jaric Kaedan drove the Sith off Rhen Var."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia


Satele destroys multiple hex droids, as Sith apprentice Eldon Ax watches.

"Master Satele unexpectedly dropped down into a ravine, and Ax followed. There she stopped dead. The Jedi was standing on the ground with one finger to her lips. She counted down three fingers with her other hand, and then leapt straight up into the air with lightsaber flashing. The first of the pursuing hexes fell in two equal pieces. The rest shrieked and rushed in to fight...

The Grand Master possessed prodigious Force powers. A gesture crushed hexes into balls or blew them apart from the inside. A look stilled them in mid-lunge while Ax rushed in to finish them off. In a matter of moments, the dozen were dealt with and Ax was looking around for more."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Satele is incredibly strong, able to block powerful strikes from Darth Malgus, even using only one arm.





Satele’s speed feats.

Satele kills numerous sith warriors before they can hit the ground.


Satele can run at speeds deemed unbelievable, by the Sith Eldon Ax, who has been said to twirl her blade like a propeler

"The Grand Master had impressed with more than her telekinetic and telepathic skills. Her speed and decisiveness in combat were unbelievable-but she never once made a sound. Her face was calm, almost serene, as she slashed and hacked through the hexes. There was a tranquility about her, almost a blissfulness, that spoke of an intimacy with violence Ax had not expected. To the Sith, violence was an art form. To Master Satele, it seemed like life itself."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance


Satele runs at very fast speeds, causing Eldon Ax to hustle in order to keep up.

"Satele Shan moved from a standing start with surprising speed. Ax was taken by surprise, and had to hustle to keep up."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Satele Shan moves with such speed and precision it appears she vanished.

"When he turned back, Satele Shan was gone, vanished into the night as though she had never been there at all."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance


Force Ability

Satele possesses legendary foresight

"The foresight of Grand Master Satele Shan was legendary, and never wrong."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance



Satele Shan's Farsight abilities were greater than that of Shigar Konshi's.

"He lacked the foresight ability of Master Satele, but every cell in his body screamed in alarm."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance



Satele sends Darth Malgus hurdling back


Satele Shan holds her own against Darth Malgus' immense brute strength in combat.



This should give you some idea of how incredibly skilled Satele is, I will post similar ones for Bastila, Plo, and Fisto, but they will only be a fraction the length.

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I forgot some important accolades for Satele.

Force accolades. Barrier/ Battle Meditation.

Just a note, I generally don’t like using game mechanics as proof of accolades or power, however in this situation, the game mechanics are backed up by the Fatal Alliance book.

Satele Shan's Force Barrier is more powerful than any attack powerful hex droids can unleash. While under the protection of the barrier she created, she shielded the her team while performing Levitation.

"Master Satele floated in a ball in the center of the room, her Force shield shimmering around her, a milky luminescence maintained barely a finger-span from her body... Master Satele's shield was undoubtedly strong enough to deflect anything the hex could throw at them, so he kept her ahead of him. His job was simply to move both of them-fast."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

Satele Shan casts a Force Barrier in her battle with Revan, leaving her greatly protected.

"[satele Shan's] Force Barrier [is] immune to all damage, control, and negative effects."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic



She briefly contends evenly with Revan:



Her mere gestures crush/blow apart Hex Droids, and her mere looks freeze them in place:

The Grand Master possessed prodigious Force powers. A gesture crushed hexes into balls or blew them apart from the inside. A look stilled them in mid-lunge while Ax rushed in to finish them off.

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Good start so far. If I might suggest something. I would keep my arguments bunched up to one post. Use spoiler tags to separate sections and such.


But that's what I would do. Seems to be going well so far.


Yea, Zoltan's post gave me a headache.

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Bastila Shan held her own against Revan, Jolee Bindo, and Juhani on Rakata Prime before abruptly ending the fight via a telekinetic burst. Still armed with her lightsaber, she tried to tempt Revan to the dark. This fight happened in the Temple of Ancients.


If you want the video, I can link it but I don’t really see a need to.


Bastila battles Darth Malak, not the pushover most believe him to be, allowing Carth Onasi and Revan to escape.



"When this occurs, a blast door bursts open, and Bastila charges in, attacking Malak and allowing you and Carth to escape. Her sacrifice will not be in vain! Run east of the corridor, looking for the hangar bay doors, and head on through. You appear inside the hangar; sprint for the Ebon Hawk. The ship blasts off and away from the Leviathan under heavy laser fire."

―Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Prima Guide

"Revan dueled Malak until Bastila sacrificed herself to aid Revan's escape."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia





Bastila Shan defeated a Dark Jedi in combat far before her prime, demonstrating she is a "highly skilled duelist." It can also be assumed Bastila Shan fought through even more Dark Jedi on her way to his bridge.


"The many wars of this era compel large numbers of Jedi to become experts in lightsaber and Force-related combat. Some become masters on the battlefield; others become highly skilled duelists, able to battle dark Jedi and Sith in single combat."

―Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide







Bastila Shan held her own against a Sith ambush boarding party which included Darth Bandon.


"During the battle, one of the crippled space craft jettisons Jedi Bastila Shan, after fighting valiantly against a boarding party including Malak's new apprentice, Darth Bandon."

―Star Wars: Chronicles of the Old Republic



Force ability

Bastila Shan, hindered by a neural disruptor, pulled a Black Vulkar with such force her cage opens.


"What? Impossible! You were restrained by a neural disruptor! How could you have possibly summoned the will to free yourself?"

―Brejik (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)


Bastila Shan unleashed a Force blast that hurled back Revan, Jolee Bindo, and Juhani, on Rakata Prime.







Bastila can use stasis field





Battle Meditation


Bastila is the greatest user of battle meditation. Her battle meditations were legendary, and turned the entire course of the Jedi Civil War.



"Her Battle Meditation that can turn the tide of any conflict."

―Juhani (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)


"Bastila Shan, whose battle meditation skills were peerless."

―Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia

"Now you and Carth Onasi must find Bastila - the only person capable of stopping the Sith from conquering the galaxy."

―Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

"Her ability to affect minds blossoms with astounding speed and scope, and she becomes one of the youngest Jedi ever to master battle meditation. This sweeping Force power, which infuses allies with hope while simultaneously strangling enemy morale, has in the past reversed whole wars, and as the Jedi Civil War engulfs the galaxy, Bastila hopes to turn the tide toward Jedi favor."

―Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide

Bastila was able to overcome Revan, one of the most powerful force users ever.


"They amassed an even greater fleet and might have brought the Republic to its knees but for the efforts of the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, a master of battle meditation. Bastila subdued and captured Revan, and the Jedi Council Force-scoured his memories to learn the location of the Star Forge."

―Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force


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Well, I don't like massive blocks of text or anything... and with the NJO characters I have actual accounts to reference not as many sourcebook quotes and films to show but... I will try. Now I will bullet point a list of benefits, powers and abilities of each character. I'll get into deeper analysis when I have the chance


Jaina Solo

Perhaps the single most important element of my team is this Jedi. Far from ordinary Jaina Solo is the niece of Luke Skywalker, apprentice of Mara Jade Skywalker, sister and slayer of Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus, apprentice of Kyp Durron, student of Boba Fett... etc, you get the picture. Basically she's been educated by and related to (or killed) the deadliest individuals of her (and quite honestly almost any) era. She is the Sword of the Jedi, she's killed Darth Caedus, overthrew the Vong, stood against Exar Kun as an infant, defeated some of the best of the Lost Tribe of the Sith... this list goes on as well. Oh, and she did it all before reaching 35. Suffice to say, had she not lived in an era with Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo, and had she not become the wife of the leader of the Imperial Remnant and started an entirely new group of force-users... she'd have easily become Grand Master of the Jedi Order. But that's enough of that for now.


As promised, bullet points:

Beyond the basic skills, she is particularly skilled in:


- Saber Combat

- Multi-opponent Saber Combat

- Control Pain

- Telepathy

- Force Meld

- Mind Wipe/Alter memories

- Hiding herself in the Force

- Battle Precog

- Force Sight

- Alter Environment

- Force Lightning

- She can break force-chokes

- Force Healing

- Control Breathing

- Telekinesis

- Mind Trick

- Shatterpoint (hell yes didn't see this coming did you?)

- Beast Control


Among other skills that I will elaborate on later


She also possessed abilities beyond that


- Battle Meld

- Mandalorian training/focus + unconventional combat / Dirty Fighting

- Psychological warfare, developed by Wraith Squadron

- Darkside powers/abilities

- A lifetime of warfare and practical combat experience



And that is just Jaina. Now let's look at #2


Corran Horn

A member of the Jedi Council and grandson of an esteemed jedi heritage dating back to before the Clone Wars, Corran has more experience, training, knowledge, and wisdom that Jaina and his force powers are nothing to sneeze at. While not able to wield the typical powers, especially telekinesis, that most jedi have the ones he can wield are of a variety few can match. If you think Satele's stopping a saber was impressive, what if I told you that an untrained Horn controlled the blast of a warehouse of high explosives? He outmatches and outwits his opponents at every turn, is a brilliant tactician, and had decades of experience learning from and fighting the best of his era.



Highly Skilled in:


- Tutaminis

- Force Illusion (tricked Luke Skywalker)

- Mind Trick (could do it without training)

- Force Sense

- Battle Precog

- He can seemingly slow time + extremely fast reflexes

- Force shields

- Prevent mind-probes / mental attacks

- Hiding his force presence

- Force Healing

- Force Speed

- Battle Melds

- Elite Saber Combatant



Even before he was a Jedi he had other skills


- Tactical awareness

- Corsec hand-to-hand training as well as hundreds of fistfights and close-combat engagements

- Decades running covert ops with Rouge Squadron



Boba Fett

Dear god, the amount of info on the Boba Fett is overwhelming. But suffice to say he is the greatest bounty hunter of all time for a reason. He also training Jaina Solo, but I'll get to that when I cover group dynamics etc...

I'll give a brief overview of his weapons and skills, but there is a good reason I picked him. Oh, and he can beat the best of the Jedi order in a direct saber duel.




- Flamethrower

- concussion rocket

- disruptor rifle (w/sniper capability)

- Stun rockets

- Anti-personnel rockets

- nerve toxin darts

- nerve gas

- lightsabers

- Beskar armor

- jet pack

- wrist laser



I'll expand more on him eventually



He will be playing the funeral dirge of these poor, poor jedi... A nearly-immortal bounty hunter of great skill, he has shown a ruthless and sadistic desire to play with and then slaughter force-users and basically anyone he doesn't like. And since the only way to kill him is to launch him into a sun, eh... yeah... While he obviously seems like the darkhorse in my team, I'll explain soon how he'll fit. Until then I have a very short list of special skills for yall to peruse.




- Energy Bola

- Gatling Gauntlet

- Wrist-mounted Deflector shields

- Flamethrower

- Flechette rounds

- dual pistols


- extreme regeneration

- extreme strength

- flexible


(poor Plo Koon and Electric Judgment)


And more!

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Go get him Star! Use Boba Fett to his full B@ power level! (Don't forget all the good bits!) :cool:


Side Note: Good use of bullet points. For their use, you have earned

. :d_grin: Use them well. :D Edited by Silenceo
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Alrighty here we go. Good to see you Star, thought you might not show up:jawa_biggrin:


Note: I might only post once more tonight as it's getting late.


EDIT: Question for arbiters. to what extent can we believe game mechanics as indicative of abilities?

EDIT2: How believable is Wizards of the Coast, some of their stuff seems far fetched.

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I'm going to cover your two non-force users before I attempt to touch Jaina Solo with a ten foot pole.


First off, you have a major problem with Durge. I'm not sure how well he will take teaming up with a mandalorian, whom he hates. Any attempt at teamwork is going to fall apart, between those two. In fact, Durge's primary reason for joining the CIS, was to kill clones, copies of a mandalorian.


"Over the centuries, Durge acquired a deep distaste for Mandalorians, and even killed their leader at one point"




Plo Koon is the absolute perfect counter to Boba. Koon has mastery over Forms IV and V giving him the power he needs to defeat him. Not only this, but Koon's electric judgement is going to fry Fett before he can get out of the way. Should it come down to a fist fight, Koon would also once again win, his talon like nails, huge stamina, and faster reflexes make this one difficult for Fett to pull off.

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Before going into a detailed analysis of each character and their style I feel I should bring up three critical points at this junction as obviously you hope to disrupt my team-work. I assure you, it won't work else I'd not have developed this team.


1. Teamwork - Durge

Now there are two issues with teamwork I'll address here, but this is the most obvious issue. Durge.


Now it appears to many that he doesn't fit. While Jaina, Corran, and Boba could obviously work together, and do so quite well (I'll explain why in the next section on teamwork) Durge is the odd man out. He hates Jedi and he hates Mandalorians... not only that he's mentally unstable. However there are a few reasons he works with this team


- Bloodlust: unlike many jedi, Jaina has walked a path close to the Dark Side, as has Corran. The Jedi of the NJO tread that line much more often that PT jedi and have fewer qualms about utilizing unsavory allies to get a job done. Durge's bloodlust is not controllable, but it is directable. Directed at the Jedi opposite them, perhaps with some very gentle nudging by Corran's exceptional mental force powers, Durge is a massive weapon to unleashed and the NJO jedi won't have a problem doing so to their foes.


- Bounty Hunter: he works for his employers, whoever they are. While he definitely has it out for Boba, and is no friend of the Jedi, the promise of prize Jedi to slaughter is too tempting to pass up. Especially with Corran's mental nudge. As a matter of fact, I'd have been more worried if this was a group of Sith to start off.


- Corran Horn: As I've alluded to twice already, Corran Horn is a master of using Mind Tricks, as well as manipulating emotions and causing illusions in the force. It'd be a simple matter for him to disguise Boba as someone else or make a Jedi look like a Mandalorian. But more simply, it wouldn't take anything at all for Corran to influence Durge's emotions gently to direct his focus. He's routinely forced people to focus on other things all the time. Once the battle begins and Durge is in his element, Corran won't be distracted trying to direct Durge either, since an angry Gen'Dai will kill his prey before going after Boba Fett (as demonstrated when Jabba sent combat arachnids to attack Durge while Boba left)



2. Teamwork - Jedi+Boba


Well, a complex web of interpersonal connections here but let me boil it down to a few key points


- Jaina and Corran and close friends and long-time fellow Jedi and combatants

- As such they both know Battle Meld, a far more advanced version of Battle Meditation that is extremely useful in this type of combat, making the 1-2 punch of Jaina and Corran a massive advantage.

- Boba Fett is a mentor of Jaina, and while not a friend he respects her (something even more valuable in Mandalorian society) and Corran Horn knows Boba's accolades quite well, and has experience with his type from his work with Corsec. Corran can tolerate this, especially with Jaina vouching for Boba.

- With the Jedi Battle Meld, and Jaina's telepathy the group can maintain constant mental contact making them much more efficient than the Jedi could hope to be.

- Corran and Jaina's mental guards are strong enough to stop any attack by these jedi, and Boba has proven himself too strong for jedi mind-tricks.



Who vs. Who


Actually that title is misleading. While the Jedi might like to have one match-up against one and think that they can take their target out, this team I put together is a team not a collection of individuals. In this case, the team is greater than the sum of their parts.


-Durge, front-line aggressor. Disrupts all your force-users and can survive any onslaught sent his way at least for a while. Disrupting your team initially already puts them on the back foot and it is Jaina's plan to keep it that way.


-Boba, Ranged sniper: I'm so, so sorry for you. Let's also add that he knows how to lead strike-teams and both Jaina and Corran can read his mind plus they'd likely have comlinks as well (not that they'll need them. I have an eye in the sky (jetpacking out of harms way and into a secure position) to direct the battle.


- Jaina, Sword of the Jedi: I'll break it out later, but if look at the number of times she's fought numerous powerful force-users and melee opponents at the same time you'd be impressed. Alongside Durge, she could easily hold off any two jedi at a time on her own (for a limited amount of time) Also, her ability to hide in the force is something these jedi aren't used to, allowing her to appear and disappear at will. Oh, and Shatterpoint. More on that later.


- Corran Horn, Halcyon: He can provide support for Jaina, mental assaults and illusions on the Jedi (which he could do to some of the most powerful jedi, even Luke) and a mastery of saber combat and dirty fighting enhanced by his massively superior force sense and battle precog (and his ability to hide his presence) combined with force meld with Jaina would allow him to target and focus down (plus surprise with his saber) one Jedi at a time while making life difficult for them all.


So no, they won't go 1v1 with any Jedi, so Satele has no chance to 1v1 Jaina (merely a random example) and don't even think it'll come to that. You're facing an extremely coordinated and motivated team using tactics. This is as much a battle of wits, knowledge, experience, and wisdom as it is power and skill.



I'll elaborate a lot more on Jaina next I think. Oh, and throwing around the Electric Judgement actually screws you in two ways, more on that soon as well.

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First off, bullet points!


Satele has also got some impressive skills. BEHOLD the bullet points!

-Force Conceal

-Force Speed


-Can influence Biological components (Hex droids)

-Force Barrier

-Force Stun

-Advanced Precognition

-Exceptional Force Speed

-Accomplished Telepath- Can read minds and communicate full sentences.

-Battle Meditation

-Powerful Tutaminis


Plo Koon

-Telekinetic Savant

-Strong Tutaminis

-Force Valor

-Force Healing

-Force Barrier


-Extremely powerful mind trick abilities


-Can use Altar Environment to great use


-Electric Judgement (Force Lightning), he also perfected this ability



These two are the force powerhouses on my team, both can match Corran Horn, and contain multiple defensive powers to utilize, allowing them to be incredibly diverse and flexible.


Not to call you out or anything, but I can't recall, nor can I find, and evidence that Battle Meld> Battle Meditation. Also, recall that Battle Meld is a double-edged sword; it can be a liability as well as an asset.

"A refinement of battle meditation, it was known to the ancient Jedi, though dangerous. While battle meditation could influence both the Force-sensitives and the insensitives of both sides, Force Meld concentrates on coordinating and improving the Force-sensitives of the user's side."


Your Battle Meld is useless in helping Durge or Boba, as it only applies to force users. Also, are you saying that Corran is going to actively be influencing Durge the entire fight? That's going to certainly drain him. Remember that Plo Koon had extremely powerful mind trick capabilities as well, he was even able to mind trick a hutt, whose species are resistant to it,. Also, while Jaina's mental defenses are great, Corrans, are much less.


You say that your group can maintain contact through Battle Meld+ Jaina's Telepath. This might work for Jaina and Corran, but the Meld wont work with Boba and Durge. However, my team can stay in contact, as Satele was extremely proficient in it, as was Plo Koon.


As for team unity, yes, three of the four members will have good unity, but no matter which you way spin it, Durge will still be the odd one out, and according to you, requires quite a but of babysitting just to fit in.;)

My team also fights in unison. Two were longtime comrades, that fought with each other on more than one occasion, and the other two are direct family members. There is no odd one out when it comes to my team.



Whew, that was long. Expect a write up on Plo and Fisto tomorrow, as it seems I have neglected that. Anyways Star, will wait for your reply, but I'm off till tomorrow. This is fun, first time doing something like this :D

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First off, bullet points!




Your bullet points... The bullet part was missing...


- 10 Gryffindor


That said, most certainly not an easy match... With that, time for me to stop, well...

... :o :o :o Edited by Silenceo
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Your bullet points... The bullet part was missing...


- 10 Gryffindor


That said, most certainly not an easy match... With that, time for me to stop, well...

... :o :o :o


Apparently copy/paste isn't liking me today.


*Public Service Announcement*

"Due to low supply of bullet points in republic space due to increased demand by imperial buyers *stares at Jerec*, all republic personnel will be required to use 'bullet' points with a more linear shape. That is all"

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While I have a lot of information and a massive post incoming let me clarify some things you obviously missed in your haste to try and poke holes in my team.


-I addressed Durge and his role in the team, yet you seem to have ignored the entire post. Durge does not require constant babysitting and they do not need to have constant control of him. He is ultimately a distraction with the strength to kill any one of these Jedi if they make a mistake. The biggest issue is getting him focused on the four Jedi first, once they start attacking him he will not be distracted by his allies. (Regardless of who they are, and I provided a source that supports that.)


-As for Force Meld vs Battle Meditation. I'm sorry if you've been deceived by poor argumentation from others, but Battle Meditation doesn't provide some ungodly boost to teamwork and link everyone's minds. It is a passive improvement to their coordination and courage. That skill is very useful on a large battlefield. In a small engagement like this, Force Meld is massively superior.

--Force Meld, literally connects the participants in the force. They operate without speaking, and in some cases without independent conscious thought. Both Corran and Jaina are masters of this ability. It is a meld, not a passive enhancement. Also, Jaina's telepathy allows her to read Boba's mind. While he'll require verbal commands, Jaina and Corran can get a full picture of the battlefield as well as direction and tactical advice from Fett instantly.

--Battle Meditation is passive, easily disrupted if the user cannot focus (as shown with Bastilia, Naga Sadow etc...), and merely boosts morale and stamina (something these jedi would already be doing to themselves. In fact there are no accounts I can find of the ability linking anyone but plenty of it acting more as motivation.


So Satele can not link your team mentally, merely bolster them. Jaina and Corran however, can link their minds.


People really need to understand Battle Meditation, it is fantastic as an ability to passively bolster troop morale but especially in a small-scale encounter like this, Force Meld is massively superior even when wielded by fewer force-users.


- And while my two non-force users can't be a part of the link, I chose them because they didn't need to be. Think of Durge in MMO terms as a Tank and Boba as a ranged DPS. As long as they know their jobs they'll do fine and the other two (linked jedi) can scatter and pick off the jedi one at a time.


Also I'll address my counter for Plo Koon. And boy is it a doozy...


Edit: Oh, and you just added the portion in your quote I was interested in. Namely that Force Meld can affect non-force users despite primarily being a means of enhancing force-user's skills.

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Jaina Solo Fel: Sword of the Jedi

While I feel like quoting from the Jaina Solo Fel Respect thread is taking the easy way out, I'm going to go that route in order to provide context and support for the conclusions I will draw in regards to this battle specifically. I'll also edit out information that is excessive or needless for this battle in order to make it an easier read.


That said, everything in spoilers are direct quotes from ShootingNova's comicvine respect thread for Jaina. Also due to character limits, I'll be posting Jaina's Combat feats in a separate post.


Force Valor/Protection/Speed



Force Valor is a light-sided power enabling a Jedi to enhance one's resolve and physical traits, such as strength, durability and speed. Force Protection is the passive (and sometimes active) enhancement of a Force sensitive's durability to varying superhuman degrees. Force Speed is the passive (and sometimes active) enhancement of a Force sensitive's speed to varying superhuman degrees.


While injured and decades before her prime, Jaina forms a web of light out of her blade:


Now free of her blorash jelly, Jaina was driving her foe back with a wild web of lightsaber slashes.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Star By Star


Jaina reacts to movement so fast it appears to be a lightning bolt:


She reached for her lightsaber and spun back toward the mountain peak. Several enormous creatures glided toward them on silent wings. Jaina got the impression of a dark wind and a stabbing flash of verdant lightning.


Her lightsaber streamed up to meet the attack. She spun to add force to the parry, and the violet blade sheered through the descending bolt.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


Jaina displays impressive reaction and combat speed as she dodges and deflects fire from a Chiss assault cruiser's turbolasers and cannon bolts from Chiss dropships:


A blue cascade of cannon bolts began to sweep across the dune, its deep thump-thumping an almost gentle counter-point to the crashing roar of the turbolasers. Jaina and Zekk stood expectant for what seemed an eternity. There was no use trying to run or take cover. Drop ship weapons systems were designed to spread a carpet of death around their landing zones. Often, they laid fire as thick as twenty bolts a square meter.


An eerie chorus of squeals arose as the cannon strikes found the buried swarm of Iesei, and the haze grew heavy with the bitter smell of scorched chitin. More bolts began to sizzle down all around Jaina and Zekk, raising chest-high sand geysers and charging the air with static. They raised their lightsabers and yielded control to the Force, then started to whirl and dance across the dune, dodging incoming fire and deflecting it into the ground beside their feet.


Zekk took a cannon blast full on his blade and was driven to his knees. Jaina spun to his side and tapped two more bolts away, only to find herself badly out of position as a third dropped toward her head.


Zekk's lightsaber swept up just centimeters from her face, catching the bolt on the blade tip and sending it zipping across the dune. Jaina spun away from another attack and glimpsed Jacen and Tahiri standing back-to-back, Jacen holding his hand above their heads, cannon fire ricocheting away as though he held a deflector shield in his palm. That was something Jaina and Zekk had never seen before.

Source: Dark Nest III: The Swarm Wars


Jaina is faster than Alema Rar, who can form shields out of her blade and appear to have three heads and six arms even whilst injured:


She stared up at him, murder in her eyes, and began climbing again, almost as fast as Jaina-faster than Jag's poor low-gravity thrusters could carry him.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Fury


Jaina forms a fan out of her blade:


He Force-leapt up through the hole into the smoky, flashing interior of the booth and pivoted around to block the fan of blue light that came slicing toward his neck even before he could sense who he was fighting.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


Jaina weaves a basket out of her lightsaber (Luke is using an Illusion to make Caedus think that Jaina is Luke):


Even as Luke leapt forward weaving a basket of lightsaber slashes, Caedus sprang back out of the projection booth, launching himself into a high Force flip designed to put as much distance between himself and his attacker as possible.

Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


In an instance where she feels the Force flowing through her, Jaina feels as if she could drive her fist through a durasteel wall or catch a blaster bolt between her fingers:


Despite the ringing in her ears and the gauze in her head-despite her hugely aching skull and the big knot of hurt swelling on her brow-Jaina had never been so filled with the Force. She could feel it in every cell of her body, swirling through her like fire, burning more ferociously every moment. She had never felt so strong or so quick or so alert. She could drive her fist through a durasteel wall, or catch a blaster bolt between her fingers. Despite the red curtain of blood cascading from the gash where Vatok's helmet had split her forehead, she was aware of everything.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


She speedblitzes four men, killing them all with one stroke:


That was all it took. The guards raced past her, bringing their blaster rifles up to fire. Jaina sprang up behind them and ignited her lightsaber, then used a single stroke to cut all four men in half.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


Jaina kicks a Mandalorian Commando's beskar helmet with enough force to give the Mandalorian a concussion:


Jaina leapt, and her kick took the other commando in the side of the head. It was certainly not powerful enough to damage the beskar, but a lot of kinetic force was transmitted through the helmet, rocking the man's head. He staggered away.




Or three and a half, if the concusssion she was sure she'd given one Mando counted for anything.

Source: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash


Jaina dodges blaster fire from a Mandalorian, making it look clumsy when in fact it wasn't:


The flying Mando female fired down at Jaina with a blaster pistol. Jaina sidestepped the barrage of shots, making it look clumsy when in fact it wasn't, and launched herself at the commando who had taken Tyria out.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash


Jaina dodges Lightning and then catches another bolt of Lightning with her lightsaber:


A fork of Force Lightning flashed past below Jaina's corkscrewing body, so close that the sting of its heat penetrated the thin molytex armor beneath her robes. She twisted into another whorl, her wrists turning almost of their own accord as she swung her lightsaber around to catch the next bolt, and then she sensed the floor rising up beneath her.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse


Jaina deflects Lightning on her blade:


Jaina suddenly leapt onto the bench, her lightsaber ignitnig barely in time to intercept a fork of Force lightning that came crackling out of the delivery portal.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse


Jaina moves in a blur, then throws a holocron to Jag, telekinetically summons a lightsaber to her hand and turns to attack Pharika all at once:


Even as pain ripped through Jag and his leg buckled, a blur interposed itself between him and Pharika. In one swift motion, Jaina tossed the precious holocron to Jag, summoned her lightsaber to her from her open backpack a meter or so away, then turned to attack the woman who dared harm her husband.
Source: Getaway


Jaina moves her lightsaber in a blur as she deflects blaster fire, on a dark side nexus:


Teal and violet blades moved in a blur, sending streaks of white blaster fire back to their owners.


Source: Good Hunting





Force Lightning is a Dark Side power that enables a Force user to unleash crackling bolts of electricity which also weaken life.


Jaina hurls Lightning at a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. It is not specified what happened to it, but given that he never disturbs Jaina again, it is likely that he was killed or at least incapacitated:


Then Jaina caught a glimpse of the memory that most disturbed Zekk-an image of a small, disheveled young woman in a tattered jumpsuit, hurling lightning at a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. A moment passed before Jaina recognized the furious, vengeful, bloodstained face as her own.
Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


Her Lightning is an oddly colored black:


For the first time a tinge of unease darkened Jaina's thoughts. "Hurling black lightning is one thing," she muttered, "but quoting Kyp Durron puts me lower than I ever expected to get."
Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


She throws aside two Yuuzhan Vong guards with Force Lightning, likely incapacitating them as well:


They raced through the halls and into the royal apartments. Guards moved to stop them; Force lightning caught them and threw them aside.
Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


She unleashes Lightning that knocks back Kyp Durron:


She rose suddenly, in a fluid blur, one hand thrown toward the older Jedi. Dark lightning crackled from her fingers and surrounded him in a shining nimbus. He flew back and struck the wall hard. His eyes narrowed, and the deadly aura disappeared. Jaina's eyes widened in surprise.
Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


In her anger, Jaina unleashes Lightning that kills a Yuuzhan Vong and attacks Vergere with the same technique:


In a motion so fast Jaina barely saw it, the warrior sat up and flicked his coufee at her throat. She could have dodged or blocked with her lightsaber, but she did not. Instead, with the fierce energy crackling inside her, she used her free hand to bat the weapon aside, then raised her hand toward her attacker and released the dark power inside. A fork of lightning crackled into existence a few centimeters beyond her glove tips, then blasted a hole through the Yuuzhan Vong's chest and hurled him onto the rubble pile smoking and motionless.


Jaina felt someone watching and turned to find Vergere staring at her from the shelter of a nearby archway, Anakin's lightsaber dangling from one hand and her narrow eyes angled in what seemed a peculiar expression of dismay. Jaina sneered at the creature, then raised her hand and loosed another bolt of Force lightning.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Star By Star



Alter Environment



Alter Environment is a Force power that enables one to manipulate nature and the environment around him or her.


Jaina forces air up a tunnel:


She raised her palm and began to pull the Force through herself, using it to push the dank air up the transport tube.




Jaina's stomach rolled with surprise.She felt Fett's eyes watching her and unfurrowed her brow- too late to fool him, she knew, but at least the lecture on revealing surprise would only be perfunctory. She pulled harder on the Force, drawing it through herself faster and pushing more air up the tunnel.




Jaina bit back a sharp retort and pushed even harder, forcing so much air up the passage that her robes began to ruffle in the breeze.


Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible






Immovability is an ability that enables a Force-user to root herself in place and make herself immovable.


Jaina anchors herself to the floor:


This time she used the Force to hold herself to the floor as the half a dozen slayers went rushing past her out of control, some running faster than their legs could carry them, and others sliding on their bellies or backs.


Source: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force






Telekinesis is a basic, neutral Force power enabling Force-sensitives to manipulate their surroundings (often objects or individuals) via the Force.


As a five-year-old, Jaina produces light by rubbing together air molecules:


Scared but determined, Jaina rubbed a few air molecules together to make a faint glow.
Source: The Crystal Star


Jaina creates a sound by bumping air molecules together:


Jaina made some air molecules bump against each other. They made a soft humming, thrumming noise.
Source: The Crystal Star


Jaina telekinetically shoves several missiles and directs them through the Force:


"Dropping shadow bombs now," Jaina said. The missiles, packed with explosives instead of propellent, dropped from her X-wing's racks. With the Force Jaina shoved them on ahead, braking her own X-wing slightly so as to increase their separation. She set them on a trajectory' for the aftmost enemy cruiser, then concentrated on leading her flight's run with standard missiles and laserfire, bringing them to the target at a slightly different angle so as to fool the enemy dovin basals, which might snatch her concussion missiles without noticing the less visible shadow bombs as they approached.
Source: The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way


She sends a droid spinning with the Force:


"Please don't threaten me," she said, sending the small droid into a spin with a push from the Force. "I really don't take too kindly to things like that."
Source: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee


Jaina telekinetically snaps binders and then knocks her lightsaber out of Harris's hands:


A swift outward movement of her arms got rid of the binders, and one solid Force push knocked the lightsaber out of Harris's hands.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee


She telekinetically pulls herself free of a sandslide:


The Killiks pushed their heads into the sand and began to dig, while the Jedi used the Force to pull themselves free of the sandslide and yanked their lightsabers off their utility belts.
Source: Dark Nest III: The Swarm War


She fiercely shoves a fifty-meter mogo tree, knocking it down:


Jaina set the electrobinoculars to scan and peered down the tunnel she was keeping open through the green cloud. Even with all the foliage stripped away by Chiss defoliators, it was nearly impossible to see very far through the thick timber. But eventually, she did glimpse a muzzle flash from beside a fifty-meter mogo. She gave the tree a fierce Force shove and sent it crashing to the jungle floor.
Source: Dark Nest III: The Swarm War


Jaina shoves an AirStraeker towards it wingmates:


Jaina pointed at the center of the formation, then reached out in the Force and began to shove one of the AirStraekers toward a wingmate. The second evaded, and the first aircraft began to struggle against her grasp. The rest of the squadron opened fire a second later.
Source: Dark Nest III: The Swarm War


Jaina telekinetically breaks Darth Caedus's Force Choke on Mirta:


Jaina felt Jacen then; he was throttling Mirta to let Tahiri escape into the docking tube above the hatch. Jaina put every scrap of strength she had into breaking Jacen's invisible Force choke hold on Mirta. She saw it like a black chain and visualized the links flying apart just as Carid shot past her and scrambled up the ladder followed by Vevut.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Revelation


Jaina blows apart a security camera:


Jaina Force-flashed the vid cam monitoring the area, then knowing that the entire area would be obliterated when the fusion core detonated - simply blasted the security cam apart.

Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


She telekinetically hurls several shadow bombs toward a general dome:


Unable to see through the wall of energy, Jaina turned her hands over to instinct and closed her eyes, picturing the generator dome in her mind and using the Force to hurl the shadow bombs toward it. She felt the cockpit rock as cannon bolts tore through her StealthX's unshielded wings: then Sneaky let out a static-filled overload screech and went silent.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


Jaina sends a large portion of a collapsed wall flying with the Force:


With an exertion of the Force, even as the Mando was aiming, Jaina caused the largest section of wall debris to fly up in front of the commando's outstretched hand. A wave of mini rockets slammed into the debris and detonated. The blast disintegrated that debris but blew the firer and the two commandos closest behind him off their feet.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash


She telekinetically hurls a net at a Mandalorian and throws him into a hole, taking the firer of the net with him and disarming the latter:


She watched the other one who was still on his feet. Sure enough, he used the direct assault as a distraction, waited half a second, and fired at her from what looked like a line-throwing forearm attachment. But what came at her was a flexible projectile that broadened, expanded into a net.


She grabbed at it with the Force, exerting herself against it as if it were a bad idea, and flicked it into the path of the vibrosword wielder. It wrapped around him.


Nor did Jaina let go of it then. She maintained her mental grip on the net and yanked it through one of the holes in the wall. That Mando went flying, and the one who'd cast the net, still attached to it by a line, was hualed off his feet. He went flying after his comrade, the sudden lateral movement causing him to drop his blaster rifle.

Source: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash


She telekinetically calls her lightsaber to her hand:


In one swift motion, Jaina tossed the precious holocron to Jag, summoned her lightsaber to her from her open backpack a meter or so away, then turned to attack the woman who dared harm her husband.
Source: Getaway


Whilst deflecting blaster fire, Jaina easily lifts up a huge chunk of stone from a fallen column and hurls it at a ship:


Without missing a beat, Jaina batted back Pharika's fire with her lightsaber while using her other hand to levitate a huge chunk of fallen column with the other. It rose easily and Jaina hurled it toward the ship. The little vessel moved with astonishing speed, trying to dodge it, but the stone still landed a glancing blow that momentarily halted the ship's attack.

Source: Getaway


Whilst cartwheeling, Jaina telekinetically suspends a huge chunk of stone in mid-air to prevent it from crushing onto Jag:


She turned a one-handed cartwheel, the other hand extended to stop a huge chunk of fluted stone from crashing down directly onto Jag.
Source: Getaway


Jaina uses the Force to float down several meters:


She floated down, gracefully and slowly, landing several meters below on a lip on the otherwise sheer rock face.
Source: Getaway






Telepathy enables a Force user to affect another's mind. Empathy is similar to Telepathy but relates to emotions rather than thoughts.


Jaina learns from Kyp Durron how to erase memories. She is praised by Kyp when she succeeds:


Jaina nodded. 'Before we go, I need you to show me how to wipe away memories. They can't remember they saw us here.''




The Jedi Master let out a profound sigh. He grimaced as if steeling himself for an unpleasant task, then dropped to one knee. 'Watch, feel and follow,'' he instructed, and then reached out to one of the prisoners.


Jaina felt the older Jedi's power reach into the man's mind. Kyp formed the image of a morning-misted sun, barely visible above the forest horizons of Gallinore-- about the time,Jaina recalled, that they had landed. With smooth, cool strokes, Kyp swept away the memory from that moment to this. He eased away, like a thief creeping from a plundered home.


Slowly Kyp broke the contact with the fallen guard and lifted his eyes to hers. His face was still pale from the chilling tumble, and the deep shadows beneath his eyes made them look vividly green. The power in them, though fading, was both eerie and compelling. 'Now you.''


Jaina nodded and reached out to another guard. But instead of envisioning the morning sun, she focused upon an image of a chronometer. Slowly she forced it into backward motion, stripping away moments from a man's life. When the task was done, she looked to the Jedi Master. He studied her for a moment, his expression unreadable. 'You have a knack for this,'' he said at last. 'Good control. Very precise. You take that one, I'll do the other. Let's get this over with.''

Source: The Apprentice


Jaina wipes away several hours from fellow Jedi Lowbacca's memories:


Puzzlement and then concern swept the woman's thin face. Suddenly Jaina was aware of the damp tracks of tears on her cheeks. She wiped them away, as she'd wiped the past few hours from Lowbacca's memory.
Source: The Apprentice


Jaina telepathically sends an image of her Force Lightning to Zekk, imbuing the image itself so much power that that the air nearly hums with energy and the scent of a thunderstorm seems to lurk on the edge of sensory perception:


She brought to mind an image of the molten lightning that had come so instinctively to her call. She imbued it with so much power that the air nearly hummed with energy, and the metallic scent of a thunderstorm seemed to lurk on the edge of sensory perception. She projected this image to her old friend as forcefully as she could.
Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


Jaina utilizes Force Persuasion on a Rodian:


Jaina sighed. "I'll try again," she said, this time with some Force persuasion behind it. "How do I disarm the bomb?" His eyes glazed over slightly as he said, "It can't be deactivated now." That threw her for a moment. "There has to be a way!" She pushed even harder with the Force. She didn't believe for a moment that the Rodian wouldn't have had at least some knowledge of Harris's bomb. "Now tell me what it is, Salkeli. How is the bomb disarmed?"


"The remote detonator," he answered without resistance. Then, glancing over to the ruined box, he smiled nastily. "But like I said, there's no way to disarm it now." Jaina cursed under her breath. It was unlikely the Rodian had the will to resist the Force persuasion, so he was probably telling the truth - or the truth as he saw it, anyway.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee


Jaina sends a greeting through the Force to her mother, a feat she displays a number of other times:


She sent a greeting through the Force. Her mother would know who it was from.
Source: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force






Concealment is a Force power enabling Jedi to mask their presence or signature in the Force.


Jaina shuts herself off from the Force:


Jaina quickly shut herself off from the Force and returned to the aperture, the QuietSnipe raised to her shoulder and her finger on the trigger.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible



Force Sense/Shatterpoint



Force Sense is a basic power allowing Force sensitives to sense their surroundings, feel determine the thoughts or feelings of others, feel ripples in the Force signifying important events of the presence of the dark side, or even the future.. Shatterpoint is the ability to perceive fault lines with the Force.


Jaina increases her senses to detect any trace of deception:


Her senses finely attuned for any sign of deception, she let herself be shepherded by the four guards deep into the heart of the penitentiary.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee


Jaina senses Ben Skywalker's return to the Force and his being in Jacen's presence:


Jacen laid his hand on Ben's shoulder again, and the Force came flooding back in a shocking, painful torrent. He sensed a dozen things at once-his aunt Leia searching for him in the Force, filled with pain and shock and sympathy; his cousin Jaina, down on Kashyyyk, full of sorrow and apology and-now that she sensed him aboard the Anakin Solo-confusion; Saba Sebatyne and the other Masters relieved by his sudden return to the Force. And they were all reeling, bewildered and concerned because he was aboard Jacen's ship.
Source: Legacy of the Force: Inferno


Jaina learns Shatterpoint, using it so that with a touch, she can shatter a five-centimeter-thick homogoni slab, then a plastoid breastplate, then a hfredium hull plate, and finally a disk of raw beskar, a material that can resist lightsaber blades and blaster bolts:


Luke simply smiled and replied that an art was not lost just because it could be wielded only by a handful, and that if her twin brother was one of the few capable of learning it, then so was she.


By the time Jaina had cleared her mind, her four sparring partners stood around her in a semicircle. Each was holding a small panel in front of him, his legs braced and his elbows locked so the panel would not move when it was struck.


Jaina did not take any time to study her targets or be certain of her strike. She simply looked at the panel in Jag's hands - a homogoni slab five centimeters thick.


She actually saw how the Force bound its cells together, how they were organized into long lines that gave the wood its grain, and exactly where that grain could be split. Then she simply let her hand slide out and do it, let her fingertips touch the place she had seen. At once, she felt the Force shooting through her hand as it rushed into that weak spot, shattering the bonds that held the slab together.


The homogoni did not just split, it shattered, and Jag was left holding two tiny fragments with a pile of slivers at his feet.


"Nice job," he said.


Jaina had already turned to the panel in Zekk's hands, a plastoid breastplate that had been taken from a captured Stormtrooper. She saw the plastoid as she had seen the homogoni, but now there was no true grain, just layer after layer of polymers crossing in every conceivable direction, with one spot where the layers were particularly thin. She let her hand slide out again. The breastplate fragmented into a dozen pieces and clattered to the grass at Zekk's feet. Next, Jaina turned to Tesar and let her hand slide out to touch the small square of hfredium hull plate he was holding. The square parted into triangles and fluttered out of the Barabel's hands.


Finally, she turned to Lowbacca, who was holding a disk of raw beskar. Luke had arranged to buy the disk from one of the arms dealers that the Mandalorians were now quite freely supplying with the stuff. She almost hesitated, but she forced her mind not to think, to just see and do, and before she knew it her hand was was shooting out toward the heart of a spiral of carefully worked metal crystals.


And the disk crumbled, just as Roegr's breastplate had when Caedus had tapped it with the pommel of his lightsaber.


Behind her, Jaina's father let out a loud, embarrassing whoop. "Who needs a lightsaber?" Han exclaimed. "I haven't seen anything that impressive since your mother wrapped a chain around Jabba's throat."

Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


Jaina senses that something bad, later revealed to be a Hutt, though she senses that she and Jag are not in any immediate danger:


Her head was turned sharply behind her, and her face had gone still.


"What is it?" he asked, pressing his mouth close to her ear to be heard.


She shook her head. "I don't know. Just a bad feeling."


"With you, bad feelings aren't that simple."


"It's all right. We're not in any danger. At least not immediately."




Jag turned just in time to catch a glimpse of an ugly, brown-gray tail slithering into one of the alleys.



Source: Getaway


Jaina senses an incoming attack from a ship and doges it accordingly:


Alerted by the Force, Jaina suddenly flung herself violently to the left. There came almost a shriek of energy from the vessel, and the ground burned where Jaina had just been.
Source: Getaway



So in summation here are some bullet points supported by the above quotes. These aren't all my points and I'm not going to give you a TL:DR here, merely some especially important aspects to remember


-Jaina Solo lives up to her billing as Sword of the Jedi in this instance.

-Her saber skills are nearly unrivaled among the Jedi of her era, with only the likes of Jacen Solo and Luke Skywalker being comparable (and note she kill Ceadeus and both of them are outlawed from his competition)

-Her force power's are unique and highly honed

-Shatterpoint allows her to focus the group's efforts

-Her Force Valor and Multiple-opponent skills allow her to (while injured) defeat elite opponents while engaging multiple foes at once.

-She can function at a high level regardless of any physical injury she had sustained, making it extremely hard to beat her even if you manage to harm her (unlikely thanks to her style of fighting being conservative and meant to be limiting her damage while dealing more in return) she will take numerous blows to bring down (kinda like Durge, nothing short of excessive firepower or decapitation will stop her)

-Wasn't mentioned in the thread specifically, but she knows force-meld with Corran

-Extremely experienced combatant

-Basically, in any 1v1 she bests all the Jedi she is facing. In 2v1 she can hold her own. She'd even be capable of 3v1 or 4v1 for a short time as well.

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This will be a long-one... brace yourselves for Lightsaber combat feats! This is the section I had to post alone in order to fit everything. Still just Jaina Solo


Combat Skill



Despite sporting a head injury and being pinned to a building, Jaina is able to hold off two Vong warriors with a one-handed lightsaber defense:


He found Jaina pinned against a building, a blob of blourash jelly binding her along one side, blood pouring from a head wound. Despite it all, she was holding two Yuuzhan Vong impostors at bay with a one-handed lightsaber defense.
Source: The New Jedi Order: Star By Star


Jaina fights evenly with Kyp Durron, and is beaten because an outside source hits a ship with which Jaina is connected to, causing her to suffer intense pain:


A Yuuzhan Vong fighter streamed toward her, and all others moved aside to let it pass.


Jaina reached for the energy that she had found within, that which hurled the dark lightning. She allowed it to flood her and direct her battle.


She sank deeper into the consciousness of the alien ship, losing herself in flight as she had always done. For what seemed like hours she and her challenger darted and spun, trading bolts of plasma, dodging and blocking like swordmasters. Jaina did not think - she acted.


For a while this seemed to be an effective strategy, but her identification with the living ship was too powerful. A plasma bolt slipped back the dovin basal shields and scorched along the side of the ship. Jaina jolted, screaming, as an unexpected searing pain raced down her left arm. She was surprised to see no physical damage there.


Barely conscious, she began to slide completely into the darkness. Again she fell back in time, into the terrifying duel at the Shadow Academy. Again she fought Darth Vader, but this time she could not prevail.


Her opponent stepped back and ripped off the black helmet, revealing Kyp Durron's face.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey


Jaina Solo defeats the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah with her legs pinioned, years before her prime. She fights roughly evenly with him despite being rendered immobile, and then kills him by telekinetically launching a second lightsaber at his back:


Jaina twisted as she drew her lightsaber, intending to spin away from any attacker, but her feet had somehow gotten stuck to the mineshaft floor, and instead of spinning she sprawled to one side-luckily, because at that moment Tsavong Lah hurled his baton of rank like a spear.


The baton missed Jaina entirely and impaled Lowbacca, piercing him clean through the shoulder. The Wookiee roared and wobbled-like Jaina, blorash jelly had pinned him to the floor-and he fell into Tesar, who was in the act of drawing his blaster.


Little jets of air began to spurt from Lowbacca's wounds, crystallizing immediately in the vacuum and drifting to the floor as glittering snow.


Half deafened by the Wookiee roar she heard over her headset, Jaina hauled herself upright, aided by muscle and low gravity, her lightsaber glowing a soft violet off the cavern walls. Tsavong Lah seized an amphistaff from the weapons he'd strewn nearby and slashed the weapon at Jaina's head.


Jaina was frozen to the floor by blorash jelly, and Tsavong Lah was behind her. Her helmet cut oft" her peripheral vision, and the only way she knew she was being attacked was that she saw Tsavong Lah's madly dancing shadow cast by the powerful lights of the load-lifters. She dropped the point of her lightsaber behind her back to guard against Tsavong Lah's swing, and the impact almost wrenched her arm out of its socket.


Her heart thundered in her cars. She twisted as far to her right as possible in order to see her attacker and managed to parry the next furious series of strikes. Tsavong Lah shifted to her left, and Jaina twisted toward him and swung her lightsaber in a sweeping parry from high to low to catch any possible strike. Again the impact was massive, and nearly tore the weapon from her grasp. The warrior kept chopping at her, the amphistaff held in both hands, and she parried furiously. She had no chance to counterattack, and the impacts were numbing her arm. If something didn't happen soon, her weapon would be knocked from her hand.


The fight in the vacuum was in utter silence. Jaina could hear only her own rasping breath and the throbbing of her heart, and then the silence was broken, over the comm, by Lowbacca's bellow as Tesar yanked the baton out of his shoulder.


"It'z Tsavong Lah!" Jaina was startled by Tesar's words coming through her helmet phones. The warmaster's face was well known in the New Republic.


"Shoot him!" Jaina said. She didn't much care who he was; she only wanted him dead and her friends safe.


Tesar obliged by firing at the warmaster, the brilliant blaster bolts glancing off the rock walls, but the Yuuzhan Vong danced to Jaina's right again to put Jaina between himself and Tesar's blaster.


"This one must patch up Lowie!" Tesar said. "He'z losing air! You've got to hold off the Vong!"


"Thanks," Jaina muttered. She twisted to the right again, turning the movement into a cut. She chopped a chunk oat of the frozen amphistaff, and Tsavong Lah stepped out of range to pick up another weapon. When he came on again he lunged rather than slashed, and Jaina was able to slide her blade into a circular parry and bind. But in her twisted position she lacked the leverage of wrist and arm to force the disarm that followed the bind;instead her blade grated on the amphistaff and locked.


Only a meter away she could see Tsavong Lah's silent snarl of triumph. He kicked and drove his heel into Jaina's thigh.


An overwhelming jolt of pain shot through her thigh and knee. With a cry she lost her grip on her lightsaber and pitched forward.


Jaina snatched Lowie's lightsaber from his belt and triggered it as she pulled herself to her feet. Tsavong Lah had cleared Jaina's lightsaber from his weapon and lunged forward again, and his eyes widened in surprise as Jaina slashed two clawed toes from the radank leg he had implanted as an arm.


The warmaster stepped back as dark blood oozed from the wound and fell with a graceful lack of haste to the floor. Jaina kept the lightsaber on guard, pointed at his face. He glared at her, red murder glowing in his eyes.In front of her Lowbacca crouched before Tesar, both nailed to the ground by blorash jelly. Lowie's hand pressed on his shoulder, trying to hold in his air, while Tesar worked frantically to apply a patch to the wound on the Wookiee's back.


"How's Streak?" she asked.


"He'z passed out. This one has patched the exit wound, but the wound at the front iz still venting."


Jaina watched Tsavong Lah take a grip on his weapon and dig his feet into the ground.


"Hurry," she said, "I think I just made him mad."


Tsavong Lah charged, the amphistaff a blur. He attacked to Jaina's right side, drawing her lightsaber out of line, then shifted to a vicious overhead cut coming in from the left. Jaina managed to block in time, but the impact bent her far over, the air going from her lungs in a whuff. Her head low, she could sec the soft violet radiance of her own lightsaber lying on the floor past the war-master's legs.


She sliced madly at the amphistaff as she straightened again, engaging the furious warrior in a long series of attacks and parries.


And then Jaina reached out with the force, picked up her lightsaber from the ground behind Tsavong Lah, and drove the violet blade point-first through his throat. The warmaster fell. Jaina didn't spare him another glance, but turned to Tesar and Lowbacca.

Source: The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way


Jaina and Luke kill a pair of Yuuzhan Vong slayers in just one moment:


Luke and Jaina began to move toward one another. For a moment, several slayers found themselves trapped between the two Jedi and the lashing movements of their comrades' amphistaffs. Pierced simultaneously from either side, one warrior dropped to the floor; then a second.

Source: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force


Jaina fights closely with Darth Caedus with Luke aiding her through the Force:


The sniper was not surprised. The weapon simply spun free as it was abruptly released, and the snap-hiss of an igniting lightsaber sounded from inside the projection booth. Despite the pellet wound his shoulder had suffered earlier, Caedus did not hesitate to activate his own blade. His pain would only fuel his power, and if he did not attack the sniper, he knew the sniper would attack him. He Force-leapt up through the hole into the smoky, flashing interior of the booth and pivoted around to block the fan of blue light that came slicing toward his neck even before he could sense who he was fighting.


Whoever it was, the enemy was good.


Caedus felt a boot slam into his ribs-an instant before he saw it coming with his Aing-Tii fighting-sight-and the breath left his lungs. He countered with a head-high backslash and brought his own foot up, landing a Force-enhanced snap-kick between the legs of the brown-robed blur attacking him. The blow drew a pained grunt but failed to even stagger his foe.


A bony elbow slammed up under his chin, rocking him onto his heels. Then, finally, Caedus felt a familiar tingle in the back of his mind, and he saw the image of a violet blade slashing at his vulnerable side. He swept his own lightsaber down across the front of his body in a desperate reverse block that barely caught the attack in time to prevent it from slicing him in two, then whirled into a spinning back kick that landed squarely in his foe's stomach and drove him back:a mere two steps.


It was enough.


Now Caedus could see who he was fighting, and he could not believe it. A gaunt-faced man with eyes as blue and cold as vardium steel, nostrils flaring red with anger and exertion, a thin-lipped snarl filled with confidence and disdain.


Luke Skywalker.


Just a few minutes earlier, Caedus had sensed his uncle's presence far above Nickel One, in the same blastboat as his mother, father, and Saba Sebatyne. And now here Luke was, inside the asteroid. Even Jedi Grand Masters could not be in two places at once-Caedus knew that-but he did not waste time being confused.


All that mattered was that Luke was here, somehow, and that he was the one swordsman in the galaxy whom Caedus did not dare fight one-armed. Even as Luke leapt forward weaving a basket of lightsaber slashes, Caedus sprang back out of the projection booth, launching himself into a high Force flip designed to put as much distance between himself and his attacker as possible.


Luke flew after him, not even bothering to try for the high position, simply coming up under him with a wild slash combination that was anything but subtle or deft or even tricky; just pure relentless ferocity. Caedus had to stretch himself out belly-down in midair to meet the attack, and even calling on the Force to bolster the strength in his good arm, it was all he could do to keep the powerful strikes from knocking his guard aside and leaving him wide open.


They started to drop, trading a trio of lightning-fast blows that left Caedus's hands stinging and his heart racing. The last time he had fought Luke, he had started with a painful kidney wound but two good arms-and barely managed to survive. Now, with a relatively bearable shoulder wound and a single good arm, he had to do more than survive, he had to prevail-because now there would be no mercy at the last minute. This time, his uncle would not care whether he survived as long as Caedus died, because now Luke knew the truth about who had killed his wife.


After the third exchange, Caedus and Luke came down in the seating area, two rows apart. Both landed on their feet, Luke more lightly than Caedus.


Caedus deactivated his lightsaber and flicked his hand downward, arming the dart thrower he had begun wearing beneath his sleeve after their last fight.


But Luke did something even more unexpected, removing one hand from his lightsaber and pushing the palm forward. An instant later, the unseen hammer of a Force blast caught Caedus in the sternum and drove him not over, but through the seats behind him.


He slammed into the next row and dropped to the floor foot-to-foot with the big Mandalorian he had killed earlier-the one in the black armor and red helmet. Caedus's head was spinning and his chest was more than aching-it was throbbing, burning, clenching so tightly he could hardly breathe.


But he still had his lightsaber-and he needed it. He thumbed the activation switch and brought the weapon up just as Luke's blue blade came slicing down toward him. Caedus caught it on his own crimson blade, then straightened his arm, simultaneously parrying and pointing the dart thrower on his wrist into his attacker's face.


"Release!" he commanded.


A faint puff of air tickled Caedus's forearm as the thrower launched its darts, but Luke was already whirling out of the way. The slivers streaked past in a harmless black flash and vanished; then Luke was spinning into the row where Caedus lay, positioning himself above Caedus's head for the coup de grace.


There was no time to leap up or loose a bolt of Force lightning, and the angle was particularly poor for blocking and parrying. Caedus's only hope lay at his feet, and he seized that hope with the Force, using it to pull the dead Mandalorian up over him, then hurling the corpse headlong into Luke.


Two bodies collided with the sharp crack of metal impacting bone. When Caedus did not die in the next instant, he realized he had finally driven his uncle onto the defensive. He rolled to a knee, his lightsaber ignited and raised between them.


Luke lay buried beneath the huge Mandalorian, blood pooling around his head and one motionless arm protruding beneath the fellow's side. By all appearances, Luke Skywalker was dead-or at least unconscious.


Caedus's heart began to pound not with fear, but with excitement. His visions of late had been filled with his uncle's face-Luke Skywalker attacking him here on Nickel One, Luke firing on him from one of Fett's Bes'uliike, Luke sitting on Caedus's throne, claiming the New Empire as his own. Had he-Lord Caedus-finally put an end to those visions-finally ruled out the possibility of those futures becoming the future?


Eager as he was to be rid of Luke, Caedus was also suspicious. His uncle had been using a new fighting style, one that he had never taught his students at the Jedi academy-one that he had never, as far as Caedus knew, used on anyone who had survived to describe it. The style was essentially conservative, brutal, and ruthless, designed to deal damage without suffering it-and not all that tricky.


Which meant now would be the perfect time to switch styles and trap an unwary opponent by playing dead. Using the Force to keep the Mandalorian pressed firmly down on Luke, Caedus retreated twenty paces to the body of a fallen stormtrooper, then deactivated his lightsaber and tucked it under his wounded arm. When Luke still did not move, he pulled a fragmentation grenade off the trooper's equipment belt. He thumbed the arming slide, then sent the grenade sailing toward his uncle and the dead Mandalorian.




Despite the ringing in her ears and the gauze in her head-despite her hugely aching skull and the big knot of hurt swelling on her brow-Jaina had never been so filled with the Force. She could feel it in every cell of her body, swirling through her like fire, burning more ferociously every moment. She had never felt so strong or so quick or so alert. She could drive her fist through a durasteel wall, or catch a blaster bolt between her fingers. Despite the red curtain of blood cascading from the gash where Vatok's helmet had split her forehead, she was aware of everything.


Including that grenade sailing toward her.


So Jaina reached out with the Force and sent it flying back toward her brother. An instant later, the weight pressing down on her grew lighter as Caedus's attention shifted to the grenade. She started to Force-hurl her friend's body off-then recalled how her brother had been anticipating her attacks. She grabbed the beskad hanging from Vatok's waist, then sent his body flying after the grenade.


The iron saber had barely cleared its scabbard before the hammerfist of a grenade detonation jolted the forum. Vatok's body was silhouetted against the orange flash of the explosion. Jaina held him there, shielding herself from the fiery heat of the blast, and felt the searing bite of shrapnel only in her legs.


The detonation swept the last wisps of gauze from Jaina's mind. Not waiting to see if she had been seriously injured, she let her friend's body drop to the floor and leapt after her brother, lightsaber in one hand and Vatok's beskad in the other.


Caedus turned to meet her with his good arm forward and his wounded shoulder behind. Jaina struck high with the lightsaber and low with the beskad. Caedus slipped back, allowing both blades to pass, then sprang forward and counterthrust, trying to impale her with her own momentum.


Jaina was already spinning past his crimson blade, pivoting on a dead stormtrooper's chest plate as she brought Vatok's beskad around at neck height. But Caedus had anticipated her once again, leaning away to take the blow on his wounded shoulder rather than across his throat.


Jaina did not even feel the beskad cleaving bone. She simply heard a voice-Jacen's voice-cry out in shock and pain; then an arm landed on her boots. In the next instant Caedus was whirling away, screaming and flapping a red stump, and something hot and wet splashed across Jaina's face and throat and began to burn like acid.


A part of her-the part that had grown up with Jacen and trained with him on Yavin 4 and traded snowballs at Coruscant's polar playgrounds-was too horrified to act. That part wanted to stand paralyzed in shock, to pretend this was just some terrible nightmare from which she would shortly awaken. The other part-the part that had actually asked for this mission-knew what would happen if she let herself freeze.


Jaina launched herself after Caedus. The loss of an arm did not seem to faze him. He simply turned to meet her attack, his yellow eyes blazing with pain and fury, and their lightsabers met in a brilliant explosion of color. Jaina brought the beskad around again, striking low for his thigh:and knew she was in trouble when Caedus did not even try to block.


Caedus deactivated his lightsaber and let it drop between them. Jaina felt the beskad begin to bite, then her brother's palm sank deep into the pit of her stomach. In the next instant she was riding a bolt of Force lightning across the chamber, her muscles cramping, her teeth grinding, her ears roaring with the fiery sizzle of burning synapses.


A full second later, she slammed into a durasteel wall and felt a terrible popping in her ribs, then dropped to the floor, still holding her lightsaber and the beskad. The Force lightning had died away, but her muscles remained useless aching knots, and the stench of scorched flesh was so powerful she wanted to retch. Instead, she tried to rise-and succeeded only in sparking a dozen different kinds of pain.


Across the chamber, her brother was in little better shape. He sat slumped in a half-collapsed chair, his remaining hand clamped over the stump of his missing arm, his thigh wound dripping blood onto the floor. His yellow eyes were staring at Jaina more in confusion than rage, and his head was cocked as though he could not quite believe what he was seeing.


"You?" he gasped. "Jaina?"


Jaina managed to raise her throbbing head. It hurt-a lot-and her vision was starting to blur.


"I haven't changed that much, Jacen," she said. With her muscle control beginning to return, she pushed herself into a kneeling position. "And I hope you know how much this Sith nonsense is steaming Mom and Dad."


If Caedus heard her wisecrack, he did not show it. His yellow eyes began to dart around the chamber, searching for something Jaina did not understand-but maybe that was just because her head was throbbing so bad. The pain was beginning to muddle her thoughts.


Somehow, Caedus forced himself back to his feet. That would have been impressive-if it weren't so kriffing scary.


"Where's Luke?" he demanded.


"Right behind me," Jaina said, also standing. The effort sent pangs of anguish shooting through her lungs, and she realized she had a few broken ribs to go with the lightning scorch on her chest. She squinted in his direction, trying to keep him in focus so she could kill him. "Come over here, and I'll show you."


That brought Caedus's gaze snapping back toward her, and Jaina realized she might have overplayed her hand. She still had both arms, but the fact that her brother remained standing at all proved how much greater his Force powers were than her own. She tossed the beskad aside and summoned a fallen stormtrooper's power blaster to hand.


Then Jaina sensed someone watching her from the direction of the antechamber where the Moffs had fled. She looked up to find a pair of gray blurs dropping into firing positions in the doorways. She loosed a burst of suppression fire toward the two troopers, then Force-flipped up into the cover offered by the ruined projection booth, landing backward so she would be facing her enemy and in a position to defend herself.


Jaina's boots had not even touched the floor before the stormtroopers opened fire. She dropped the power blaster and used her lightsaber to deflect their bolts, angling them down toward her brother. If she kept him busy enough, he wouldn't be able to hurl another lightning attack her way. His lightsaber snapped to life and began to weave a crimson shield in front of him.


Then Jaina experienced an abrupt draining as her Force energies returned to their normal level. Suddenly she felt cold, tired, and in pain, and she barely had the strength to hold her lightsaber as it flicked back and forth, batting away blaster bolts. She retreated deeper into the projection booth, stumbling over combat debris that she normally would have sensed without any conscious thought. When she reached the wrecked control panel, she could finally drop behind cover.


Caedus's voice sounded out in the forum, still deep and booming and strong. "Not her! Skywalker is the dangerous one."




Was Jaina beginning to hear things now, too? Or was Caedus beginning to imagine them?


The blasterfire shifted away from the projection booth and grew more erratic. Jaina poked her head up, peering over the scorched control panel through what remained of the projectionist's one-way viewport.


Her brother was limping up toward the anteroom, finally starting to look a little weak and dizzy himself. His good hand was still holding the stump of his severed arm. But his yellow eyes were round with fear and his brow was furrowed with anger, and he was looking toward the far corner of the chamber, which Jaina could not see from her vantage point.


"There, you fools!" he yelled. "Blast him!"


Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible

In their rematch, Jaina takes advantage of the element of surprise, stabbing Caedus with her lightsaber. She then engages the disadvantaged Caedus and kills him:


"It's worth a try, but they won't obey." Caedus came to the door and, lacking a second hand to reach for the control pad, stopped to finish his order. "Have my StealthX prepped for immediate:"


He let the sentence trail off as the door opened on its own, revealing a dark-uniformed woman with an athletic build and brown, furious eyes.




A lightsaber snap-hissed to life, and suddenly Caedus felt as though he were going to vomit fire.


* * *


The invisible fist of a Force blast slammed Jaina in the chest and sent her flying back, her breath groaning from her lungs and her lightsaber hissing free of Caedus's stomach. From the fight on Nickel One, she had learned the dangers of letting her head snap back on impact. She tucked her chin, then fought to hold it there as she struck the durasteel wall on the far side of the corridor.


Jaina almost wished that she had been knocked unconscious. Stinging needle-thrusts of pain zippered down her spine as her vertebrae rocked beneath the impact, and the synthmesh supporting her half-healed ribs came apart in a single agonizing pop. She dropped to the floor, fighting to keep her pain from carrying her down into numb oblivion, gazing back to where she had surprised Caedus:where Caedus still stood in the doorway, his mouth gaping in surprise, with a thumb-sized scorch hole just below his ribs. But he was still standing.


Jaina's pain-clouded mind did not understand how he could take a lightsaber through the gut and do that. Why didn't Caedus just lie down and die like most people? Didn't he understand she was trying to do him a favor?


Apparently not, because as soon as she began to gasp for breath, his hand shot up, the fingers splayed and pointed in her direction. Jaina barely brought her lightsaber around in time to absorb the forks of blue lightning that came dancing toward her chest.


Then Caedus stepped forward, the Force lightning still shooting from his fingertips. Jaina could not believe what she was seeing. With that wound, he was coming after her. She feinted an attempt to roll to her knees. When Caedus shifted the lightning to block her, she brought her free hand up and gestured toward his shoulder, using the Force to hurl him back through the door. A loud, thudding crash sounded from deep in the shadows, and the voice of an annoyed droid began to complain about the mess.


Jaina was instantly on her feet, springing through the door. But Caedus was just as quick, forgoing his Force lightning in favor of his lightsaber. She saw a fan of crimson light arcing toward her out of the dark side of the pit and spun toward it, blocking and kicking in the same move. Caedus grunted as her boot caught him somewhere above the waist, but behind his crimson blade, he was no more than a gray blur, and it was impossible to tell where the kick had landed.


A black boot heel came shooting under Jaina's guard, driving hard into her sore ribs. She stifled a cry and circled into the shadows, trying to acclimate her eyes to the darkness because it was impossible to sense Caedus in the Force. He fought to keep his advantage, dancing back and forth behind his crimson blade, anticipating her every move-and making her pay for each step with a painful kick or elbow strike.


Knowing that sooner or later one of Caedus's blows could be fatal, Jaina risked a quick look around, searching for something she could Force-hurl. The dark side of the pit was black; she could see nothing in there. And the bright side of the pit was so glaring that she could see only the white, glaring mouth of the fusion incinerator and the conveyor belt that fed it.


Caedus made her pay for the survey in blood, landing a pommel across her cheek that split the flesh and smashed the bone. Jaina countered with a driving knee to the thigh, then a downward slash that Caedus barely turned in time to save his hand.


A flimsiplast crate emerged from the conveyor belt chute beside them. It wasn't much-certainly not heavy enough to do damage-but it was all Jaina had. She gave a little ground, allowing Caedus to force her toward the door so she could let the crate move past him and bring it flying into him from behind.


Then the dark shape of the pit droid came clanking out of the shadows. "Excuse me, please," it said. "I must inspect-"


That was as much as it said before Jaina grasped it in the Force and drew it, stumbling, into Caedus's flank.


The droid was more than heavy enough to send Caedus staggering. He whirled instantly, bringing his blade around at shoulder height. By then Jaina had slipped into the shadows and was lunging forward, her shoulders back but her boot heel driving in under his lightsaber.


Once again, Caedus anticipated her. He spun around, leaning away to protect his vulnerable midsection and bringing his leg up to counterkick. Jaina Force-launched herself into him anyway, whipping her lightsaber around in a down guard to keep his blade at bay. His counterkick landed first, driving into her stomach with a deep sharp ache. Her stomp caught him on the hip and sent him falling onto the conveyor belt.


The flimsicrate burst at the seams as Caedus's shoulder and head came down on top of it. Jaina leapt in to press the attack-and was stunned by how quickly he popped back up. There were more than a dozen used syringes hanging from his shoulder and face. He barely seemed to notice. Letting his lightsaber deactivate and drop to the floor, he reached toward her, making a twisting motion with his hand.


Jaina felt her chin twisting around and went with it, using the Force to accelerate her whole body into a spin, still leaping toward Caedus, bringing her lightsaber around in a clearing arc. She felt the blade meet metal, and the droid's ebony head popped into the air. Then she was on Caedus, slashing at his head with her lightsaber, bringing her boot toe up under his chin when he grew predictable and ducked.


The kick snapped Caedus's head back and sent him tumbling over the conveyor belt. Thinking she had just won the advantage, Jaina dropped her free hand toward the lightsaber he had let fall-then barely saved her arm when the crimson blade snap-hissed to life and went spinning past.


Caedus's hand shot up on the other side of the conveyor belt and caught the hilt; then the rest of his body slowly rose into view. His flesh was bulging around the scorch hole in his abdomen, and there were half a dozen syringes planted in his face almost to the barrels. He was in obvious pain-and he was feeding on it. His eyes were bulging and maniacal, his nostrils red and flaring, his lips drawn back so far it almost appeared that he didn't have any.


Jaina brought her lightsaber to high guard and braced her feet, ready for Caedus's attack.


Instead, he deactivated his blade.


"Jaina, listen to me." There was a throaty, gurgling quality to Caedus's voice, and it seemed obvious that the only thing keeping him on his feet was Force energy-a lot of it. "You need to get out of my way. I'm trying to save Tenel Ka and Allana."


"Sure you are," Jaina scoffed. As she spoke, she extended her Force awareness in all directions, trying to figure out why Caedus was stalling when his body was running out of time. "Just like you saved Isolder."


"Isolder would have made the same choice. In fact, he did." Caedus clipped his lightsaber to his belt, a trust-building gesture that might have had some meaning, had he not been a lying Sith murderer. "Jaina, we don't have time for this."


"So die already."


Jaina launched herself into a Force flip, tumbling over the conveyor belt head-down so that she could strike before Caedus had time to unclip and ignite his lightsaber.


Caedus didn't even try. He simply glanced toward the open mouth of the fusion incinerator. In the next instant Jaina felt herself rushing toward its searing heat, and it took all her Force strength to pull herself aside the half meter that saved her life.


But the durasteel into which she slammed was still scorching, and the pain of impact was nothing compared to the sizzling shock of merely contacting the furnace exterior. She dropped to the floor screaming in rage and anguish, her nostrils filled with the stench of singed hair and charred skin, the black GAG utilities still burning on her back.


Then Jaina opened herself fully to the Force, drawing it in through the power of her emotions-not through her anger or pain, as a Sith might, but through her love of what her brother had been:the teenage jokester who could always find hope in a desperate situation, the questioning warrior who had bested the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster in personal combat, the reluctant champion who had shown a galaxy the way to compassionate victory.


The Force came pouring in from all sides, saturating Jaina and devouring her, filling her with a roaring maelstrom of power, carrying away her pain and leaving in its place the strength not only to survive, but to rise and fight.


Caedus was already on the far side of the conveyor belt, pulling the syringes from his face and shoulder while he staggered toward the exit. Jaina used the Force to depress the control pad, and the door closed in his face.


Caedus whirled with fury in his eyes, but Jaina was already bounding over the conveyor belt, her hair still trailing smoke. He splayed his fingers and sprayed Force lightning at her. Jaina caught it on her lightsaber and whirled past, bringing her blade down where Caedus had been an instant before and leaving a long gouge in the door.


Caedus's blade snapped to life beside her, a crimson fan whirling toward her shoulders. She dropped to her haunches and used her free arm to block the Force-driven snap-kick she knew he would launch at her throat.


Ankle met arm with a sharp crack. What looked like an extra joint appeared in the middle of her forearm, then her wrist flopped over Caedus's leg, a useless throbbing thing no longer under her control.


It didn't matter. Jaina was a dead woman if she didn't win this-maybe even if she did win. She whipped her lightsaber around in a high block and deflected the reverse slash Caedus was bringing down toward her neck.


Then she dived forward, whipping her violet lightsaber at his other foot. Caedus sprang away backward, trying to draw both feet out of harm's way at once, and countered by flipping his own weapon around, bringing it up beneath her belly.


Neither blade cut deep, but both did damage. Jaina felt a searing pain across her abdomen, then felt a terrible uncoiling inside her as something she didn't want to think about bulged into the void left by the slashed muscle.


Jaina's blade tapped Caedus behind the boot, touching just long enough to sever the crucial tendon running up the back of the ankle. He landed in an awkward stagger, nearly falling as his foot flapped and flopped without any control.


Jaina came to a knee facing him and knew Caedus was about to die. He had one arm and one good leg, and they were not even on the same side of the body. He could not pivot and he could not retreat. All she needed was to get past his lightsaber and attack the armless side of his body-before she collapsed herself, or he recovered enough to kill her with one last Force blast.


Jaina sprang.


Caedus tried to turn to meet her, but only staggered, his lightsaber falling to his side as though it were a cane. It wasn't, of course, and his momentum kept him stumbling back toward the bright side of the pit, his eyes filled with rage and exhaustion and despair.


Jaina feinted at his head, then began to whirl toward his armless side, bringing her lightsaber around in a flat, high slash that he could not hope to block. It was a sure kill, one that would land even if she died first-which she thought she might, since the attack would leave her completely open to an avenging counterstrike.


But Caedus seemed to know that Jaina had already killed him, and whatever he had in mind, it was not vengeance. When her blade came around, his lightsaber was still hanging at his side. He was staring up toward the ceiling, his gaze fixed somewhere far beyond the murk overhead, and the only attempt he made to save himself was to take one step back into the light spilling from the furnace.


It would not be enough, Jaina knew. She closed her eyes and felt the lightsaber sink in, felt it slicing through his ribs into his chest. And Jaina felt something in the Force, too-something that made her pulse stop and her chest sink and her blood freeze in her veins. Her brother was reaching out to Tenel Ka, screaming at her through the Force, warning her there was danger, urging her to take Allana and:


Then the blade reached Caedus's heart, and he dropped at her feet, and Jaina felt nothing at all.

Source: Legacy of the Force: Invincible


Jaina fights and defeats four Mandalorian commandos simultaneously whilst emerging unhurt, despite the fact that the Mandalorians were trained specifically to combat Jedi:


Jaina charged straight at the Mandos.


She twisted and let a mini rocket pass by no more than three centimeters from her body. it and the other projectiles slammed into walls, floor, and ceiling behind her, causing the floor to rock. A gust of heated air from the explosion overtook her.


And then she was in their midst, int he middle of the pack of Mandos, where they'd have to fire precisely or not at all to avoid harming their fellows. Three of them were rising, unhurt. One of the two still standing drew a short vibrosword, holding it in a reverse grip, and launched himself at her.


She watched the other one who was still on his feet. Sure enough, he used the direct assault as a distraction, waited half a second, and fired at her from what looked like a line-throwing forearm attachment. But what came at her was a flexible projectile that broadened, expanded into a net.


She grabbed at it with the Force, exerting herself against it as if it were a bad idea, and flicked it into the path of the vibrosword wielder. It wrapped around him.


Nor did Jaina let go of it then. She maintained her mental grip on the net and yanked it through one of the holes in the wall. That Mando went flying, and the one who'd cast the net, still attached to it by a line, was hualed off his feet. He went flying after his comrade, the sudden lateral movement causing him to drop his blaster rifle.


Thre left, but the other two were unhurt and would be back in a moment - perhaps with reinforcements.


The three were on their feet now. one turned away from Jaina, facing back down the corridor, and threw up his arm just in time to catch Tyria's descending lightsaber blade on it. The beskar from which his crushgaunt was made withstood the impact of the green energy blade, and he was not wounded. But the crushgaunt was scarred and the sheer force of Tyria's blow drove him back a step.


Jaina spun between the other two, chambering her weapon, ready to kick. One of the two Mandos, a female, wore rocket pack and ignited it, carrying her up and away from Jaina. That was all right; she was not Jaina's original target. Jaina leapt, and her kick took the other commando in the side of the head. It was certainly not powerful enough to damage the beskar, but a lot of kinetic force was transmitted through the helmet, rocking the man's head. He staggered away.


Tyria's lightsaber found an unarmored ***** in her opponent's plating. She drove the blade, point-first, into his inner thigh. He made a strangled noise, took two jerky steps backward, and fell as the smell of burned flesh joined that of explosives residue. But another commando, the one who'd launched the net at Jaina, leapt out from the hole in the wall and swung at Tyria before she could react. His gauntleted fist took her int he jaw. Jaina heard the crack, saw the jaw deform, and suddenly, Tyria was down, unconscious. The odds abruptly went from two against five to one against four. Or three and a half, if the concusssion she was sure she'd given one Mando counted for anything.


There was a new boom from father down the corridor, back toward Apprentice Geffer and the turbolifts. Jaina nodded, comprehending. Another handful of Mandos would be leaving the StealthX hangar the same way these had, using explosives to bypass doors, moving laterally in directions the Jedi wouldn't normally prepare for.


Now the only thing between this second unit of Mandos and the turbolifts was one apprentice. She saw Geffer's desk slide through the intersection, picking up speed, propelled by the boy's use of the Force, and a split second after it vanished from sight down the cross-hall she heard it destroyed by mini rockets. Apprentice Geffer, grimly determined and frightened all at once, stepped out into the intersection, his lightsaber lit.


Jaina swore to herself. She could not retreat to help Geffer. She had to hold here or they'd both be flanked. But the apprentice was no match for experienced Mandos, especially Mandos who had been clearly trained and prepared for conflict with Jedi. She had to hope he'd last a few seconds.


The flying Mando female fired down at Jaina with a blaster pistol. Jaina sidestepped the barrage of shots, making it look clumsy when in fact it wasn't, and launched herself at the commando who had taken Tyria out.




Jaina's battle had gone silent. That was either very good or very bad.


Raynar peeked around the corner. Down the way, walking toward him, carrying Jedi Tainer, was Jaina Solo. Her robes had burn marks but she seemed unhurt.


Source: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash

Jaina fights three Sith sabers at once on a powerful dark side nexus enhancing their performance whilst hindering hers, yet she kills them all without sustaining any injury to herself:


Luke and Jaina were fighting back-to-back. The Sith attacking them had two advantages. One was the fact that they outnumbered the two Jedi. The second was that they were being reinforced by the emanations of the dark side nexus within the temple. It surged forth like psychic sewage, clogging the Jedi's reflexes as it fueled their enemies.




He felt Jaina in the Force, strong and calm, her back to him but not quite touching his. Bonded by blood and the Force itself, they performed a duet of death tot he half dozen Sith pressing in for the attack. They leapt and swung, ducked and kicked in such swift, perfect harmony that an observer might have thought their moves had been choreographed. More than once, an overly confident Saber charged, only to end up slashing at his fellow Sith. In short order two were on the ground, and the odds were now a mere two to one.


Luke could hear the sizzle of lightsabers clashing behind him, only centimeters away, and then the acrid stench of burned flesh and Jaina's blade struck home.




Lost in that piercing gaze, Ben heard, as if from a great distance, the sound of lightsabers being extinguished and he knew that his father and Jaina had won their fights.

Source: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension


Jaina Solo kills two Sith in three seconds, an equivalent time it took for Ben to kill a single Sith:


For a moment, Ben thought that she was just tired from killing two Sith in the three seconds it had taken him to kill one.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse


Combatively, Jaina is said to be the equal of any Jedi in the Order:


On most days, that would have been an easy job for two Jedi Masters and Jaina Solo, who, as Sword of the Jedi, had proven time and again that she was the combat equal of anyone in the Order.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse


Edited by StarSquirrel
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